Now that crypto is dead we should go back to discussing college majors and their incomes all day
Now that crypto is dead we should go back to discussing college majors and their incomes all day
Kek, everything you need to know is on Google
Where is Risk Management?
Wow user that's an ancient biz relic right there. It's outdated and bad as well.
Working is not worth it anymore
Aerospace engineer. Feels good to be on top.
So where does military as an officer rank?
Kek, thinks college is for learning
balancing between good and god with my Molecular biology degree, seems like
>Meh tier
Ummm. What exactly is the criteria for this ranking?
It's getting replaced by smart contracts.
How is "software engy" (assuming engineering) in the God Tier while "Computer Programming, Computer Science" in Great Tier? They are pretty much the same thing from a curriculum standpoint with software eng having a few more "how to use git with other people" and project management based courses in lieu of more theoretical ones. No doubt software engineers make more than computer scientists, but most CS students go into software engineering save for the most autistic ones. Also, unless you're going to somewhere like MIT or Stanford, or want to go into research/academia, what's the point of even going to college for a CS/Software Eng degree?
Am I retarded or is this image just retarded?
4th yeah chem eng, can confirm chem eng is not god tier but dying field
>tfw suicide tier and still making six figures
EE an CS combo, life is easy
>implying salary is the only variable that matters
Not entirely wrong but if you think AI and blockchain will put lawyers out of jobs youre wrong.
Responsibility is a thing. If anything, lawyers will have easier jobs and will be able to do more work in less time.
I can tell you that in law, you have a better shot at carving out a good living for yourself based on your merits than most "god tier" professions have, although you can also end up in the shitter. If you are talented, its cool though.
It's a meme, you dip.
> he actually believes this
I'm just a software engineer, but christ I look up to the EE/CS fags like they are Gods. Some of the shit they know how to do is fucking voodoo.
College is literally just an expensive day-care center
I am just trying to stir discussion.
literally everything electrical is the simplest shit ever if you have an iq over 20
Electronic and Electrical engineering here. Tippity top.
so i'm guessing Classics is just so high it's off the charts?
it'll happen sooner or later, prepare anus.
why isnt crpyto-economics on this list
Okay, then explain this to me faggot. I only recognize the terms and only have a vague recollection how this electrical shit works. Should be easy for you though.
Doing EE and then doing a masters in astronautics and space eng feels good man :^)
EE is a meme
I'm shit + meh tier and scored a sweet sales job at a Japanese industry giant. Feels ok.
Also I just noticed. How the fuck is criminal justice above law in general? Specializing in competition law for example can net you a better salary and better work environment than any computer engineer could ever attain. Less work more dosh.
kinda agree that computer engeneering is much harder than computer science
Its also extremly unfun and most people wont even know about that
No reason to go computer engeneering, you earn much less than a computer science guy
Different user, but is that a simple top-level schematic for a cpu? I recognise all of the sub-components
Anybody here thinking about becoming an actuary?
im sorry but i dont really know technical terms in english
write it to me in croatian and ill explain, from the look of it its just a scheme of how a microprocessor works
pretty comfy to be mechatronics and production support engineer , also exp in big data
>MIPS is hard guise
>Look how smart I am
Mah nigga! Mechatronics master race reporting in.
you aint proving anything with this
I could post a picture of some hybrew shit and you wouldnt be able to understand it
This is true. I'm writing my master's thesis on the use of AI to support business processes. Contract and law compliance is one of the major areas where AI can make a difference, moving resources from administrative positions to productive positions. Like you said, it'll allow the producers to get more work done.
You w0t m8
Didn't expect to find a single cycle reduced MIPS datapath here. Kek.
isnt astrophysics market pretty saturated
yay i'm not alone :')
> Civil Engineering and Economics/Finance
Get on my level plebs. STEM technical skills + business knowledge is GOAT
have BS in mathematics have been unemployed ~4 yrs
Know how to make sick crypto trading bots tho.....
Where's the clock?
What's PC I forget.
are you fucking serious for putting up an engineering job over biochem lol.
it retarded. Comp programming at great tier? wtf
I am an intern in Business processes automation in a big-4 company, but I live in the 3-world country, so my wage is like 360$ per month for40 hours a week.
Exactly. AI wont take true autonomy even if it can eg sketch up a basic contract, because someone needs to audit it in order to take legal responsibility. In general, ai and responsibility is a fucking interesting area.
Say, an autonomous vehicle hits a person. Who do you sue? The owner? The manufacturer?
This is one of the main obstructions to having autonomous vehicles. The tech is there. Everything is ready and has been for a while now. This is what they are truly working on in the background, and if someone could find a solution to adapt law to the new circumstances ai cars would spread like wildfire.
No shit, I literally googled microprocessor circuit. Are you implying that throwing this shit together to make my shit software run better requires a 20 IQ? If so, now I know why my software runs like shit.
Yeah, it's a just some MIPS circuit I pulled from google because anons think it only requires a 20 IQ to put together microprocessors. But, I can only read basic-intermediate logic diagrams anymore and don't really remember a whole lot, so this one could just be stupidly simple.
Yes, I realized after posting it was a shitty MIPS diagram. Excuse me for not being autistic enough. And assumed the super autists would give me shit for it.
PC is the program counter. You'll have to ask one of the anons that think this shit is easy-mode for the clock answer.
What do you guys think of international business economics and economics?
>mathematician useless for anything else than killing himself
nice try but mathematician days are so over lol, you jsut need computers now and people who know how to use them for science.
not mathematicians. trash chart.
Math is god tier if you're a turbo brain chad otherwise it would suck.
Drop international business and study math
Its a subsidiary degree. On its own it wont be that good, it greatly compliments other degrees though.
law= meh tier? hahahahaha
>turbo brain chad
thats not what chad means
Yeah, that's what I thought. Most programming jobs are complete shit. Unless you have experience or get lucky and land a kushy gig, you'll like end up cleaning up some retards legacy shit, programming bullshit CSS/JS for crap websites, or doing QA.
I would fucking kill myself if I got stuck in some shitty QA job.
Like what? Finance?
yes now explain actual use to economy and society other than finding prim numbers?
AI is poised to be a disruptive force in nearly every single business process imaginable.
Guess who are the only people capable of writing efficient AIs.
Those guys are usually doing Math & CS. Most pure maths dudes are trash programmers.
yeah that sounds about right
law is the biggest disappointment of my life
Depends what you want to do. Finance is good yes. Economics also. But what are you aiming for?
>read machine learning paper
>purposely vague and basically gives no detail
Sounds gay. If you want that Gordon Gecko investment banker and high finance stuff get a finance degree and lot's of networking.
why exactly? It can provide you a contact network that can make you much more successful than an aerospace engineer for example ( if you are good ).
No shit you also need to be able to program, I thought that much was obvious. But you can't write good AI if you're not a mathematician - at least not yet. Maybe tools will become better over time. But then we still have the problem of efficiency. Only highly skilled mathematicians will be able to optimise an AI to perfection in its specific environment. Math is only going to be valuable in the future for this reason - especially among the firms with deep pockets.
Can someone explain me the top three? Why is it all engineering degrees and why these 3?
Mecheng student here. It fucking blows big league. I got into crypto for a reason.
Majored in Sociology because it was easy and I didn't know what to do with my life. Graduated and now I work at Wal-Mart. Weeeeeee.
I wanted to do social work but I didn't even know that major existed when I signed up. I still want to do that eventually, money isn't THAT important to me so long as I can subsist comfortably and don't need to be ashamed of my job.
Hahahaha holy fuck
It feels like this was a decade ago, crypto is one hell of a drug
Because its sought after and is a life insurance. Always was. It will ensure a good living for life. But there isn't much potential beyond that.
Chem eng vs finance go
i worked with similar shit in a freshman computer architecture class
>Chem eng
No jobs
No life
Depends on your own talents desu. You wont be a good chem engineer and wont enjoy it if you dont have aspergers. Do you? Go for it. Otherwise finance, which is kind of useless but the only alternative you provided.
>But then we still have the problem of efficiency. Only highly skilled mathematicians will be able to optimise an AI to perfection in its specific environment.
This seems doubtful. All the business getting disrupted by AI don't need it hand tuned by a genius, it will be good enough to begin with. It will become a commodity.
>No life
No life looking for jobs (not as an assistant sales manager) 25/8?
No doubt, just wanted to point out though that most of those guys are interested in CS stuff too, while the majority of pure mathematicians couldn't give a shit about how good their code is as long as it works.
Actually have a job as a software engineer at one of the largest US universities, and because they're completely controlled by bullshit politics and incompetent at hiring, I'm now in a position where they pay me fairly well to essentially be the only guy that knows how a critical university system works, which means job security. Going to use this to my benefit as it gives me time to fuck off here/trade crypto and I'm going to get my degree in maths and try to even leach some grad schooling off them for free just because that shit is going to be valuable to have in the future.
Didn't get to MIPS and bullshit like that until sophomore year, but that was 5+ years ago and haven't used that knowledge since. Again, excuse me for trying to point out EE (micro processor/hardware designing) isn't the fucking easiest thing. I knew I would get shit on as soon as I saw it was a MIPS diagram, next time I'll pick the most autistic clusterfuck microprocessor diagram I can find so you faggots won't have an autistic freak out.
>This seems doubtful. All the business getting disrupted by AI don't need it hand tuned by a genius, it will be good enough to begin with. It will become a commodity.
I am literally researching this exact topic for my Master's thesis and I can tell you that this is simply incorrect. So much backend needs to be specialised to fit into an AI, not unlike with ERP and CRM systems, but it's much more complicated than that; those systems at least allow for minor errors because there's constant human oversigt and involvement. An AI is worthless if it doesn't work completely as expected, because we can't have oversight over it; its data analysis techniques are impossible to understand for those who actually depend on the results it creates, and we'll never know if the conclusions it draws from the data is wrong untill we're bankrupt.
Or to put it another way; unlike most other process automation techniques, there's a very stark difference between a merely functional AI implementation, and one that actually creates value.
Moving from functional to value-creating is a huge jump, because you need supremely well-functioning data-governance, fully-functioning business intelligence systems (that also collect *all* the data you will need, or could potentially need in the future) and a fully digital business eco-system where that data can actually flow between units properly. Nearly everything I just mentioned is a pipe-dream outside of the F500. And that's before you even get to actually trying to implement an AI in your business.
You don't have to take my word for granted, just go look at the research yourself (an excellent review was published on the subject back in Sep. by Watson, IIRC). Also, Boston Consulting Group and Accenture are heavily invested in cognitive computing and business process optimisation, and they conclude practically the same thing; AI needs to be tailored, and depends on a whole bunch of very expensive and demanding complementary investments.
user you do realize that theres always gonna be a bigger brainlet here to call you an autist right?
I'm a cloud computing guy in Norway. Considering applying for similar jobs in the US as they'd literally double my salary and the cost of living is cheaper. Even in the major cities.
Also we're not a shithole country so how hard could it be.
Yes, and one would think that by now I would've learned my lesson about posting anything CS related online will only result in some bigger faggot coming along to tell me I'm retarded. Maybe one of these days I'll learn, or turn into the super autist.
I remember when this subreddit was about actual businesses rather than just shitcoins
>tfw aerospace engineer
Wanna kms desu
I would give it a solid meh unless you are like the highest rank in the army and control the entire army
My I ask why user? I always thought aerospace was one of the more lucrative engineering disciplines.
i just find it embarrassing that anyone glorifies any kind of undergrad expertise in anything
in all cases its just a matter of doing x amount of work till completion and youre rewarded with some shit wagecuck job for the rest of your life
im not letting it die, i cant go back to college and wagecuckery anymore
fuck that, i rather die poor
Working as a c++ programmer without any education. Start learning c++ 5 month before I get my first job.
Pay is ok, but obviously pales in comparison to the recent crypto bull run. But:
>ywn work on tech or analysis methods developed in the past 20 years unless you're in defense
>ywn work from home in your jammies, despite the fact that most days all of your work is done on a computer
>commercial aerospace is dying, supposedly we should get more work in the early 2020s, we'll see - the focus now is on manufacturing
>what little work we do have is getting outsourced to the poos. Yes, even the managers know that they take twice as long to do work with half of the quality, but they work for peanuts, so the (((finance dept))) can't resist. Of course, we're still responsible for making sure that the final product satisfies requirements
As soon as I hit $1MM, I'm quitting
>tfw second year electrical engineering
>tfw all i want is for btc to recover
>mech eng. God tier
>aero eng. Unbelievable tier
Got a PhD from top 50 in the 2, can't find job more than £35k.
Top 50 is a bit shit for grad school, though.