asians are waking up, what will happen
Asians are waking up, what will happen
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what do you think?
It's 11 AM retard. We've been awake for 5 hours.
there will be a suicide forest operating at full capacity
the usual dump at 4 am.
Ran out of trees. Now to commit suicide you have to first plant a tree.
APPC will moon and dump Wednesday but will actually go above the 21k wall
they start dumping because they're never going to make it
Asians woke up 4hrs ago
they been up for a while, why do you think the bleeding stopped. Theyre buying all the dumb cunt american/euro bags at discounted rates
OP didn't know...
They were sneaky about it
8k incoming
once it goes below 10K this time it ain't coming back
technically bitstamp never got under 10k but it came within about 800 coins. 1450 to go this time.
>they always know what to do
I love how amerifats think the Chinese wake up at fucking noon.
Stop buying ico bags ffs you gonna end up super poor soon lol
Wouldn't put it past the lazy chinks.
Crypto investors worldwide are watching the market as the whales are shaking the tree. Lots more downside as other weak investors cash out, shit-coins disappear, and the difficulty cashing out becomes worse.
Some shitcoins like BCH are dead but everything else will come back stronger than ever. The asians will buy more if they're smart.
Buying the dip that caused many retards to sell, of course.
a lot of sudoku
Crypto is fucking stupid, hopefully this crash is the real deal and people realize how stupid and worthless it really is. I'll be glad when this is over.