Other urls found in this thread:
Investing money you can't afford to lose is one thing, but investing it into something that everyone, fucking EVERYONE is calling a scam is something else.
>falling for obvious bait
who'da thunk a get rich quick scheme would go so south
What a fucking shit plan if real. I'm new to this and I can already tell three things wrong with it.
Watching bitconnect implode has been incredible today we need to start a salt mining thread
It gets better
>camera equipment
oh it's one of THOSE guys
I wish the suicide hotline told you how to kill yourself.
I'm so happy I never invested a $ in that shit. I lost in Bitpetite and told myself never again.
Get the family involved too
This can't be real.
>"minimize risk"
>puts everything in bitconnect
This cannot be real
suicide incoming
No way this is real
I really enjoy these, takes my mind off my Blockfolio
Nah I refuse to believe this. I just can’t process it.
The levels of stupidity, ignorance and greed that this crypto market generates is mind blowing to watch.
But it was a guaranteed 40% return per month! How could you not get in on it? All these posts are fake anyway. I'm sure there are people out there exactly like him that lost everything, but they're busy looking for the nearest tall building not wasting time posting to reddit.
I know his pain. I invested in link and fun.
It's real. People on reddit aren't like Veeky Forums and fucking larp about this shit. And you'd have to be a fucking poet to make up something this truthful
Fake and gay. They're only juicy when they're real man. Post real ones.
Me too I’m still up 12k after quickly pulling out my inatial investment.
Yeah I’m down from 25k but atleast my life isn’t ruined lmao
His posts in /r/bitconnect are hidden now that the subreddit is private but if it's a troll he IS very committed. He's also active in /r/videography
>I did a lot of research
fuck post more i was on there earlier but the mods made it private REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i need others despair to help me feel better and cope with my own justing down 50%
i just don't get why the fuck he didn't invest in ANY OTHER COIN over the past month.
like, even ETH will give you casual gains over the next month or so jesus christ
What a retard. All he had to do was buy ETH and his irresponsible plan would have worked out.
This is fake
It’s kikely op
"I know this is a scam but I'm going to put so much money in that I'll make my returns faster and get out before everyone else! Surely I am the only genius who thought of this plan."
I'm confident some of these are real. There are actual retards that exist in this world. This is what greed and despair does to people.
He had other coins but sold them all to buy more Bitconnect. Should have just holded
did you not hear he was flat broke and needed a sure return asap
Sorry that's all I have. I had the thread saved in my browser cache, don't have access to the subreddit.
Im calling fake. No one gets into crypto enough to use cryptopia/buy icos and ends up selling it all for bitconnect. this is funny but no way its real
Probably not real, but you underestimate the pure stupidity of the casual investor.
what the fuck is bitconnect and why am i seeing it everywhere today?
was it an exchange that closed?
you are not down 50% user, you need to fucking get real and understand you are only trading to accumulate bit coins.
the only anons who lost 6 months ago off the last bloodbath of this magnitude were the retards who tried to panic back their imaginary fiat values going all in on shitcoins. the good goys who had been bulking up on king are still miles in front.
looks legit sadly
NOpe that’s a paid shill account
Fuck this is horrible... and this is just one minor scam, think what will happen when Tether goes down.
usually whenever the word "ponzi" come up in anything you better fucking research that shit. I mean there are a lot of shit coins out there but you never hear the word ponzi next to them.
This cant be real. Can people really be this stupid?
No it doesn’t you dumb cunt
How new are you
Minor? Are you ducking insane? It’s the third largest Ponzi in history you newfsggt moron
I know user i'm so fucking excited. I jerk my penis with normie tears and I'm thrilled for the next crypto bubble burst to bring lots of normie tears / lube
>I am a videographer
Welp, now you are - another poor, stupid, soyboy videograher like the rest of your YouTube friends.
Lol you could say that
Pretty sure reddit sad story posts are just to get some sympathiser to start a crowd funding project for massive karma. And then some loser actually donates a huge sum to get a gold star on his post lmao
We really are fallen beings
>invest as much as possible all at once to minimize risk
lol wut
Isn't all of this technically a Ponzi scheme? There's no inherent value, just the real-world money people before you already payed in. srs. doesnt mean you can't make money on it, but it's still.a Ponzi
shhh user I still want to make a bit more money before it collapses.
Depends if people use this shit
they won't. y'all are probably too young to remember beanie babies. but i haven't seen a single one of these tokens used for anything other than collecting other tokens or getting more tokens or switching to other tokens.
Have you ever read a fucking whitepaper jesus christ
In that caseeverything people use that grows in value is a fucking ponzi scheme.
Point is you dont need to invite more people/money yourself to make more money.
The only thing I thought of that could be useful is if blockchain technology could be used to send gigabytes of data. Like Ethercats but instead you use the coin to send stuff that has value. Corporations could use it and put code into say a videogame so that you buy it and you're the only who could play it. And it would black market value for obvious reasons.
well, they do user and have been for some time so i am confused as to what the fuck you think you are talking about?
video of subreddit meltdown
>There's no inherent value
Tell that to credit card companies, banks, Western Union and PayPal.
name one. besides ethercats.
For a board that deluded itself thinking they're smarter than the rest, you sure fall for troll/joke accounts easily. But everyone knows just Veeky Forums makes up stories. Everything else must be true.
>red edit
damn i waited 10 mins
Venezuelans buying necessities with imaginary internet money because nobody will accept their worthless FIAT
>I lost everything
That's what you get for dumping more than you can afford to lose. Not to mention pumping it into a scam
it's a Veeky Forums fag trolling plebbit, because these keep getting posted and Veeky Forums fags keep going over to make more
Holy fuck, no fucking way this is real.
lol'd good one, dude. a vague use using just the idea of these coins/tokens.
i guess that was worth 12 mins wait. how many ZUZUBEANS (ZUZ) do i owe you? can i REQ them to you on the ZRX? just hop on OMG and XMR me your address.
>Taking out loans to gamble
Deserved it. Thanks for your banks money.
absolutely cannot be real.
Man these bitconnect Reddit posts are brutal. Anyone else checking out those posts?
r/bitconnect is locked down, fuck
I actually run all my clients and consultants on XMR. It's faster and cheaper than using the banks, plus some of the people who work for me are unbanked for a variety of reasons. They can easily exchange their pay for fiat either through cash sales (if they want a little extra) or through prepaid credit cards. My business is completelyabove board, we provide a variety of marketing, graphic design, and other digital services. We use Monero instead of BTC because its cheaper and faster, plus I can keep control over what information clients and consultants have access to.
You can still check it out if you know the trick and are on mobile
how nigger
Teach me master, the place is like a gold mine for hearty keks
Say please, drop the slur and I'll tell you
this has to be photoshopped damn
vague use? a countries national currency went to complete fucking shit and it is documented that people moved to the alternative of imaginary internet money to get by. There is nothing fucking vague about an alternative currency being used as an alternative currency
how negro, please
probably just waist trainer corset thingies killing her organs
These posts are actually starting to make me feel sad now
Neither one of their post histories has this. /u/litecoin doesnt exist
Okay you're nice. Go to this link:
From there you can view some posts at the bottom. If you want to view those posts, copy what I have below and put it before the "/Bitconnect" part of the URL
Have fun
it's /u/Iitecoin
capital i(I), not lowercase L(l)
Note that I believe you can only do this trick on mobile.
It's because /r/bitconnect went private so the post they made in that subreddit don't show up on their user page
Nobody tells them anything because it's "common sense." But that's why common sense isn't so common. You've got idiots in bad families where their parents didn't tell them common sense, and they get preyed upon.
This shit makes me livid. If you think that's funny, I get the feeling. It's board culture. But it's a symptom of a bigger poison in our society.
Anyone who believes this is real, is top tier retard, this dude just made up story to beg for tips from muh redditurs, because family debts, etc.. no way someone, who can at least read, is this retarded. Now hes gonna be also single and suicidal, so people donate
Oh shit it actually works, thanks user. At least I have something to laugh at now to keep me away from thinking about the red candles in my portfolio.
With the bullshit that is TRX and XRP, I am fairly certain that pic related retards exists.
People are just stupid especially with it comes to money. Everyone here forgot paycoin? Most of the people that went in with this are not normies but cryptofags. Greed is dangerous.
Holy shit that's funny, can't believe I've never seen that show before