We're headed back up boys. Get in now while it's still under 10 cents. It's literally free money if you get in before February, you want to accumulate as much as you can now. We won't be seeing these prices again.
We're headed back up boys. Get in now while it's still under 10 cents...
Im 100% in unironically
Bought a few thousands at 0.01856.
My favourite project and mass of my portfolio
Actually bought the dip, ready to have FUN
what a shame! if u want a real gambling token look at etheroll. the price vs eth didnt even move in this crypto crash. the whole price is pegged in eth, since dividends are in eth and gambling is in eth. atm the bankroll is 1k negative. thus the tokens are selling at all time low. anyone thats in for the long run. this is the best time there ever was to buy etheroll dice. watch in a year or two? ill live off dividends
got hit hard but going back up. putting all future paychecks into this
Glad to hear it user, so did I. I think I'm gonna get a hot pink lambo in honor of the coin that made my millions
Wanted to buy more, what a shame, well at least I have 100k fun to make me happy
nobody gives a fuck about rolling dice this ain't the Roman Republic motherfucker
we want blackjack and roulette (and hopefully soon poker)
just bought 1.942k!
>buying shitcoins = gambling
>gambling = stupid
>FUN = shitcoin for gambling
>FUN = stupid ^ 2
fucking idiots.
daily reminder they were selling like 150 FUN for 1 USD in 2017. About half a million coins redistributed to early investors for pennies. Now they want to dump their bags on your head. Dont get fooled
Same desu 28k only tho
Pajeets OUT
500k coins is like 50k you mong,
Oh no 50k$ dump incoming!
i wish it would stay down until payday. i need more FUN!
Went all in at 674. I haven't felt this comfy since the ants started marching.
Strange how things work out. Everything went to shit and i hopped on ETH and now I was was about to buy even more FUN than I had originally.
Rundown on why you need to chill, DYOR, and just wait:
Feb 8th ICE - being shilled to casinos
Late Q1 - early/mid Q2 - casinos can use the tech
Any other pumps are just a bonus.
If you actually follow marketcap in crypto like a moron and require the maths to add up to buy in, it's a $5B marketcap for $1 FUN. Online gambling is $60B, which doesn't include the online gambling options like CSGO, and it definitely doesn't include the people who refuse to gamble when something isn't provably fair. Gambling (not online) is over $240B in the US /alone/, ie. no Asia.
Remember that ICE has over 15k people on average, and over 8.5k of those are representatives of gaming and gambling companies. Literally all it takes is one major casino to buy in early to get as many coins as possible before they raise in price, and they alone will pump us up to $1. It only takes one small casino + investors who react to the news. It only takes Asians even fucking learning about it. Even $10 is proven achievable with the current marketcap, and when coins start getting burned from being used, it'll be that much easier to hit those kinds of highs.
Casinos also have additional reason to purchase the coin in the form of dividends, as they can loan FUN to other casinos for guaranteed returns through contracts. This means they can buy as much as they want as soon as possible (ie. the second ICE hits us), and they'll never be at risk of being unable to use some of the coins they've purchased for a few years, as they can just loan the excess to other people. Also, I keep saying 'casinos', but literally any random shitter with a bar can now have online gambling as an option with FUN. This is a huge selling point for Asians as well, due to their internet cafes being able to get in on it.
Finally, the team is likely the best team in all of crypto (look up their background), they'll almost double their employees to 50 soon, have connections to casinos, and have no real competitors.
TL;DR Chill out
FUN is a high risk, high reward project. It's finTech, which is about to try and move into the adoption stage of it's lifecycle. There is nothing else on the market like this project. It is not something for weak hands.
wtf 1m green candle went from 65 cents to 99 cents.
TFW you go to casinos and see the hoards of mindless zombies playing scam machines. As if that outing was the highlight of their life. Artificial highs are illegal and people need their fix. Multi generations of candy crush addicts want to move through the gateway.
comfy 5k here
bought at 3 times at .08 - .1
>Bought 50% ATH
If all ICE does is bring it back to $0.18 I'm gonna be the pinkest little wojack.
That was idiotic, it fluctuated well below that all the time even before the market crashed.
Currently down 50% on 6500 FUN.
>tfw can’t buy more unless I sell some ETH for it
Im probably going to pick up some FUN once in the coming weeks when btc stabilizes more
Bought 6k on the dip, good day boys.
>Whale accumulating 500k at 0.00007750 ETH
Found our new current bottom.
Based Whale
thanks, will pick it up under 5 cents
If it feel to mid 6 cents during the worst market crash in a while what would make you think it would go to 5 on recovery?
YEAH I bought in the ICO like a fucking idiot, whatever ETH was worth at the time I got 127 ICE for like .75 ETH
what would make you think it is headed to the moon?
two different opinions make a market.
>127 ICE
a real recovery aint happening til feb bud
>Unironically best team
>CEO with experience in online gambling and helped create motherfucking Starfox. Also a fucking knight.
>Former high level William Hill Exec on board
>Uncontested for market share in online gambling
>Way more games than competition
>Untapped market
>True circulation will be much lower with adoption by casinos and players buying FUN to gamble + token burn
user, have you even done your research?
and yet we are here, neck deep in the shit, aren't we? i am betting that we are headed lower.
Please user, share with the class what we should be buying then?
i am not your financial advisor, dyor faggot
How the fuck do I even buy this shit
Are you a retarded?
Nice, same
The same way you buy every other coin in existence
with a satanic ritual in full moon days meme
lol online gambling?
are you fucking serious?
this is about as revolutionary as chips in vegas instead of real money, or fucking video poker.
ffs this is a shitcoin, 10 billion supply cap you people are idiots. Buy coss.
450k here does that make me a dolphin or what
how these idiots don't have VEN and ICX is beyond me. Those two coins are tanks and didn't flinch during crash
You street shitting pajeets have shilled this coin too long. I even fell for the trap and invested 10% of my port in it. It has done nothing but shit, it cannot hold a stable moon.
shitcoin confirmed, please pump this coin so i can dump on your goofy asses.
It has a 4 billion circulating supply, pajeet.
>from 12 to 7 dollars
>didn't flinch
lamo @ ur life funlet
I bought the dip but with eth, doesn't that mean I lost money because eth was 900 then and its 1000 now?
u r all a retart
buy DBC
cheap AF
screen cap this
thank me later
i think you're in the wrong thread, the deluded dbc faggotry threat is two blocks down.
We are fun marines here only
FUN is also good, just shamelessly shilling DBC for my Veeky Forums negros
A lot of other coins I could mention but I think DBC is one of the most rewarding
I bought a lot of shitcoins during the crash
I'm basically entitled to make it lmao
I was all in FUN and TRX if that makes you feel better. (-75% or some shit)
Market decides the rate for trading pairs. So do the math.
I bought in last night when it was at 8, should have waited and bought at 5
You realize Jez San (CEO Funfair) is a major investor for DBC right?
Whether that means he owns DBC coins or not is another thing.
>inb4 hurr durr even your funfair ceo is on dbc train get in faggots
Invest in both FUN and DBC, friend!
Uuuugh im getting rekt holding this shit
Everyone is getting rekt holding everything.
FUN > Ripple