How much numuscash for a girl like this
How much numuscash for a girl like this
hey shithead this is a blue board
God there's so many nasty faggots on this board. Please bring back mental institutions.
>brown dicks
always disgusted me desu
it means you've probably got some non white dna in you somewhere
wow looks like my ex except with a filter on and a dick
literally disgusting and mentally ill
gross dick, manhands, dressing up as woman, this thing belongs in a hospital or prison
Fuck, she's gorgeous.
Why do cute traps have bigger cocks than me? I'd still fornicate with her though.
I think you belong to a mental institution how about that
that is just the weird kid from class all grown up now. imagine him with a short hair cut. bam, it's a failed male
id still bang him
That's a guy!! Just saying
when you will faggots learn?
mentally ill faggot
That's hot
Why do fags always have the biggest dicks
T. No Numuscashie
My manhood hanging by a thread. I'd let it cum in me. Ain't gonna lie, nigga.
Just bring about pic.related and show "them" the truth on every thread/reply they make.
It's sad and disgusting.
Face the truth faggots
Mods can you remove this fucking thread.
Im on a board about finance, I shouldnt have to be scrolling and see this fucking monstrosity fly past my screen. Sage.
>when you will faggots learn?
They was taught that if he has boobs - it makes it less gay. And that calling cross-dressing faggots as males is being a bigot.
>Im on a board about finance
more like Bi-nance
no, it's actually from erections believe it or not
>hey shithead this is a blue board
Wouldn't know it by how hard people have been getting fucked today.
cry more wageslave faggot
What’s with all the losers bitchin about fags? So what if it’s faggy?
I’ve cummed so damn hard from getting fucked by girl cock. I can’t tell you how good it feels.
how much LINK will i need to buy a grill like this?
because it's mentally ill and an abomination
unironically if i had the power i would have you put into an actual work camp where you'd be forced to slave for 18+ hours per day for the remainder of your life
literally disgusting, only thing trannies have going for them is the girlcock. If you cut it off all you're left with is a subpar vagina.
kek'd hard but agree completely
That penis isn't very feminine.
top newfag
I want her cock in my mouth.
srsly mods can we have a Veeky Forums thread without traps
I love how this thread is still up
Based mods
no Veeky Forums is a trap friendly board
just as ponyfuckers seemed to be the achilles heel for ctr kikes on /pol/, traps might just be the killing blow for the normie reddit invasion of biz. niggerhate didn't work, gore didn't, but traps just mihgt senpai
>Scares off the normies
>Turns me on
what if they identify as male like bailey jay?
>you're just another NEET on Veeky Forums with no life skills
i'm not gay or anything but god damn do i want that cock up my ass right now
the internet is homosexual. game over my friends. We have ascended to the world of fetishes and immorality. The final blow is the great collapse of Crypto, this moment we will realize how worthless things are in the end. It's up to everybody's mind to interpret everything they witness. The end-game you should have is: happiness in your self-existence.
>posting out of the reddit pepe archive
top fucking cuck try again next thread
the actual percentage of them that go through with it seems to be pretty low. But then again this is from looking at chaturbate so who knows.
sounds gay
Yeah but’re not in power. Instead I’m some guy who cashed out $200,000 in crypto last year and gets fucked by ladyboys. While you’re dreaming up my torture I’m in ecstasy. I live in Canada, no risk of workcamps anytime soon. Too bad, man, keep on dreaming of your new world order.
>inb4 people asking about crypto currency with niggerhate sissyhypno
you faggots make me sick
>not fucking azn twink on the reg
im just lmaoing at your life
>being this buttblasted because the cartoons from your secret internet club are on other websites
hahahahahahahaha get a life loser
this is how it should be here
you are gay, faggot.
Could 2018 be /THE YEAR OF THE GREAT SUICIDE/ - the true great depression?
Crypto dies and the internet is (not) gay for traps. Everyone kills themselves and there's no one left for future generations. The asians are used to suicide and are unfazed, but the Western world collapses. Asians make technological advancements and then the world goes into the robo-Sengoku Era
not necessarily, there are men who have sex with men (MSM) who are not gay
im in Canada too, west coast, where are you? I'd literally beat the shit out of you if it's convenient
Do they like fucking manly guys or fat guys normally?
Reported all the shit itt
Enjoy the vacations
It's painted pink right now.