>Chinks are out
>Gooks are out
>Niggers are out (bitconnect)
Is crypto a game that only white men can play?
>Chinks are out
>Gooks are out
>Niggers are out (bitconnect)
Is crypto a game that only white men can play?
What about pajeets? Also speaking of pajeets, why are they the "enemy"? I'm new to the Veeky Forums and crypto game
You're forgetting the pajeets and kikes faggot
Still need to get rid of the pajeets then we will finally make advances in Crypto
I'd say the majority of crypto are owned by Asians what are you on about?
why do you retards think crypto is white only when chinks and gooks dominate crypto?
all you worthless white subhuman neet deserve to be gassed.
chinks/gooks can't be out you brainlet. We literally invented crypto. You are playing our game as a guest, you're welcome. If it wasn't for us, the jews would be 10 inches deep in your ass, now they're just 8 inches in.
Unironically, the only people who have gotten rich off this game are gooks, pajeets, jizzskins, and kikes. as much as we all believe we're superior to one other, there has to be a realization that these are the only intelligent races on the planet.
theyre nothing but scammers, all sitting in indian server discord channels shilling their trash p&d coins in broken english
>implying whites don’t like that circumcised Jew cock
Prepare for global war
>We literally invented crypto
Bitcoin was invented by a white man in California who named himself after his japanese neighbor, moron.
sorry friend, it was invented by a white man from Australia and his white male friend from Florida
Look up Yuji Ijiri.
Blockchain would not exist without this man, he was part of the team known as Satoshi Nakamoto.
bitcoin and the blockchain technology were invented by a japanese man named satoshi nakamoto. Of course, you knew this already didn't you cum skin. Learn to use google and get off pol.
those feminazis were right all along
Pajeets only means of entry is to scam people. They never even held in the first place
white people have literally become the new niggers. WE WUZ SCIENTISTS
nah you just piggyback off of the asians. once again, you should be thankful that we even allowed you goys to enter crypto, if it wasn't for us some of you would still be flipping burgers for jew tokens.
Fuck of craig
>Southeast Asian thinks hes the same as the Japanese
You're a glorified Mexican with chinky eyes you dumb flip
>jew tokens
Who is Craig?
Is Craig Filo?
This brainlet here
A Japanese man wrote solely in English and his grammar was perfect?
Makes sense.
>Satoshi was his real name
You really think there are no Japanese people who can speak perfect English?
You think there are no English people who can speak perfect Japanese?
>Japanese American
Please don't tell me there are faggots on this board that are this stupid. If you don't know who Satoshi Nakamoto really is you should go back to twitter.
>inb4 actual Japanese guy
>inb4 Hal Finney
>inb4 Nick Szabo
>Satoshi was the NSA/CIA
Let him believe what he wants, him and OP probably look like pic related. The so-called "master race"
Shhhh, don't tell him Asians dominate crypto and are the vast majority of miners, keep letting him think it's a white people thing as we get money out of his pocket.
Crypto is for humans only.
Monkeys can't compete.
hows it feel to know your insignificant ethnicity is getting cucked on a global level by the white man? your women love us lmao
>His parents moved to a European country(America was built by whites) for a better life because his race could never achieve what whites have done independently
>Muh regulations
>Protect our idiot investors
>Crypto is an addiction
>Mining is wasteful
Satoshi never made any posts from 5 am to 11 am Greenwich Mean Time. It is safe to assume that these were his minimum sleeping hours, as he made posts during other times.
This means that he could not be in Japan, and not sure about other Asian countries but nearby ones are probably similar, unless he slept from 2 pm to 8 pm. If he was Californian, however, this would give him sleeping times of 12 am to 6 am, give or take a little, which is more believable.
Are you really that badly brainwashed?
Asia (China and India) have been the richest countries on Earth for the majority of the past 2000 years.
If you can read a chart you can see that China is regaining that position very rapidly.
If you don't think the NSA/CIA has had leverage on every darkweb market to ever exist for the purposes of selling or taking crypto to help fund their operations, you're a brainlet
how's it feel to know that the most powerful military force in the world was beaten by some of asia's weakest people? With no money or infrastructure a bunch of rice farmers beat your ass. faggots.
and don't talk about women, white women are your alphas. In no other race do women control men except for white pussies. Your women run around gorging on big foreign cock, spitting out superior mixed babies, it's hilarious. Your women just do what they want and you absolute pussies sit around and take it, just accepting that foreign cock will go into your women. There's a reason this whole site is filled with white virgins.
america is not a white country faggot, only europe is for whites. You are not welcome or invited anywhere else in the world
Daily reminder that the Bitcoin confiscated when the original Silk Road was shut down is now worth over a billion dollars. Two billion during its peak.
are you stupid? we could have carpet bombed vietnam to hell if we wanted to, but we have morals unlike vietnamese dog eaters.
Yup. look at chinese and indian technological advancements throughout history, they were responsible for most of it over time,
Even today they are some of the most powerful countries in the world, they have never lost that spot. Remember that the US couldn't even beat the taliban or vietnamese, white boys would get slaughtered trying to invade a big asian country even worse. stay in your lane jizz skins
you did carpet bomb it to hell, killing millions of unarmed civilians, and claiming them as "combat kills". In reality more US combatants were killed than NVA in actual firefights, most of the kills that the US had came from indiscriminate bombing and napalming.
More munitions were used against the vietnamese than in all of WW2 and you still lost. You tried everything you could and got BTFO
why can't we get along. why do you cunts always need to be assholes to each other. There's always strong insecurity in asians and whites, they always feel the need to attack each other to feel superior when in fact it's not race that determines superiority.
white people are some of the most bluepilled i've ever seen
thanks for this based post m8. i needed it.
i will admit that all the niggers getting joosted over bitconnect makes me insanely happy.
what i am afraid of though right now is regulation because of this mlm bcc fuckery.
>hows it feel to know your insignificant ethnicity is getting cucked on a global level by the white man?
>be le white cuckold
>go to foreign lands
>"its ok when i do it"
>be asian master race
>go to foreign lands
>"its not ok when he does it"
Kys retard. The Americas and Australia belong to their native inhabitant, not to either us Asians or whites. Since you stole them them anyway, we might as well take advantage of that good land.
>Use napalm on civilians
>Go all out with Agent Orange on farmers
>Kill hundreds of thousands of civilians
>I swear we only lost because we were holding back!
>"muh morals"
Your race deserves to be wiped out by niggers and arabs, I actually like Africa and the Middle East because of that :)
I'm black and I'm holding the next coin that will x1000 and reach 300b mcap this year. You guys are currently oblivious to it. I'm laughing at you losers. Stay racist and broke I guess.
Yep and just look at that chart I posted, obviously made by a Westerner. They've condensed the first 1000 years to make it Asia look less dominant.
Is it Bitconnect 2.0?
We need a new lending platform called Niggerconnect.
bitconnect 2.0 is literally the new ICO the bitconnect fags are launching soon.
its called bitconnectX
It would turn into a drug market
I'm not a nigger, so I think I'm safe
please be real.
nothing makes me happier than niggers holding shitcoins
I already know what kind of person you are. You are a plebbitor on /r/aznidentity, /r/hapas or /r/asianmasculinity who gets butthurt about how the chinese were treated in california in the 1800s or how jewllywood kicked out hayate or something.
you are no better than a nigger who gets butthurt over slavery. get over it, the irish had it bad, the italians had it bad, oh yeah the niggers had it bad too. While kpop, and other asian delights are being explored with a positive light, you can't stop being butthurt about being a manlet who can't get a white girl.
get a life dude, stop being an azn nigger who gets butthurt over 'muh racism'.
-sincerely asian chadlet
Looks like it's time for another war/famine/global warming.
I'm afraid our crypto would start bitching about being owned and start killing each other desu
Remember when we nuked Japan? That was fun
>Is crypto a game that only white men can play?