Bch body is ready

so is the cashening going to happen tomorrow- thoughts? I have a feeling that we're going into an actual bear market & once Bitcoin Core is worthless then there goes 'muh store of value'. Only the functional will survive a bear market.

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>thinking that institutional investors are going to buy a coin owned 90% by roger ver and jihan wu

core cuck spotted

idk dude, i think they might buy cash. decentralized with cheap fees, I'm sorry. thinking they own 90% of the coins is extreme come on

BTC and BCH both must die, they will die. Fucking shilling BTC AND BCH at the same time.

We got you tracked fucking pajeets. You've done enough damage and something will be done.

whatever, I hear this argument all the time. Are you longing ETH? You realize the devs are communist & will censor people off their platform. I like Valitik but ffs relax user



BCH isn't coming for BTCs spot.

BCH is coming for all of your alts.
BCH is coming for ETH
BCH is coming for yoir privacy shitcoins
BCH is coming for every single shitcoins use-case


Why is this piece of shit still going down ffs

Grandpa has to die before we can be free from his shenanigans

>honestly thinks that bch can achieve that with a bunch of reject devs

Ha I made that pic

BTC stands for BitCoinCancer.

Source: I am a core BitCoinCancer developer

But what's Bitcoin Cash's scaling solution? 5,000,000,000,000,000,000 cups of coffee immortalized on a fucking huge blockchain?

so LN is bullshit right?

Its a great meme good work user

pic related

I meant BCC! NOT BTC. I am not good at this crypto thing

How long ago did you make it?


cool video senpai


BCH/BTC pair added on coinbase tomorrow
BCH added on zebpay this week
BCH added on bitpay merchants probably this month
Satoshi said big things coming for BCH this month (hints of a satellite network to reach billions people and probably some other stuff)

So I opened a margin long and I'm getting fucked hard

How many good news does this piece of shit need to fucking move up?

Bitcoin Cash will destroy Bitcoin!

bch is targeting the wrong market

institutional investors - btc/eth
speculators - low mcap alts
people who want to buy coffee with crypto - bch

Fuck off roger

>Ver is a felon who lives in Japan bc he is not allowed back in the USA

dont buy this shitcoin, fuck Bcash

>selling firecrackers
>dont give a fuck about cucked regulation
>dont give a fuck about reddits feelings
absolutely based

Thanks for helping us take down for BTC, but your usefulness has passed.

8 dev teams, 6 of which have only have 1 person
Led by insane megalomaniac who presents an easy target for opposition to attack

Largest dev ecosystem out of any crypto
Led by 250 IQ savant focused on improving ETH as much as possible

The eth devs have openly admitted that they are communist

I was bullish until i tried using it, & etherdelta lmao. have you used it? how long it takes to make a trade, and you have to pay assloads of gas. I'm wayyyyy more bullish on Ethereum Classic(fork next month btw), but I'm sure you'll have complaints about that too.

He was in the us last month tardy

according to the plan - first collapse the bit connect ponzi then the tether scam implode will take it down another notch then we can rise from the stinking ashes...hahaha

bank notes already printed up

tether implosion would crash the market -80%

>250 IQ
>lets entire blockchain get hacked