BTC Futures end today! Correlation with the dump?
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I just realized, that the first Bitcoin Futures at CBOE were emitted on 18. December 2017. Just at this point Bitcoin reached its new ATH. Since then BTC ist moving downwards, with a bearish trend initialized by few harddrops, finally finishing in todays red tuesday. And now guess what will end today at 17.01.18. Right, the BTC Futures. Any correlation here? My personal guess is, that whales use short futures for betting on dropping BTC prices with FIAT money and then manipulate market like we saw it in the last dumps. More or less it means the shit should be over by today. Maybe we can see a good pump in the near future, when the wales bet on long positions. Next future will be emitted on 14.02.2018.
For fucks suck how are you the first fag to realize this
what time of day do they close? and what timezone? it was chicago right?
It is a combination of institutional investors who have been waiting to short BTC for years, alongside mining groups and whales who stanmd to benefit from forcing a pump, crash and then riding the following recovery.
Look at the groups involved in cryptocurrency now.
I read 4pm GMT iirc
>miners stand to benefit
thanks just bought 100k antminers
for some reason I forgot.... I thought it ended in febuary
so your telling me dbc will finally moon? ill go spread the news.
This guy posted this yesterday tradingview.com
> I know a guy who helps manage a medium sized mining operation and he told me some things
>BTC will not go over 15,000 again
>BTC will be pushed down to at least $1,000 (it will take a long time, at least a month or two but the initial sell off will be fast)
>A transfer from BTC to BTG is a signal the dump is to come (compare BTG and BTC charts Dec 20-22 and yesterday - the BTC dump will start today/tomorrow)
So whats the next step in their masterplan?
Pump the coin with no survivors? or just move on?
why the fuck would anyone mining have any insider information?
Hes full of shit
I think the end game is to replace Bitcoin with Bitcoin Cash
And everything that is happening in between is colluding whales and miners who carry out a plan to maximize their profits and fuck over institutional investors
Now I'm thinking they will crash BTC down lower and lower until at some point they decide to bring BCH up and pose it as the true Bitcoin
2 theories
>asian new year theory, crashes 24 days before asian new year like clockwork
>bitcoin futures manipulating the market by (them)
Also anyone remember this pasta from November?
>This is a message from an insider. I am a member of Chinese whale community. I cannot provide any proofs nor open my identity but I cannot allow myself to stand and watch for the greatest theft from poor and reputation destruction of blockchain based cryptocurrency to happen.
>I have been informed of major Bitcoin manipulation taking place in order to compromise Bitcoin security and reliability. A group of coordinated Chinese investors have a plan to pump Bitcoin to 10000 USD after which they plan on coordinated crash of Bitcoin to sub 1000 levels because they have already taken their fiat money out and replaced them with margin tether traiding. It will not cost them a dollar. They will push Bitcoin below the demand levels.
>The situation with Bitfinex and Tethers is legitimate but it is a distraction. Inflated amount of Tethers are not a source of money used for Pump. Bitcoin Cash is the source.
>For some reason community accepted 20 Billion dollar appearance out of thin air which is the market capitalization of Bitcoin Cash as the natural process. It is not natural. These artificial money are currently used to cash out Chinese investors and pump original Bitcoin to 10000 USD without taking any losses.
>Shortly after Bitcoin crash below 1000 USD they plan to introduce Bitcoin Cash as a true Bitcoin and necessary replacament which is not inflated and then reject Tether pairings. This is why Bitcoin Cash price is stabilized at 1000 USD as was price of original Bitcoin in January 2017.
>This is the operation Dragonslayer in it's final stage. They have created billion of dollars with Bitcoin hardforks and use Tether as a tool to artificially bump Bitcoin price cash out their money and coordinate total collapse.
>Please be careful as next month will be very unstable
They pumped BTC to 20k rather than 10k and BCH isn't stabilized at 1k but maybe it will soon
>Bitcoin crashes
>Bitcoin brand tarnished forever
>Bitcoin cash part of bitcoin brand, will be ruined forever
Shill me on how LTC isn't the logical replacement for BTC in the event of the cashening?
Hello, I hope you guys are good and not afraid and frozen, don't be shaken by this someone is playing games to take your hardly earn bitcoins, screw South Korea don't panic and don't sell your coins please in a frenzy you make the price plummeting hardy down and we are going to be in a much worse situation. please keep your hardly earn coins so the price can recover and will rebound for a day or two... best regards and stay strong don't sell, don't sell, don't sell...
This is retarded, but I know deep in my gut roger and the Chinese will push bcash and win. I don’t like it but it’s gonna happen this year. Through “regulation” China will rapidly adopt bcash mobile payments and the dominoes will fall
>i know a guy who knows a guy who was told this by a guy that he knew that i knew that he knew about
totally legit
The first time I read it I thought there was 50% chance it was larping but rereading it now it fits everything
They got free money from the Bitcoin forks, they used that free money to pump BTC, they cashed out their BTC and kept the BTC price up by opening margin tether longs on bitfinex, and now they are crashing BTC to undermine confidence in it, making use of FUD for more effectiveness and making use of futures to fuck wall street in the process
This is levels of agency that shouldn't even be possible.