Like I said yesterday, eurofags are weak handed.
Europussies waking up
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The dip to $450Bn on CMC happened on the US watch! Just sayin'
Is that why the market crashed a second time yesterday when the burgers woke up?
it's already 10am here
Try not crashing the market every now and then, burger.
Burgers couldn't wait to panic sell, straight after finishing their cuckshift
Spaniard here, all I've done is put more Fiat into the machine.
Yeah eurocucks are the worse. They love nigger and arabs raping their women.
>Having to wake up to -10% for 12 days in a row because of Asian weakhands
It's actually us who buy the dips. It goes
EU >USA >>>>>>> CHINKS
That good feel when cucking dumb american. Don't forget to buy me bags americuck, haha, good boy.
Traders in EU already making jokes about american traders.
You can't even keep Mohammed from raping your daughter and you call the burgers cucks?
Asia>EU>NA in crypto
It's not rape if your daughter likes it
why do we even allow europe to invest or exist
You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@
Crypto is dead. Bury it.
Britbong here, you do realise we trade at the same time as you right?
Just weak normies waking up, same as when you burger normies wake up to some cnbc bullshit and shit the bed.
as cucked as the EU makes one, amerifats really should STFU... most pathetic culture and country in the whole world. hands down. never seen anything comparable on this planet than that conglomerate of walking, talking man-children.
meanwhile, europussies dumping like scared bitches.
Euros always dump when they wake up, your graph is speculation
Eurofag here, haven't sold a thing and not planning to
Ok...tried defending us Euros, but looks like we are just as bad as the US an Asia!
Eurofags never sell bro
Again, does this look like Europe to you?
Stop being awful to each other, know you will make it and that you're not alone, reshape the world in your vision.
Fuck off pajeet. Shill your peace elsewhere
eurofag here. i won't sell, no matter how low it goes. i'm in for the whole experience. i survived socialism, i suffered kebabs, i'm ready for this.
see you at the moon!
It's the american bugmen who can't hold onto theirr fucking coins during minor dips. They see some coin going down 0.01% and start posting their le pink wojaks.
right there with you. living in frogistan makes -50% crashes a puny joke in comparison
we have less to lose than pajeets because everything spiritual was taken from us already we have more to gain as well because we have the ability to appreciate the finer things in life
there's no lose condition for yuropoors
we're dead men taking the one chance we have to come back to life
Same bratan, we either ride this shit to the moon or straight into hell. Nothing in between
Yeah, i was really weakhanded at 18k; sold instantly
let's do this shit nigga
hands of steel
to infinity and beyond!
dem feels frenchbro
italian here: it doesn't matter how much money i'm losing in these weeks. i'm getting this hits on my way to freedom, i'm finally struggling for myself.
it's better to get hurt and die trying than get lost in the gray wastes of wagecuckery and drone life.
So edgy, god you must be an awkward fuck to be around
we are the true /coinmarines/
>we're dead men taking the one chance we have to come back to life
It always hurts but it's true. I'm gonna sink with this ship.
EUfags can't cash out easily, they can tethercuck though.
Dutchie here, bought more ICX when just not it's almost 1pm here.
This is unironically me.
Lol I can cash out and have it on my bank account within 2 hours. I'm a dutchie
If I may ask, how? Coinbase takes 1-2 days for me.
Do you have local exchange or something? For me to cash out, I would have to first transfer all my shit from wallets/exchanges to fiat exchange, pay bunch of jew fees tied to that and then wait for days for SEPA to process. And worse that exchange is kraken so it may be down or not work at all. It really makes me apperiacate how much better crypto is for actually _sending_ money around, banks are pretty fucking ineffiecent for anything that isn't local. Another option would be to convert to BTC and use ATM, but that has huge jew fees.
Sure, we have and others. They're fast as Fuck. Also, we use Ideal for transactions, it's like an instant banktransfer. If I want to buy a Bitcoin now it will be send immediately.
>europe weak hands meme
>forgetting it's always Amerilards dumping in the evening and then chinks buying their dips
lmao fucking mutts stay delusional
You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@
Euro time is always the most stable across the board. OP confirmed as norman newcoin.
It won't work as good for you if you're not Dutch.
Everyone fucking knows Americans are the worst.
American hours = red, Chink hours = green.
How it goes.
A message from London Radio to free people of Europe
We won't surrender anymore in front of our enemies.
We won't abandon our last chance to acces freedom.
We will not let the depression destroy our hopes.
European people, friends allies of America, we will win this war against the old corrupt system.
Do not succomb to despair, and brandish your only weapon.
newfag here, so what has caused the dip ?
Even if I would explain you wouldn't understand
All coins are ridiculously overvalued. Nothing more.
Whales used the opportunity to trigger a controlled crash and here we are.
Coinmate, though the sepa transfer still takes days
Lmao this
You can get mad all you want, look who's taking the market back, and look wh made it drown.
And yeah, I'm OP and I also am an eurofag (hence the graph timing scale), only I'm holding like a man.
Like I said yestersay. You are a shitcunt and probably a neckbeard. Do yourself a favour and kys.
Is it me or do Eurofags carry the soyboy gene more than amerifats?
I'm serious, I've met so many soyboy pedo euros it's kinda....I feel bad for euro anons here
>most pathetic culture and country in the whole world
>whole world consumes and imitates our culture
America was founded by religious Chad zealots, and the majority of original settlers died leaving only those with the best genetics. Then they brought over slaves and only the strongest slaves survived the journey, who then were bred (and partially raped by the descendants of aforementioned Chads) by asshole slaveholders to have even better genetics for a a few centuries. Then it was further populated by entrepreneurs and risk-takers with the biggest balls from Ireland and Italy.
Meanwhile Europe experienced war after war which were so devastating that they completely wiped out entire generations of men willing to fight, leaving behind only the soyest goys who stayed home and jacked off during the war.
Eurofag here too.
I'm not fucking selling.