The day of reckoning has come.

9 LONG YEARS I have waited for this day, ever since bitcoin was thrust into the public spotlight.

You see? I have researched the shit out of bitcoin. I knew it was a scam. I have a degree in Finance, and I know that a commodity designed to have permanent deflation can never function as a means of exchange. It was obvious this was some scam by the creator, who has been waiting to dump all his worthless bitcoins at the peak of the bubble to become a billionaire at the expense of millions of suckers.

What I did not know is how long the bubble was gonna inflate before bursting.

So I waited.
9 long years.

9 years of seeing normie friends and family without the most basic knowledge of finance pour their entire life savings into little bytes of data, against my advice.

9 long years of seeing them flaunt their meager "earnings" and mock my efforts at studying and actually understanding finance.

9 long years of seeing mouth breathing idiots buying into a classic asset bubble, think themselves financial geniuses for their folly.

Well, the day of reckoning has come fuckers. You should have listened. And this is only the beginning.

I will sit back and enjoy watching your earnings dissappear into nothing.

You should have listened.

You should have known wealth creation cannot happen without a real-world, productive activity behind it.

You bought little electronic bits and bytes, trinkets, the snake oil of our generation.

And you've lost.

Other urls found in this thread:

lol shut the fuck up no one cares about you kys

didn't read
stay poor


> Yes, I froze his sepa transfer. I know its not your job. Just do it.

lol the guy will wait another 9 years when after a few months BTC hits 25k, fuck you FIAT fag

holy shit a literal retard
glad you here cuckbutt

op's a fagot

The creator of bitcoin is dead

I have $1.4 million USD in assets.
How much do your shitty bitcoin savings amount to? Current value please, kiddo.

You're going to post this again in January 2019 aren't you?


Preatty sad and pathetic desu, hoping for people losses. Well in the end you are the fag who will lose in the end, you and your fucking money made of paper

hmm i have 423MM USD suck a d and kys faggot norman

>You see? I have researched the shit out of bitcoin. I knew it was a scam. I have a degree in Finance, and I know that a commodity designed to have permanent deflation can never function as a means of exchange.

Ahahaha, you fucking idiot. BTC is not the means of exchange coin anymore. BTC is now the store of wealth coin.

what if your friends sold before the crash and basically just had a better life than you?

Paper that you can exchange for goods and services anywhere at stable prices and use for real investing

so you waited 9 years to write this when 1 btc = 11k$

iam fine with 11k$. it was 1k$ last year in jan

No, you're a little kid. Otherwise you would have made this post jan 2014. When an actual crash happened and you would not make a fuss of the Total marketcap going back to the level of dec 2017. Bye.

Let's see who really got the get

Yet you are here shitposting. Tragic.

That's not actually a lot, my dude.

So you admit it's not a currency? (Its stated purpose).

Then it's worthless. An inferior store of value compared to commodities like gold or wheat, yet somehow it's worth more.

The market is just correcting to price in this reality.

You realize if you bought 9 years ago, even if you didn't sell at the top, you'd still be killing it, right?

drink bleach and stay poor

Why didn't you listen? We warned you, you could have avoided this.

Let me get this straight
You watched bitcoin when it was worth pennies
You watched bitcoin when it was worth dollars
You watched bitcoin when it was worth tens of dollars
You waited that whole time
Just for this moment that you could laugh at those who bought bitcoin?

OP forgets that BTC has corrected over 50% multiple times in it's history.

>yea but this time is different!

kys weak handed, and nocoiners

Let's see if we can outsmart this guy by counting to 10. I'lll start:


>a crop that can spoil as a store of value

thanks for confirming you're retardedness, you can pack up this thread now


>meager "earnings"
You're funny. Even if bitcoin fell to 1000 I'd still be in the green. Stay buttmad.

>while you cashed out 100k earned from hodling... i studied the finance... and now you have the audacity to come to me for help?

That’s it?

>the absolute state of nocoiners
KEK. Some master of finance and you don't even have the foresight to 1000x your measly $1mm even after crying on the sidelines. Seriously, stay poor.


While all of that happened, I made a killing on futures. (Oil, gold, wheat, soybeans, platinum, gas)
A much safer bet. But actually hard work since you have to research the market fundamentals and follow what happens.

Meanwhile Bitcoin's fall will continue.

Finance professional here. I knew it too. It's been truly fascinating watching this bubble grow and pop in real time. The madness of crowds....

ayyy, I remember this meme from years back


Good god you sound like the world's biggest faggot. Do you talk as homo as you type?

Futures are for retards.

You would have made more money with less risk on Cryptos.

tldr nocoiner salty that I've cashed out more money that he will earn in his entiry fucking life


Sounds like it will be the new federal reserve of future money once the central banks die.

>I watched an asset increase 10,000x in value and laughed at people instead of buying in
>Those people are the idiots by the way
Imagine being simultaneously this smug AND this dumb


>degree in Finance
kek finance degrees are for retards
try maths, stats, physics if you want to make it on the stock market

Actually you still lose and are not right until the price goes below what the price was 9 years ago.

i second this comment

+kys op fcking wage cuck

i've already cashed out more than you will have in your entire liftime

If you were THIS smart you would've bought 9 years ago knowing the price would increase insanely fucking retard you litteraly know 0 of finance

ITT OP thinks he is smug for being a nocoiner
"what's forex?"


You won't be laughing when it hits $100 USD.

Stay comfy, wait for the rally. Sucker.

While I enjoyed reading this and also enjoy schadenfreude, if you bought BTC 9 years ago you'd be up on your a lot.

Lol, my dick is still harder, bigger and actually makes girls cum. Limp dick faggot.

>I know that a commodity designed to have permanent deflation can never function as a means of exchange

What are you on about idiot?


No wonder after spending 9 years watching, you are still unemployed

nice larp op

What makes you think it will even go that low?

Besides, plently of people have already cashed out 10x your lifetime earnings and already retired. You could have been one of them, but you chased the imaginary financial markets instead.

I really hope you're larping, because if you aren't it's pathetically sad that you're posting this shit on an imageboard. Even with $1mil you are worthless.

"What's Forex?"
"What are derivates?"
you don't know what you're talking about

so if you knew all about this you bought when it was nothing and sold when it was at like 20k right?

>still 25x my initial investment if I cash out now
>already cashed out half
What now, nocoiner?

But user, you know bitcoin is still worth 9k? Anyone who bought before September can sell for huge profit? I personally cashed out 300k today on my 4K investment.

unironically pathetic..

You Betta Shut yo Ass Up!

I have been mining Bitcoin Since 2014!!
So Suck My Dick!

9 years ago the price was $0.05. Today its $11,000. Reading your smugness I know you have ZERO CLUE how STUPID you sound

Neck yourself no coiner nigger

He said 1.4 mil in assets, probably counting 2 houses he has mortgage'd to the tits and vehicles.

Great thread

How about thousand of thousands who cashed their x10000 during this 9 years? Lol, retard knew about crypto 9 years ago and did not earn a cent. Now disclousing his retardness in public, my Lord.

He was too busy studying

based gekko


Man, you missed out on huge gains by being a stubborn pedant.

I mean you really fucked up.


But have you had fun?

This last year on Veeky Forums has seen this board actually grow into a thriving community that keeps bringing us back.

There has been countless laughs and memes as we essentially roll the dice with monopoly money.

We've been gaining and losing fortunes most of us aren't sure we'll ever be able to cash out.

While you sat there smugly looking at your framed degree in finance and planning how this year when you go to that Florida shithole again you’ll go to a slightly fancier hotel we've dreamed of drag racing lambos, penthouse apartments, and railing endless fat lines of white gold off the big booties of 10/10 Colombian whores.

We've been having fun user, have you?

LOL best reply

he doesn't have a degree in finance he is a larping faggot
forex and derivates are 100% worse than crypto but he is still bitching about crypto


Cryptos are only slowing because the Chinese and Koreans are being assholes. The finance minister of Korea especially was being an asshole. "We may be looking at closing crypto exchanges, but maybe not." Can you imagine fi the government said "We may be looking at closing stock exchanges." This is fucking ridiculously. The bubble isn't popping, people are clamping down in it.

I also love how they say that this level of speculation isn't healthy when stocks are grossly over inflated. But no, that's OK because it's limited to the small number of people with access to that stuff.

HEY, YOU Trailer Park Inbreed-Bitch!
BTC will go mainstream!
New World Order! One World Currency!
You can Either Fight it or Go along with it and get rich!
Lighting Network: BTC =1,000,000
The Future! :P

And that's without even mentioned the level of housing speculation and loose credit that caused the 08 crash.


>imaginary monopoly money
>less risk

Let me get this straight, you were researching bitcoin 9 years ago and didn't have the foresight to put at least a couple hundred bucks in it? Are you retarded?

I don't have a degree in Finance but all you said sounds obvious to me. It's the first thing I thought about when I heard about bitcoin. Maybe I have good intuition

>I have a degree in Finance
So does every boat shoe wearing faggot riding their dads dick all the way to the bank lmao. The Gordon Gekko larp you kids who get your dad to set up an investment account when you're 19 is fucking pitiful

What kind of retarded mongoloid wastes their time making a thread as shitty as this one?

It's better than the risky trading that was happening right before the 08 crash where people basically bet on people paying off their houses. At least some cryptos have ideas behind them.

You waited 9 years just to say you where right? That sounds really sad. I'll bet you that at the end of the year the entire market will have recovered and set new ath's.

BTC is also not a means of exchange anymore, it's interesting for Finance related workers because it has no correlation with the stock, real estate, bonds or PM's. So it's good for hedging once it becomes more stable. It's also a good store of wealth looking towards the future. You sound like you have no clue what you are talking about desu

>You should have known wealth creation cannot happen without a real-world, productive activity behind it.
Are you seriously invoking labor theory of value right now?
what a brainlet

confirmed OP sucks his bosses dick on a daily basis

Everyone has access to stocks retard, and those businesses create value instead of wasting electricity for nothing

>I have a degree in Finance

stopped reading right there, get out of here with your kike shit

You are right. Any internet money that is not designed from the beginning to not be inflationist or deflationist has no reason to exist, because it literally can not work as a currency.


You're kidding right? Try getting access to the stocks of companies that get publicly listed. And that's without even mentioning the different tiers of stocks.

I mean yeah you can buy some, but you don't have real access where it matters. And you also have to consider that the insiders have algos worth millions that do the trading for them.

die faggot

>I have researched the shit out of bitcoin.
>I have a degree in Finance,
You have no idea what research looks like.

That's literally pocket change to me now. I make that in less than a year by doing nothing. Sorry nocoiner, a little 40% dip isn't going to stop me when I've already made enough money to buy your entire family and put them in chains to be shipped off to the UAE 20 times over.

If you were half as smart as you think you are, you would have made hundreds of millions off bitcoin. But you're not, because you're a dumb nocoiner and I'm just smarter, better, and 10 steps ahead of you financially.