>Year 2020, China bans all crypto except for Vechain
>Price per token 2000$
>Jim Breyer and Sunny Lee became the wealthiest men alive
>People buying early don't have to work anymore
>No one remembers what Bitcoin was.
>Year 2020, China bans all crypto except for Vechain
>Price per token 2000$
>Jim Breyer and Sunny Lee became the wealthiest men alive
>People buying early don't have to work anymore
>No one remembers what Bitcoin was.
Can't wait.
One is true, bitcoin is going to fall in future, but now It will go for a bull run.
all in
How much does that faggot pay you faggots to spam his shitty chink coin? I want in as well
Not OP but 20,000 dollars a month plus health benefits.
Sunny should't have gone so mental smashing things up like that, no wonder he got arrested. glad i dumped my share, not working with that lunatic again.
so hot
My levels of jelly that I am feeling right now are truly unprecented. God dam
Ven holder in the last 48 hours have been comfy AS FUCK poor saltie walties.......
My older brother
nigga we goin parabolic U NAWM SAYIN DAWG
yall shopping this?
no, I just have the same investment plan as him.
Rip you my brother. You should’ve listened to all the “go all in on ven” Bros in the past few weeks. Should’ve done your research. We all comfy
I am a poorfag
I think you made a great choice IMO
I got in on Ven at 0.40, bought again at 0.90, and bought the recent dip at like 5. Total amount of Ven I hold is around 115 lmao
I didn't get in until 1.80 and even I have 35k lol...
Good choices my brother. Still a poorfag but one day maybe you’ll be a richfag
>bought at 0.4 and only holds 115
what the fuck , are you living on pajeet wages?
I got 2k at 2.8 and didnt even cost me much
Already all in.
Got 6.5k gonna keep accumulating all the way up. Am I gonna make it anons
lol if i could afford to buy that much Ven I would probably not even get involved in this
Def not gonna 'make it' so to speak but hey, I invest in projects I believe and make some extra money. Why not?
Only recently got a 'real job' at 26. I work in a trading company, not a bad wage, but I started in October and I didn't have any savings, so...
I was thinking about buying the dip now, still debating it.
good luck bro , you'' make it
>tfw 50 VENlet
i also hold 200 linkies im not selling and 1.5 ZCL
hoping for a huge zcl moon to sell and buy more VEN
thx brah
If talking about Ven, buy it
I need more money in Crypto, ill be buying in with fiat. im not giving up my ICX till after mainnet launch
VEN/ICX best combo. I sold much of my VEN for ICX today since the price ratio was so low and I'm trying to accumulate before ICX's announcement, but I think I might have fucked up...
Oh I just realized who you are in this thread, no, I think you are comfy af don't need to buy more. Maybe diversify a little.
eh i just bought a little more. Prices are too tempting to not at least buy a little
I would really want to get some more VEN but don't want to dump my REQ.
Godamnit, I only have 550.
There will be more opportunities in the future bro. Just focus on increasing the size of your stack, so you can get in earlier next time.
Ven is going sideways till end feb.
Honestly, I think VEN is a little overpriced relative to the rest of the market right now since it got hit a lot less hard than the rest of the market. Other coins should gain more value so I would recommend waiting a day or two to get a better deal. You shouldn't miss much.
>goddamn I only have 550k two years from now
That is how silly you sound. Just hold.
Thats not how you determine if something is overpriced. Its more like Ven outperformed the rest of the market, definitely doesnt make it overpriced. If anything it shows how undervalued it is because of the buy pressure
>be a retard and believe there is only one country on earth
Pls be true