Be operators of ponzi scheme like Bitconnect

>Be operators of ponzi scheme like Bitconnect
>Close site and announce it's all over
>Watch coin price plummet while you make off with billions
>Buy billions worth of the coin at the bottom as people sell it
>Announce everything was fine and your site is reopening
>Watch your billions go 100x in price in a few days
>Sell at top without crashing the market over a week or so
>Close Ponzi scheme again

Is there any reason they wouldn't do this?

I know the joke is supposed to be edgy but I can't even laugh at that man. Feel like I would have been able to when I used to browse /b/, when I was 16. But now I see this dead girl and the comment just makes me mad.

Literally happened to Confido.

Because they already made bank and they are now running away as fast as they can

Probably not even worth the trouble to reopen. They're moving to Costa Rica never to be heard from again

no confido is still dead

story behind pic?

ignore the fucking picture newfag

Is she actually dead though
Can't trust the Internet nowadays

It 50x ed from 1 cent to 50 cents upon speculation that people could "redeem" their ICO dollar amount. Basically the same thing as OP described.

What the fuck that image...

I dont come to biz to see gore and dead little girls you sick fuck

was there a shooting or something, i dont keep with the news anymore cause of crypto kek. but the picture is just dumb edgy shit , not even remotely funny

Go back to readdit you shits you don't belong on Veeky Forums.

Then head on back to redddit or just close your eyes and walk away

jesus christ can we just make it mandatory that all newfags have to lurk and post on /b/ for at least 6 months before they can access any sites

Keep the shit off blue boards faggot
This image comes from pol

no OP said IF bitconnect would re open and say "haha just kidding everythings fine"
confido was just some pump from that the fuck ever

Nigger it's your thread lol maybe post a relevant pic next time if you want to keep the discussion on track lmao. It's like posting big boobies and getting upset when people ask for sauce

Girl fell from second floor at the mall or something and black people made fun of her pants on the internet so /pol/ screencapped the comments to get people angry at them
Thats the jist of it

You are an asshole.


what happened to her?

Fucking not funny for this little girl and the familly.
I Know it's Veeky Forums, but we are Veeky Forumsmen, not /b/astard.
I'm not here for gore. Fuck this you mad me

Dude shit like ops image is reddit incarnate
Its not 2006 anymore you gay cunt

shes not even dead bro, she just lost her virginity. Its just hymen blood

Fuck niggers.
Niggers need to be eradicated. And you need to go back to plebbit.

Niggers beat her to death for browsing reddit and being white.

Fuck off back to plebbit or lurk moar, newfaggots.

>fuck this you mad me
Pajeet or phoneposter. Either way see

Hehe well, I'm sad for the girl, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying a good pun.

Before I opened this pic I honestly was expecting kiddie porn.
Probably because I've been on /tv/ more than /pol/ recently so more porn to gore ratio is 3:1.

Nerve gas attack inside a mall

>haha what a newfag he doesnt even like looking at gore

You idiots are so new that you dont realize true oldfags have already grown out of their edgy /b/ phase years ago

You need to pic related yourselves.

seems like you cared enough to reply to my post :')
thanks for the (You) brainlet

no nipples, no pussy means it fits the blue board

you can even post people having sex as long as no genitalia and nipples are shown, the more so some girl corpse on the floor

epic xD!

Пaжит AND фoнпocтep fatty pretentious kid

>le edgy poltard XD

Not from plebbit. Just don't like this part of this community. Be edgy if you want to tho. Gets old at 20 unless you are a fuck up.

Holy christ kill yourself you retarded fucking aspy only the biggest niggers of society thought we were ever just being EDGY XD