Literally the only coin with proven adoption and use outside of crypto auto-fellatio.
Literally the only coin with proven adoption and use outside of crypto auto-fellatio
dream market still only uses btc and bch
get ready for a monero boom when a big market adopts it
True, but at this point ETH has enough content within itself to be an economy on its own. Ripple, BCH and LTC are also not irrelevant as simple currencies. BTC is just the glue that holds the thing together, like it or not.
Thought they already moved to accept it last month? It is used on Libertas (sp?)
Why would I want to use this shitcoin over Verge? I don't want to have my IP traced. Not going to set-up TOR myself.
Also tx fees for Monero are stupid.
BCH has much more use in Dark markets, which is the only place Monero is being used.
BCH > XMR big time
Hey, faggots, why does this user bullshit coin cost 60$ to withdraw? Even buttcoin is not that greedy.
>optional anonymity
XMR, I wish I only held you during the crash, your sats values are amazing. Proud holder of the chad combo, ETH and XMR.
I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@
The current crash?
Also curious
admittedly i didnt dive very deep but all i saw was monero and BTC being asked for when i looked into this.
I'm guessing it's transaction fees.
I've been very bullish on Monero for long time now but high transaction fees could kill it.
Monero transaction fees scale dynamically based on use. The problem is that it's being used less than expected. Though bulletproofs will reduce them in future, and maybe even spectre if they decide to integrate it. That said, the transaction fee is not bad with priority 1.
I'm going big on XMR. It's an all round good coin. The privacy aspect has true utility, and it was first to market. That alone will see it through long into the future.
>i dont know anything about dark markets but Ill post anyway
normies self confidence astounds me. Something Ive studied for years and sometimes Im sel conscious about whether what im spouting out is true and yet here you come with your falsehoods and you got into all this in november.
dont listen to this retard
any junkie will use XMR over any other coin
t. darkweb admin
Used Monero (and got a 10% discount for using it) on Zion a few weeks ago.
But, yes anons pump the shit out of XMR. I want to buy more drugs and use less of my XMR to do so. Thanks in advance.
IP leaks are FUD, it was fixed like 6 months ago
How is Zcash seen?
Shoo shoo pajeet.
can be tracked
are u guys trying xspec already?
Yes but not the only one. Don't forget Monacoin
forgive me for the reddit link but the comment section sums it all up. i dont feel like typing too much of my writing style on the clearnet
Yeah I hope it takes off, they deserve it even though it's just a LTC fork technically, the people acceping it and the integrations make it valuable.
If you don't mind, would you grace us with a list of what you think are the best privacy projects outside XMR?
Aside from the DNM usage, I think they're one of the strongest reasons for crypto adoption. You seem to be in a position to be aware of the top projects (from a usability standpoint at least)
And to clarify, since you want to keep the typing to a minimum, just the names would be nice.
Same faggot pajeet using the same pic with the same filename as before
Nobody trust this literally poomonkey. Xspec is legit
went from 0 XMR to 50 XMR in the last month. in my wallet it goes, and there it shall stay until ledger support is added