Now that BTC is at 10k, the Bitconnect ponzi is collapsing. They closed their site and are gonna spend all the money on Thai brides. Grab some popcorn, this is gonna be better than Tron.

Other urls found in this thread:


>This is to inform all community members that we are closing the Bitconnect lending and exchange platform. We are closing the lending operation immediately with the release of all outstanding loans. With release of your entire active loan in the lending wallet we are transferring all your lending wallet balance to your BitConnect wallet balance at 363.62 USD. This rate has been calculated based on last 15 days averages of the closing price registered on You are free to withdraw your BitConnect coin currently in QT wallets that was used for staking as well. We are also closing BCC exchange platform in 5 days. In short, we are closing lending service and exchange service while website will operate for wallet service, news and educational purposes.

they are frantically trying to log in to sell off their soon to be worthless crypto

I mean it's literally a Ponzi scheme. I know people make fun of all off crypto for being "a big Ponzi" but Bitconnect was literally a Ponzi scheme kek. What the hell did they expect?

top fucking kek

they expected to profit before it crashed, just like we all investing in crypto

lets make them cry over at :

let's not.

White Knight faggot, how about we do.

get fucked brainlets

He invested in Bitconnect


How do I short How do I short How do I short How do I short How do I short How do I short How do I short How do I short How do I short How do I short How do I short

you cant, there is not future trading for this bullshit

very few exchanges even trade bitconnect

How big do you think the losses will be? 300-500 million?

That is why you shouldn't invest more than you can afford to lose. What a moron.




>gets fucked in the ass
>goes back on reddit to find out where he can get fucked in the ass again


What the fuck is Bitconnect, why is it a ponzi scheme and what the fuck happened recently

fuck you nigger

This is a glorious day, Stacy literally JUSTED


Stacy just took it in the ass.

>and what the fuck happened recently
Fools and their money were parted.

grow up
also, nypa faggots



top kek, its fun seeing all these normies being scammed but poo man pajeet and the poo crew



SALT is going to be next. GET OUT OF SALT

this will be bad for the overall market

>normies expecting a refund of BCC tokens that have actual value

broke it off in that bitch's ass kek

>who are you going to sell you bbc to retard
I cant breathe



>Thai brides.
F that.. 3 new thai dates per day..


wow, they straight JUSTed this bitch with no fucking mercy


i profited so no loss here, sad to see normies burn. ajahahaahahaha we al warned you fuckers. shame you had to pay the price.

Holy shit


God damn this shit is going to bring regulation. Fuck you BCC

>God damn this shit is going to bring regulation.


coinmarketcap thinks its an outlier! When they realize it, this is going to sink to 0 instantly. Prepare for this biggest red candle you have ever witnessed.

woops gone

holy shit

you want to know the truth? many of these dudes will support bitconnectx and WILL double down. the question here is, will X support bcc tokens? its sad to see this, watch the two niggers advertise the new one though.

Literally the biggest plummet I've ever seen.

not this is perfect timing it wont effect the market more i with Tether follow too it will be so good

WTF, mass normie suicide imminent?

who the fuck is buying bcc at ANY price?

So at 1% daily returns, how long was BitConnect around for?

I wish I took a short position, look at this fucking shit. HOOOOLY FUUUUCK

If they're serious about using BCC in their ICO, the price will go up a bit so it's not unreasonable for a vulture investor to pick up a few on the cheap. Once it's worth pennies, mind you.

Well, now we know why this shit is crashing. The Bitconnect guys are selling all the sweet bitcoins people gave them for basically free and getting the fuck out of here.

i know of morons selling their whole houses for this scam, you bet we gonna see some shit real soon hahaha

the rumor is that the new scam bitconnect x will use the bcc token.

How can they continue operating after a scandal like this?


Are you fucking serious

fucking kek, if someone is so cruel, tell them they can trade BCC/USDT on Binance. You technically wouldn't be lying.

damn that is sad as hell

get rekt libertarian baby


its gonna be funny to watch the pumpers get harassed

greed makes people act stupid its the hard turh, do you think they will stop? no way, X wil have WAY much FUD than the base site.

This is what makes crypto regulated, why do normies ruin everything.

the balls on these people. im honestly impressed

mein seids

I wonder how soon it will be before the people who ran this scam get murdered in particularly vicious ways? They better hope the pigs get to them first unless they like having their families murdered in front of them and being skinned alive.

Not gonna lie I'm almost tempted to buy this.

>You could be a millionnaire in BCC RIGHT FUCKING NOW

This is it. If you buy here you'll be a fucking millionaire in a few years.

solves the normies not living off neetbucks right

All the homeless people that have nothing to lose will certainly get to them first

Did you guys just see that! From 100 to 30 in seconds

I keep refreshing BCC's coinmarketcap page

All within a few minutes. AHAHAHHA IS THIS REAL LIFE

at my job there ways a guy trying to get people to join him into making a group where they all gave him money so that he could have a massive amount in loans he would then give the people who gave him money a little cut back. .... hahahaha i cant wait to see this on thursday.

its over you goob, when X goes live there will be a MASSIVE selloff tanking their new scam before it even starts.

nigga aint no one gonna hold your slimy ass hand

You could buy all CO for the low price of 0$! Guaranteed risk free investmet!

>inb4 "There needs to be a counterparty that buys my shit?"


That's pretty impressive.


My sides are in orbit.
Thank you Kek for giving me a whole year to accumulate. Normies got btfo

IF and only IF X works out you might see fast profit, right now? wait for the price to reach absolute 0 then buy it from trade satoshi for like 20 bucks at the most pls dont buy over 100 dollars of this trash man.



good, the fucking ponzi scam went on for far too long

fuck this might be what gets us regulated.

ignore the FUD
buy the dip or stay poor

Yeah, but for $20 could have a billion of it. If nothing else it'd be a hilarious reminder that you own the net worth of multiple redditor's houses for one 20 dollar bill.

"Where and when can I get assblasted again as soon as possible"

There's no way this is not a troll