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drop it to .5 cents and i'll think about it...
>tfw bought at $4.25
I just got in at 9900 sats. Comfy.
I don't think there's a single coin out there performing worse than CuckYa Coin.
10k in worth like 3
dont even care.
> Coin made by Aussie bogans
> Called 'Can Ya'
> Manhole cover as their logo
Who in their right mind would buy this?
these bags are so fuckin heavy man
people who do research and can appreciate good ideas with working products ?_?
but i forgot this is biz so go buy more trx you fuck
>buying ico bags
fuck this coin
aaand i just exited at 10200 sats. This coin is great for fast flipping.
say that again when it shoots up to $10... >_>
No one is going to use this. Can you imagine your average Aussie plumber pulling out his smart phone with his shit covered hands to complete a Canya transaction?
wow a whole 300 sats per coin
>how to spot people trading with less than 500 dollars
do you americucks seriously think of aussies as 2 toothed hicks that ride roos to work because jesus fuck mang
forget about outsourcing and easily paying foreign workers, what about the prostitution potential. its glorious
I'm from Melbourne.
Fuck everyone who shilled this bull shit
I wanted an easy in and out, but i couldn't even get that with this complete fucking shitcoin.
I was never planning on holding this, but now i'm holding bags. STUPID COIN FUCK YOU
So glad i dumped this at 40% loss for VEN before the shitter. Now VEN is going to make me rich without even doing anything but HODL. GET OUT NOW
I think of this coin/app to be a lot like AirBnB. You want a plumber you can call up CityPlumbers Inc. and pay 100$ an hour or you can find a plumber with 100 5 star reviews on CanYa and get him for $50. Cuts out the overhead for services like Plumbers, Masseuses, Landscapers, Home Renovations, tons of stuff.
So I bought it at $3.72 and these Aussie scum fucks took my mney
so youre shitting down the throats of not only skilled workers/laborers but youre mocking your OWN laborers. Next time you ride the tram without paying from 4 stops outside the free zone to go to work at your shit barista job next to the crossfit, take a look around at all the people actually doing something with their lives instead of shitposting on Veeky Forums and then masturbating to their own comments.
Lmao retards i told you to cut your losses but you still believe in the iron hands meme. Its never going back up again. Its dead.
It's ok boganbro. Shitty urbanites talk an absolutely revolting amount of shit about rural people, and urban tradesmen, in America too.
Nothing will ever change their views, so don't even try.
2k$, but yeah. I have some 3k$ i'm playing with, so when i see a quick opportunity for a couple of %, i take it. Sometimes i leave it, and was planning to do it now, but seeing how this shit doesn't have a floor, it's easier to leave to some safer coin. Just got some KCS to leave it for the night.
This will be more like amazon turk shit.
You dumb fucks, this has been fluctuating up and down 10% all day. Its a great day trading op. Buy in now, watch it go to $1.29 sell, rinse and repeat
BCC isn't looking too hot despite this video
I have nothing but respect for our labourers and I am a home business owner but this project is a scam created by people who wanted to make some cash out of the crypto craze.
>home business owner
So you trade cryptos and shitpost on Veeky Forums got it. usually people go with freelance trader or stockbroker but its nice of you to try to break the norm so you seem less retarded
>defending this shitcoin
ffs man you are probably one of the first shillers that got ppl into this bullshit
As soon as i heard about this coin i was like , yep classic shitcoin
Kucoin releases almost always moon though whether they are bad or not. Not this one, slow steady down slope to hell. Fuck this coin and its idea, i better break fucking even
Eventually it'll drop so low there won't be any sellers left and people will HAVE to buy.
Pathetic it has to reach that point for anything to happen though honestly.
classic shitcoin but you bought it anyway?
And no I hadnt heard about this until biz shilled
Yes i bought, do you know how many shitcoins moon? This is a fucked up dumb market,
as i said any new releases on kucoin have their day of 2x 3x some even 5x 8x +
So i was gonna just sell the top, profit and move my funds but i got trapped. My fault....
o well i really can't see this going much lower. Once market corrects i have a feeling we can all break even and get out.
what i'm thinking as well Could take a good month....
Not gonna sell at a massive loss, i'll wait. Plus i have solid coins on binance holding me up.
Canya fucking go up?
I just had a distant cousin stay with us from Brisbane. Told him about Canya.
"What, nah, we use the local barter bank and credits non profit".
Yes. Aussies are still bartering.
I sold all my Canya Saturday night.
has a coin ever been justed this hard this fast before ever
this has to be a record
same, got out at 3.90 after i realized i fucked up
>Once market corrects
when do you think that would happen?
Confido and Bitconnect, but not counting scams I don't know
Fuck if i know man, some coins are actually making a rebound already. Another flash crash could happen, or we could slowly build our way up again. Still many people in this market, just some faggot normies got scared off.
I'd say a week till we get back to semi regular levels.
Bought in at $4, then sold at $2 after day-trading my stack up 20%.
Still sold at a loss, but fuck, I feel bad for suckers who bought higher and are still holding.
>manhole cover
>shit covered hands
my fucking sides right now holy kek
Im brand new to this and I lost $2500
I feel absolutely horrible.
I'm going to try again though with another 2k
I'm just waiting for the market to stabilize a bit then I'm going in
lol wow you make the crypto world go round
Set buys for Canya at $0.45
it wont go up again
also I transferred all my eth from kucoin to binance yesterday and it STILL didn't go through
what the fuck?
You've only lost once you sold.
You didn't sell, did you user?
sold at 1.6
You're also losing opportunity the whole time your money is there.
Crypto Kitties and it's derivatives. ETH is dead.
what should I use to transfer between exchanges?
We do not fuck head, i fucking wish we could barter some times, shit is crazy expensive over here dick head. So no dont listen to thisdick head, this canya product aussies will use, trust me on that one. We love apps like this, and fucking crypto is being shilled over here hard, give it a few weeks and this product will have real advertisement on commercial television and radio. Fuck the morning radio show i listen to at work, they have brought bitcoin to hood for the year even, so they will be takling about this shit all year, just a matter of time before they shill the aussie coins too and i can bet canya will be the first and biggest one they shill, we are going to make it
Take a look at the app.
Almost no reviews. Reviews that are there left by CEO during trials in June 2017.
No one is using Canya. They bought their Downloads from Pajeets.
It's over.