Shit's getting real out here lads
Post Link idiot!!
Fake as fuck.
someone tweet this to him
He was live-streaming a few hours ago. Fake.
true if big
that is one ugly nigger
Someone gonna kill that nigga
made me look u bitch
holy absolute mother of all fucks
That's what happens when the fucking nig nogs try to out nig a pajeet
As much as I dislike niggers we all know he didn't break any law here.
>Crypto police? Yeah I bought a scam coin!
i want to believe
You morons realize he got out of this months ago right? He did the whole "oh no I've been hacked everything's gone" meme and cashed out all his BCC.
Good job faggot. No one cares.
Found the guy that bought BCC
>shit browser
>my chemical romance
please for the sake of your soul and the glory of crypto, just go back
Yeah I wouldnt use linux if you paid me
ok but windows 7? REALLY?
Is this the fucking jam-face that shows up in that ad between every video I watch on YouTube?
the fuck is wrong with windows 7? last version that shipped without onboard spyware
eh its not that bad for doing basic bitch shit.
bet this faggot is on windows 11
I just bought 100k
>trusting your money to blackanoid who looks like criminal
they deserve it
>TriHard with beard as icon
windows 7 is good wtf are you talking about
eh possibly a linux edge lord that still thinks "muh open source" isnt compromised. its like the Tor fags that dont understand the FBI/CIA have access to all the nodes.
based BAT bro
Finally someone gets it
i'm on brave too.
dunno how do i get bat from this though.
windows 7 from 07 NIGGA
poke around on youtube, some videos you can watch on it.
Windows 7 is the windows version that microshit released. Every other windows versions from 7 and on is literally a spyware adware OS. Linux is better than windows for the same tasks but windows is last best normie non spyware filled OS that has better gaming performance than 10.