I'm all in link right now

I'm all in link right now.

This will either make or break me.

Me too, user. Moved the last of extra fiat and other coins/tokens into LINK today during the crash. I believe.

I just want to fucking believe

2k link marine here, i just want to make enough to pay off my dads debt before he dies

All my faith is in link right now

Have exactly 800 LINK, EOY predication is 1000 USD.

Same here user, 7.5k Sergeys all in

Where user where do you get this info i just want to fucking belieevvveee

I'm waiting for a transfer to binance to scoop up another small bag. Bucking for sergeant. Fuck I'm hyped.

youll make it marine, hold and be patient

Who /notsellinguntil2020/ here?

shoo shoo stinky linkies. Shit's going to 0. Sergey has absconded with your gains.

How will the market recover during the coming 2 weeks? I'm looking at putting $2000 into LINK. I already bought as much as I could today.

10k here. We will be rewarded for our patience

very nice

The same whale who bought 500k LINK at 60 cents this morning, is now using his whole stack to keep the price down on Binance.

each and every one of you is a shining star

don't ever forget it

17k second lieutenant, reporting in. Had 10k before the crash

Dips, don't matter, crashes don't matter, whale manipulation doesn't matter. In the ChainLink timeline there is only a small period where ChainLink will ever be cheap. People coming into crypto in 5 years will look at ChainLink and think "Fuck, imagine if I'd just known about crypto in 2018! ChainLink tokens were a DOLLAR!" In the same way we talk about $3 Monero and $5 ETH.
Once ChainLink launches it's never coming back. Your only job over the next 6 months is to get as much as you can.

Truly the White Man's token. Pajeets and niggers literally cannot comprehend the value.

how are linkies this delusional


just bought 1488k

>Is a nigger mong with 10k bigmac tokens

I've already infiltrated your ranks

Why Link though?
Whats different between hodling link and other coins? Is it solely development?
Somebody sell it to me so I can go in big.

You linkies digust me. You're so deluded you don't realize that link is nothing more than a simple Jason Parser that could be written in javascript in a few minutes. it doesn't even need a token. Speaking of tokens, link being more than $1 defeats the entire fucking purpose of the coin. How can you be this oblivious?

What real world use does link even have? Have you ever thought beyond the memes and the charts and really considered it? Nobody uses smart contracts because nobody wants to get involved in white supremacist internet funny money. Banks aren't going to adopt it because they make money off of things taking forever, and normies don't know any better.

And that's not even talking about the 'team', which is literally two people. They haven't even hired anyone. Did you miss all of the reports of Sergey fucking prostitutes and eating cheeseburgers after the ICO was finished? Hope you got your $32MM worth, retards.

This is also all completely ignoring the fact that link is just an ERC20 token. What other token has made it past, say, $2? Can you name a single one? Exactly, no, you cant.

Even Vitalik says it's not worth $32MM. Are you going to disagree with the autistic genius money skelly? Of course he understands the value of oracles, that's why he's going to include it in the next ETH update (cap this). Why the fuck would he leave something like this to a no-name shitcoin? Use your fucking brain manlets.

This is also all completely ignoring the fact that Ripple (XRP) will effectively put bank supercomputers in every major city, completely removing any use LINK ever may have had. If you believe in oracles, great, why not pick a project that has an actual fucking future?

OH LOOK, IT'S CRASHING AGAIN, SURPRISE. Fucking deluded stinky linkies.

Do some fucking research retard or stay out of our ranks. The last thing we need is uninformed weak handed pajeets who cry because no instant gains and panic sell because their shit covered hands are too slippery to hold on for a day.

You will sell at 5 dollars and buy crack.

>Jason Parser

The reason LINK is so cheap right now is because the founders are working closely with major institutions. They're keeping the price artificially low by being as quiet as possible and not attracting public attention. An absurdly low price means more large institutions buy in, which in turn means it becomes the industry standard.

You weren't supposed to even know about LINK.


The decision to do no marketing has created such a powder keg that when a major partnership/adoption/deployment is announced it truly will be a parabolic shot to andromeda