Who /survived the great crypto scare of 2018/ here?
Who /survived the great crypto scare of 2018/ here?
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>Veeky Forums is too retarded to buy the cheap coins from the panic sellers
I lost 250 XLM and 80 REQ because I tried to "buy the dip" and the instant I sold the market started recovering. Not joking. I fucking hate this bullshit.
I was working through it yesterday and today, so I'm just letting it ride. If the crashes goes on for a few days, I might think of putting more money in, but I think it still has the potential to go much lower (yeah, I'm also aware it's possible it goes to zero, I just don't think it will).
Sold, bought back in, sold out. Lost about 70% on top of the dip.
I bought a shit load more coins today.
Gonna be eating spaghetti-os for a week.
Cheap is relative. Buying now and have them half in value again today would suck. I used most of my safe holds to 'buy the cheap coins from the panic sellers' a few days ago. It didn't turn out so well.
Don't try to time the market retard. You'll never buy it at the absolute dip unless you're lucky af. Wait until it starts going up again, then buy.
Like an idiot, I put 20% of my link holdings into tether when link was at 60 cents. I have a shit computer so I could never load the binance page once I did that. Had to use a friend's computer... By the time I went back, I got less eth, link had spiked, so I put it all in ICX. I'm pretty sure I lost some fucking money in there somewhere. I suck at this so bad. Never trying to "make moves" again...
Yessir. That wasn't too terrible, although I expect a series of aftershocks before it's completely out of the weeds.
Fuck you
I sold my NEO yesterday to do the same, but everything crashed afterwards :^) wew lads Bought the mariana trench today tho so I'm comfy.
It's ok senpai were in the same boat. I absolutely feel your pain. No wonder they say hodl.
Spoofy just saved our asses with 350 m tethers against wallstreet...hope you all know this...
Held and bought more. Fuck the whole world nigga this is a game now
Held onto my coins, I'm in ICX and ETH mostly so panic never set in. I leave the shitcoins to Veeky Forums This was my first crash/correction and it was mild enough. I just wish I had more money to invest to buy this major sale tbqhwyf.
not the end
I overall I am still up from my initial investment a months ago. Basically back to square one, really sucks that I wasn't aware of this scheduled January crash.
It's like a steam summer sale!
Diamond hands here. Might even be a dead cat bounce, I don't give a fuck.
My portfolio's value won't change anything for me, but if I can multiply it by 100 I'll finally be free.
NEET life or bust.
Daytraded my PRL from 6350 -> 10k. These bleeding altcoins are gonna go x2-x3 ez soon. PRL wont even hit ATH then.
I can't not survive because I wasn't an absolute retard and pulled profit.
All my crypto could got to absolute $0 and I would still have won, despite people saying "I told you so," people who I've still made more money in crypto then they make a year.
And this crash is a crash, and it might take a while to recover but it will because crypto is the future. I will never sell my crypto now because there is no risk now that I took 3x my initial investment out.
kucoin altcoins*
Bought 500 euros worth of eth at 820 euros.
Happens about 6 times a year with varying size. Last Jan was bad, and June, and post August if you had a portfolio leaning alt heavy. Just wait, time recovers all gains.
This right here. I'm still up some money. Managed to get through with some dank ass loud my bro hooked me up with.
The next question is what do I buy next? Might load up on some more ADA.
>Volume (24h): $18,857,000,000 USD
Is it over?
>everything still in red
>h-heh, w-we survived guys!
The ride is just beginning
I bought a fuck ton of ETH at the absolute bottom of the crash so far. Should I have gotten Bitcoin instead?
Long term hodlers are used to these movements. There have been several of these dumps in the past.
If these chinks want to abandon bitcoin and become the slave class in the future than so be it.
Win or bust. My sentiments too.
dude we got about 3 more days of this. BTC will be at 8k. let me guess, this is your first January here, huh?
okay, take it from an oldfag. sell at the top of this bounce, buy back in 3 or 4 days, once we hit the bottom. you'll know because it will flatline.
I bought a T H I C XLM and LINK bag. Now I HODL.
Naw your straight
my strong hands didnt even flinch. picked up some XLM at a discount and got rid of my TRON bags...comfy.
no, retard
you are gonna make it, not
i did
i wish i had the balls to daytrade but i held through the entire crash, mainly because i was too scared to check portfolio so i cant lose something i dont know the value of
We were all 12 once. Just ask your parents for another $50.
You can get raped trying that shit. You're good.
i got blasted. crypto noob here.
tethered up too late, bought back in too late. many lessons learned. i'll make it all back but im -20% into my initial investment. knocked down but not out.
im gonna have a drink.
Same. I just want financial freedom. I refuse to be tied down to the shackles of debt, and crypto is the light to our plight.
>mfw I bought the dip
>bitcoin woke up from consolidation mode
>the rollercoaster is starting again
>ethereum also shaking up
Take me where ever u want bruh, inma hodl u comfily
Fkn 2k18/plebbiz/
I converted my stack into BTC/ETH/USDT when yall were going crazy bout dat binance airdrop-coin tron and stuff. When cripplets were euphoric at 3$s about 5$, and actually visible about “overthrowing the king”. I knew masses of fresh untested hands arrived.
But don’t miss out on this btc/eth run. You still got a chance at buying low
>great crypto scare
>selling between jan 10th and jan 30th
Yup, just bought 10000 BCC of off some weak handed cuck for $2 a piece when they're trading at ~$7.
bought trx. figured out it was shit. sold at the top. fuck all you trx holders. do research and read the god damn white paper.
Survivor here.
uh do you guys really think this is over? This is just the beginning my friends
Nigga it's only been 16 days into 2018. These crashes barely last 24 hours, Eth as already back to -15%, few more hours and it will be back to green. Didn't even have enough time to open a new position.
Don't cry it was your first time. You will become one of us soon enough Norman. Next time go for a walk.
this guy. I'd call it luck, but it wasn't. Ahead of the shills and dyor. Fuck you dumbass crybaby nubiz faggots! Seriously though, some of u guys are aight. XRP and TRX fags btfo though, and deservedly so.
Im like 50% VEN and 25% NEO and 25% ETH I think 2018 will be the year of the platforms. So I did okay. Thank you VEN BROS!
My long position got liquidated, and I lost 400 bucks.
However, I have opened a long at the bottom. Already would recover $200, if I close now.
kek get ready, back to 700
Buy it on the dead cat bounce, yeah great...
then sell again. Its ok to take a few losses if you eventually get the meat of a massive movement.
is everyone in this post trolling? this market slide is going to go on for weeks and weeks before it starts crawling back. get off your computer, forget about crypto for a while and go outside. if you can't stomach that sell your shit and move on with your life
no user. Veeky Forums really is that dense
right. tho I only need to, like 8-10x. Then I'll put that into a more stable investment, and supplement my regular income.
hell no
Never even flinched. Holding 3200 ICX and 40 ZCL.
Im deeply looking forward for this ZCL BTCP moon
I bought a shitload of MOD
relax newfag
I didn't even try to short on anything. I just let it ride. Iron hands survived. Sucks having to wait to buy more.
The crash isn't over. There's no new money coming. The mainstream media only covers the crashes now...they won't say positive things about crypto until BTC hits a new ATH.
All a "bubble" is pricing higher than actual value, and that typically happens due to a hype feedback loop... Growth = media = more growth = more media.
That cycle is done. Look at Google Trends.
If the market hit $1 Trillion, it had a chance to push higher on a new wave of hype. But the exchanges couldn't scale fast enough and normie money got locked out and slowed the growth.
CMC changed there methodology and dipped the market $30B in one minute. Asia panicked. We followed suit.
It''s done now.
Bull traps for a few more days, with slides to follow.
Most of the coins are literally worthless. Blockchain is the novel tech that comes out of this, and that's not tied to the coins anyway.
This is baseball cards for adults.
I was kinda bummed because I didn't get the time to try and accumulate during this dip but after this thread I feel much better now.
Nothing wrong with that, I did the same. I'm sure plenty of people dumped, and fucked themselves in the process.
Most of the world isn’t paying attention to Amerilard media, Amerilards included (especially the generation with enough understanding to purchase it) and even if they did it’s irrelevant because the pumps will speak for themselves
Being poor and not having clairvoyance fucking sucks. There was so much shit I wanted to buy today but couldn't. Least I got to double my stack of VEN in the meantime.
Crypto is a tiny world. The new normy money came from US headlines about BTC ATHs, then post Thanksgiving and Xmas and Jan 1 bumps.
It'll keep bleeding.
Because the tiny world of crypto is full of idiots, echo chambers and HODL memes.
The year only started, my gut says we'll see something much bigger than this.
Normies absolutely pay attention to the media. While I agree with you partially, msnbc has been raging on bitcoin all day, saying it’s too volatile and essentially worth nothing. This is definitely differing at least some investors. And the ones with real money are probably people watching the msnbc fud vs chads who buy in with 1k
literally emptied my bank during the january steam sale
>he thinks it's over
>love dat ruuuuuuuushhhhhh