Is cryptocurrency really dead? I was about to start. Is there still hope?
Is cryptocurrency really dead? I was about to start. Is there still hope?
its a good place to start desu
Coins on discount
it's not dead...yet
but it's been savaged
waiting to see if it recovers
i started 2 weeks ago and lost everything
and even im confident this train will keep going
Same cycle every year, market looks scary normans and weak beta men abandon it.
Drug addicts, people who crave risk, stock/forex traders, tech investors stick around because its their market. They have fun for a few months because its literally a game and part of all of their interests.
Market stabilizes, normans and weak men come back and reward them all with more money thinking they too can play this high risk game for the completely wrong reasons, shit dumps again next jan. Repeat
This is literally one of the best times to start.
Now is a good time to start. The absolute worst time to start was the end of December and beginning of January.
mfw that's when I started and made easiest 30k of my life
got out 2 days ago when the crashening became obvious now and still saved majority of the profits
that dead cat bounce was great opportunity but now it's literally tanking
I started early-mid December made mad gains on XLM and XRP. Almost all those gains are gone but I've quintupled my coin stack, once this recession is over I'm going to be at least $200k up from a 5k investment.
i'd start ASAP if i were you.
of course, there's no guarantee it won't go lower BUT
buy crypto for 10% of what you planned AT LEAST today.
insane things have happened in the past, and insane things almost certainly will happen this year.
it could literally 10+x and leave everyone who's outside on the sideways in less than an hour
just put in 10% of what you planned if you're afraid. can't hurt that much even if it collapses but if it doesn't...
also it usually takes really long to move FIAT into crypto for the first time, so do your research (what sites work in your counrty/currency) really fast
do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says
Better to start now than a week ago, newfriend.
>sold all my antshare because i got scared of the fork in august
>decided to get back into crypto in December
I should just kill myself right?
If now's a good time to start while shit's falling, what should I grab for real cheap? Dogecoin?
>Is there still hope?
just sold 100k
>stock/forex traders
>their market
shut up please you guys arent traders
Yes. Tron and verge are also really cheap. Thow in melon coin and you are all set.
Tell me what you're doing next so I can avoid it
but Veeky Forums just said "do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says", so that comment actually says, do exactly what Veeky Forums says?
LOL this desu.
My ICO will save the economy.
im holding zcl right now and planning on holding out for the btcp
why would you assume its dead? this is somewhat typical, every few months we see shit like this. People just have really short memories. We were on one of the biggest altcoin bullruns of all time over the last month or two where people were casually getting 1000%-2000% returns without even knowing what the fuck they were buying or what they were doing.
We've seen worse market crashes than this (several times) in the last year. Each time things recover better and stronger than ever before, it just takes patience.
Crypto isn't dying, not at all, in fact this is still the ground floor. By end of year we'll see multi-trillion dollar total mcap and pretty much every coin that isn't a total scam will be worth 5-10x+ compared to its current price.
you need to go back
I reckon it's a good time to start because you need to save your "investment".
>once this recession is over
how can you be so sure?
>media scared lots of people
>all the normies got burned hard on what's happening now
>government regulations an taxes make it less profitable
I mean let's be honest, we are literally playing pokemon over the internet
thank fuck i sold mine already. carry on
So you're 200k up on a 5k investment even though you only 5x your money and most of those profits are gone and XLM did not move much at all during that period. Even XRP only had a maximum return of about 8x if you timed the market perfectly and repeatedly.
Are you trying to make a joke or are you just a joke of a person?
>being this autistic
Stop letting people know for fuck sake you gonna ruin it for us this year.
this unironically
Think about what that means. "Is cryptocurrency dead?" Is blockchain/tangle technology over. Are we just giving up on smart contracts. Is there suddenly no demand for private fungible currency.
Seriously between smart contract platforms and LINK alone, 2018 is going to be fucking nuts. Is it dead? LOL it's literally on the verge of coming to life.
>Drug addicts, people who crave risk, stock/forex traders, tech investors
You been reading my resume?
>it could literally 10+x and leave everyone who's outside on the sideways in less than an hour
This. BTC can go 10x in an hour and you will miss out!! GET IN NOW
Me too, wan't to kill myself desu
How much did you get in for?
There is never a bad time to buy crypto, only bad times to sell. Every coin that's not a scam will be up massively this time next year, the year after that, and on and on.
It's all over, crypto is finished, getting in now will only lose you all of your money
Come back in a year when we're starting from 0 again
holyfuck, do they do literally zero research?
It all returns to nothing...
Turn your shit-tier altfolio into huge gains despite the garbage market performance through a pump server
discord gg/fAh4p6E
i think the crypto bubble has popped about 50 times in the last couple of years. a new one will start in about two weeks. it's always the same:
>couple of weeks of AWFUL AWFUL bear market (it was never THAT bad before) everything is literally over this time, china banned all the bitcoins, etc.
>out of fucking nowhere shit starts mooning again
>i-is the dip over guys???
>couple of days later it's like the crash never even happened
>green dildos everywhere and everyone is ecstatic, claiming things like "x will go straight to 100000!! did you sell already???? hahaa"
>obvious ceiling is reached, shit dips a bit, seems to go back up again (bulltrap, sell signal)
>shit CRASHES (corrects) again
>go to step 1
Very sane and reasonable posts. OP, this is probably the best time to buy since october. Get in now, this is basically a sale and no one will care about this crash in 3 weeks.
Yep, this is pretty much it.
I brought back in last night cause I thought it hit the floor. At least I seem to have coins that are holding. I only kind of want to kill myself. Learned a hard lesson. When the next down turn happens I'm selling everything.
Don't forget about ripple, buddy ;)
just ask your self why they present bitoin like gold
Retard, he’s saying he’ll have 200k from5k not that he has it now
It is too late to invest now, crypto is pretty much done
ETC will gain a lot
It one of the easiest big cryptos to mine
mark my words
how about you sell during a bull market? i know, it's fucking crazy right?
yeah come back and buy when its 1000% u stupid idiot
This is what it's unironically been like since last summer
it's over. normie hype was the cause of the rapid growth and joe schmuck saw a get-rich-quick scheme. Now the market will correct itself as scared money is going to take it all down.
Crypto doesn't have any advantages over fiat except for when you wanna buy drugs. that's the honest truth to it.
Now is the time to buy. Don't be an idiot like me who bought in at the beginning of January.
I'm bitter as fuck that I can't go discount shopping right now
why are some coins still green?
>start in december
>get in on the BNTY moon and make 6x
>lose 0.1 ETH thinking Canya is gonna moon as well
>go all in on SwissBorg ICO
>entire market fucking tanks a few days after
you are right and I just got lucky
It's bet time, grandpa, do you want me to change your diapers?
Yeah it died.
God help you if you were here during September and contemplated suicide by buying Bitcoin's "ATH" of 5k.
Yep, public trust is shot.
You realize you hit a critical dollar amount where society pays attention. The bullshit pumping and games we have been playing will not be tolerated for much longer. Government is coming man. Sorry, can't burn normies at large without consequences.
If there's a good moment to start, it exactly right now nignog
Literally every coin on the market is on discount. I'm jelly OP, I started with crypto two weeks ago and my butthole has been ravaged by this bear market, If only I had waited a bit i could fill my bags with so many coins..
>delusional nocoiner
>>couple of weeks of AWFUL AWFUL bear market (it was never THAT bad before) everything is literally over this time, china banned all the bitcoins, etc.
Shieet here I am. I lost almost half of my initial investment, but I'm determined to hodl, I ain't no weak hand
Also the fact that my investment was only 200$ helped to make things less harsh. I consider this as a lesson about crypto world, so I'm not really mad about losing my money. But yeah, if you started in january%December with a bigger amount, then you're screwed lol
lmao, i remember when this board was filled with dozens of posts like this with the first bitcoin cash "flippening" attempt
and everyone was crying afterwards saying that they fell for it, and sold all their buttcoins for BCH, and how this would repel all new investors...and then it happened fucking AGAIN months later, which was shrugged of like nothing happened because BTC went on a fucking unprecedented bullrun.
Ain't a no coiner. My original coins were left over from my days on silk road newfag. learn your place. I've seen gov. come and been wiped because of it. delude yourselves if you want. But gov is coming. Too much attention
Man, I love those swirling triangles in the home page of every shitty ICO
That Pic is really accurate
You are nothing but a pajeet. kek
100% XRP holder?
Dude, pajeets are shilling trying to get you to buy their bags. But whatever good luck
Best time to buy ethereum now or wait see what happens?
I'm amused that the best financial decision I made was buying $20 of bitcoin back in 2011 to play with, and not writing down the password for the wallet file because I was sure I would remember it.
I finally cracked it last month and just finished liquidating when the price dropped.
>buy coin
>it halves
>"you didnt buy at the wrong time, just wait!!"
No you retard, you just lost half your money.
No, you retard, you only lost if you cash out.
>Dumps back to levels last seen a month ago
The absolute state of Veeky Forums.
People on here would have to have wives to lose them
Oh yeah you're so right. This totally matches that trend to the T. Very consistent every year yes yes
ding ding ding ding
chicken dinner!
not sure if srs
now is the best time to join in on all the fun