Why the fuck are we only down 3%? Between the Korean FUD and the BTC sink, we should be -40%. Please explain, lads.
Icon Gang: /comfy/ Edition
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I haven’t check my Delta all day. I assumed the worst and figured ICX was below 5000 sats. You don’t know how warm I feel inside seeing it only down three percent
This is why you invest in good coins. BTC crashes separate the pajeet coins from the good ones.
ICX n VEN have been very gud bois lately
This coin has proven its worth just from the ability to survive while everything gets fucking slaughtered. Luv u BB.
holy fuck people have actually spent real money on this shitcoin?
holy fuck people have actually lost real money on other shitcoins?
VEN holds better than ICX.
Why not both?
icx is such a comfy hold
even when it dips hard it recovers back so quickly. After the korea fud it recovered back to 10 within minutes....
This... i have both
Including some shitcoins to do trades with and gamble
Maybe i should go 50/50 on these two?
Yes. I'm 40% into VEN, 30% ICX, 20% OMG, 10% ELF. I don't even check the price, just read some crypto news knowing that my folio will steadily increase trough 2018.
The Chad coin trio is: ICX, VEN, and (when it hits exchanges) WAN.
I actually hold both, but a bit bigger position in Vechain.
But what about god tier Cardano... and IOTA?
Iota should be picking up soon
Hold on coinmarket is saying -19% for me, whats its value bros?
I initially got in at $3 but made the mistake of doubling my stack at $7 so I'm sort of comfy, sort of not.
Binance is showing it around -2.7%
I’m seeing -7% now.
so glad to see others are in on the perfect duo
so close. trade your WAN for MED. its on sale right now
Maybe you would like to research AElf, ICON bros, since apparently ICON holders have patrician taste. Do your own research and decide, but for me is a project worth at least a 10% of the folio.
I haven't lost anything. I just fear this might not be the floor.
just bought my first bit of ICX, just wanted to say sup
Welcome to the ICX Gang, friendo.
Um guys, why are there so many people trying to sell this right now?
Is it whale suppression or did something else happen in fucking korea?
It's always like this. It's suppression.It's a good way to accumulate more if you're all-in. It typically tops out at ~7200 - 7500, this is when you sell because between midnight and 5am (EST) it hits it's lowest at about ~6700, thats when you buy back in. Repeat this method and get more in your stack for literally nothing.
Everything is down idiot
what are you talking about user...it's down over 20% on cmc...stop larping
Icon #1 in sk but sk is #4 in google trends? explain
Whale suppression/accumulation. They’ve controlled the price for a couple weeks now.
I hold over 10k ICX but I honestly am starting to feel this is a shitcoin. There is no communication from the team. Major whale suppression for no reason other than to unload bags. It will not be added to a Korean exchange for a long time I'm sure.
After this gets one more pre-mainnet pump I'm dumping the shit for more VEN
>measuring the fiat price
>no communication from the team
Do you even follow their JewTube or Twitter?
I've seen through your tricks. You've been posting shit like buy VEN for over a week, just fucking stop
I wonder if he ever built that shed to hold all the tobacco that's in his blockchain.
He's been larping that he hold (huge mounts coins) and that he's going to sell it for VEN
He's doing this to every fucking coin thread
can buy tobacco? Chinese smoke good tobacco blockchain pipe buy VEN
Of course thread dies and no explain
stop stealing the GANG meme from VEN. be original faggot.
Fuck off we don't need fags like you at VET.