$700 to buy flash sales, where do i put it for 2x eow?
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m m mods?
Nice ban faggot
She's so hot though
>meaning she's above the age of 18
get that gay shit the fuck out of here, man
no ban post more
How old is she??
some faggot has never heard of henna
She drew it on herself to cuck hairynecks like you
Man, I wish I was black sometimes.
The Blackchain
that's alex mae you fucktards
Wtf I like teen girls now.
Bow down to the fucking porn expert, knows them all by name because all he does is sit there jerking off.
I can feel your fucking neck hairs from here.
nice van faggot
my boner was almost uncontrollable when I thought she was underage in OP pic
wtf is wrong with me??
>"Blackchain, a blockchain for Black People"
>"Connects Black entrepreneurs, businesses, and customers"
>Is used almost exclusively for drug deals
Someone make it happen
Goddamn I enjoy making newfags get banned.
you MUST handle that neckbeard while theres a chance or this will keep happening.
I reccomend a Phillips Norelco
FUN? I don't know T B H this crash might continue on through next week.
maisie williams*
>electric shavers
get out
Honestly reading that description its not beyond the realms of possibility that its already being developed
Her vag hair is off center.
That smug roastie stare ruins it.
Enjoy prison OP
Close shave
No fucking around with foam, oil and blood
5 Minutes and im done.
Shill me your time consuming, edge blunting shitshave
You're pretty stupid.
Nothing. You and the rest of society are the product of thousands of years women being married off and bearing children at the age of 13. It was considered as normal now as women being married at 18.
Let's say for example that 20 years from now society, with politicians' leading, deem that men/women do not have the capacity to consent until 21. Then 20 years from that time your grandchildren ask you about the barbaric times when women were allowed to get married at 18. Would you really consider it to be as morally reprehensible as they do?
Societal norms change, but biology and common sense do not. We have a primal instinct to want to pass on our genes to basically any woman that can bear them. It's only the society that you've grown up in that decides the 'norm' in which you are allowed to do so.
That being said, all pedos should be hanged.
I prefer the term "gay"
For you.
This is a blue fucking board.
probably whatever dropped the most for no reason
avoid Ripple
This is now a bee sting board!
The Block for Blacks from the block
>tfw now i have no gf and no money
>I condone pedophilia
>But all pedophiles should be hanged
Having sex when you are below 50 should be banned desu. That is strait up pedo shit.
holy kek that ending 10/10
>literal child porn
>thread still up
Veeky Forums mods busy exit scamming
Age of consent is a social construct
Checkmate SJWs
Get the fuck back to 9gag. Why would you think shes underaged? The actual problem is that people still post porn on a fucking blue board.
My dick literally did nothing from this picture. Is it time to go nofap?
I was only defending his erection. Acting on such urges is what differentiates him from being an actual pedophile. He can be spared the noose, for now.
What are you a faggot?
You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com