New Rules:
1. Keep /pol/ on /pol/
2. Permaban for chain referral threads
3. Filter memeterms like "whales accumulating" "hodl"
This board has become FUCKING CANCER in just 3 months
New Rules:
1. Keep /pol/ on /pol/
2. Permaban for chain referral threads
3. Filter memeterms like "whales accumulating" "hodl"
This board has become FUCKING CANCER in just 3 months
4. Ban New Rules threads
Ban "hodl" or change it to something like for f a m
4. permaban OP
And also, FLAGS
>keep /pol/ on /pol/
Are you lost or something?
All of these are good
>Please sirs for your consideration
need flag to single out pajeets like op
meta faggot
Nah he's not lost. Get back on your board you lame fucking larping cuck
change it to 'sell' or 'dump'
>keep politics out of business discussions
Dream on shitskinkike.
/pol/ is the immune system of Veeky Forums
without them we get overrun by niggers sjws
Make me
go #resist somewhere else faggot
Mods should change Veeky Forums to a green board after today.
Have this awesome meme, you've earned it.
The best medicine for pajeets really is overt racism. Haven't seen a wheel flag on /pol/ in years. Too embarrassed to shill their opinions there without a meme flag to cover them.
Veeky Forums is innately /pol/ enough, is even say many of us came from there
Just quit shitting the place up with mindless negativity and unironic racism
Fair enough, but combine already angry /pol/tards with massive losses and it's a cancerous combo for this place
I'd even say
>quit being racist
Dream on nigger
>board gets popular
>/pol/tards start coming out of the woodwork
like pottery
>american flag
automatically assume its a spic or a nigger
>swede flag
assume its a sand nigger
>german flag
assume its a sand nigger
more population = more police needed
get used to it shitskin
/pol/ is really the most obnoxious shit
I was here when this boar was unironically a bunch of Elliot Rogers deciding on a math degree over computer science. I know what this board was like only a few years ago. You are nothing without /pol/acks. If you want to go be shit skins and talk about crypto tell oyyslut to reinstate his chan you fucking turkroach.
why are the low races so easy to detect
Fuck off, jew.
i was also here back then and it was a much better place back then
/pol/acks have done nothing but shit up every discussion even remotely about taxes or the government or banking or literally anything they can tangentially tie to race
It's incredible you have a specific Arab race in mind
>back then back then
yeah whoops whatever
Fuck off reddit
>the newfag doesn't know bitcoin started on /new/
>the the newfag doesn't know Veeky Forums is /pol/
Talk to me when beaners launch a market that isn't tortilla shells or chickens. Until then, how about you fuck off, opportunistic shitskin?
Fuck off faggot
See there's no need for this level of hostility
I don't even see this on /pol/
You guys buy at $19k?
Join this discord so i can get premium. Raid them with wojaks or something you retards enjoy doing
It's because they're all losers and without future. Every discussion ever turns into shit with them. You are to treat them as noise and peasants.
4. No UFR threads
And I agree
I responded like with like.
Look. I'm perfectly able to leave /pol/ at the door when it comes to Veeky Forums shit but I have to keep these shitskin snowflakes in check.
Lighten up fuckwit
This. A love fest board is a boring board
These rules are fine. The board would improve if they were enforced, no doubt. They will also not ever be enforced.
I'd rather be over run by niggers than by nazi faggots any day
As if you ever knew love LOL.
The furthest left post I've seen here in 5 months was "I didn't vote for Donald Trump"
Calling people niggers and faggots is fine on Veeky Forums, but it's really launching into an unironic phase that isn't cool for Veeky Forums
and I'd add that I haven't been back to /pol/ in a few months but remember it being mostly bantz
compare detroit to nazi germany
which one looks better to live in?
now kys you sjw retard
Think hard about what you said. That's not a serious or well thought out statement you dumb nigger
I don't understand how you expect me to uphold some ambiguous Veeky Forums standard while the catalogue is filled with shills. Kys. I'm not tying my hands behind my back.
I'll call you a nigger
The next guy a nigger
And the DNA can get some to if they are watching
Well you're shitting up a board just to be edgy
What are you 15?
Everyone, this is how a shallow poorfag who buys high and sells low, acts like.
Yes. But I will always look back fondly on Orroville Dam Generals and Election Night, even if they spelled the end for quality posting on the board. You guys have a chance to save the magic here, but you have to do it by generating content and not by being smug bitches.
Having fun doesn't mean it will devolve into mystical antisemitism and crass racism, but if it's funny and clever don't begrudge it
>that isn't cool for Veeky Forums
lol what a fucking faggot
Hey guise, this dude doesn't like when we say nigger so everyone just cool your jets ok? No more harsh words because mr cool kid might get triggered and need a safe space
Every coin here has memes
Ton of pasta too
Get out of Veeky Forums you stupid jewnigger.
Not subversive
1. Ghostban all Pajeets.
I know, that's why j love you Veeky Forums
Keep doing your thing, because it's the only hope for humor to survive in a forgotten backwater of the internet where AI comes to spam cuck porn and jungle fever threads like mating pheromones
/pol/ keeps the normies out
back to redit OP
No faggot
Just one example of /pol/s stupidity is wanting to sic the SEC on Treyvon for the BCC fiasco
/pol/ would literally destroy crypto just to spite a nigger
Fuck off nigger
>Trevon killer is /pol/'s hit man.
How retarded are you?
And that would be fucking hilarious. You are clearly trolling or on the wrong website.
Go back to your safe, boring ass reddit instead of trying to make Veeky Forums bland and humorless
I don't know what shit you tumors buy, but this shit is a fucking gravy train
Don't fuck it up
Get along with niggers
I agree about keeping pol on pol unless it directly relates to finance. The influx of /pol/tards coming to Veeky Forums has caused a decrease of quality on both boards. Pol is now just teenagers and idiots shilling each other, and Veeky Forums is filled with people (like me) who might be able to seem intelligent while they are typing but actually know very little about finance or investing
Also posting pics of hot women to shill coins should be banned
Fuck off pajeet. MODS give us flags already!!!
>Get along with niggers
Your trolling gets more obvious with each post. I think it's time for bed, pal. Get rested and get back at it tomorrow
>1. Keep /pol/ on /pol/
>implying commies can into basic economics
ITT: room temperature IQ level poltards automatically screech that they can’t shit up other boards and biz isn’t their safespace
Only when this board got infested by faggots from /r/ bitcoin did anyone care whether you say the word nigger
You’ve never been on /pol/ then pussy
>if you guys mention things I don't approve of, you're the ones in need of a safe space, not me, get out
Classic Alinsky projection.
>/pol/ starts spamming in November
>board is cancer now
Hmm, merely a coincidence. Watch how they squirm when having been called out.
>1. Keep /pol/ on /pol/
its so easy to spot the shitskin.
We need to perma ban all non anglosphere IPs from biz.
spotted the low race sjw
Well /pol/ is a living breathing tumor. What else can cancer do but spread?
Whoa bugs....
Lay off the atheism...
>better back then
It was dead and slow. Does being called a pajeet hurt you so much that you need censorship to coddle your widdle babby feels? Unironically get off this board and kys if you can't handle the bantz
>Keep /pol/ on /pol/
day of the soap is drawing nigh, jew
Stay Poor faggot
>1. Keep /pol/ on /pol/
the blatant racism and sexism from the same group of trolls is really off-putting
it's cancer because of you (reddit)
go back.
You faggots have seen me around, but here's my KUCOIN REFERAL:
Use it. I get $$$. Simple, right?
This has always been part of Veeky Forums you literal retard, get off this site or get used to it. Censorship is for centralized, authority groveling cuckolds such as yourself.
Off-putting is the right term
There's an entire board dedicated to racism and related topics. I go there myself for memes and other fun
But when a biz thread about FUN devolves into a discussion of racial IQ, it's gotten out of fucking hand
>is really off-putting
>only three months
found the newfag, but I agree with your points.
Also some janitors are desperately needed. Too many fucking normalfags
>But when a biz thread about FUN devolves into a discussion of racial IQ, it's gotten out of fucking hand
But it's perfectly fine when a thread about literally anything devolves into bitching about /pol/?? On every fucking board. You people never shut the fuck up.
Fuck off kike. The Jews are behind this
Because you ooze into every thread and fuck it up
Go back to the board that was made especially for you and well come talk to you when we feel like
every board is semi-pol
welcome to Veeky Forums nignog
Lmao nigga how is crypto currency even real