This board is the funniest fucking place on this site in a market crash. Last night you fuckers cracked me up. I swear most of you were trolling the entire time
This board is the funniest fucking place on this site in a market crash. Last night you fuckers cracked me up...
of course we are you dumb nigger nobody here is worried about this meme (((crash)))
fuck you
I came here yesterday by pure chance bc i look into investment. Great reminder not to be a greedy retard when it comes to the stock market.
Had a big fucking laugh for sure with all the panic and chaos
You think this is a fucking game?
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
I consider losing 30%of my portfolio the cost for wojaks. Worth it every time.
Holy shit you sound like an autistic normie. You know there's a saying that you don't talk about the joke because it ruins it right?
Fucking hell reddit is more savvy than you OP.
Shutup norman
This site is full of degenerates. I wpuld never invest i to this market, if not only for the reason its full of racists and trump supporters. Im wuite happy on reddit thanks! Enjoy your market crash with your digital cash.
I for one do active research analysis before i invest, with mathematicical approach. Why would i invest in crypto, its not backed by anything. Even the co founder of bitcoins sold all of his last month, i saw it in the paper.
Wtf, dude we literally lost tens of millions of dollars and you are LAUGHING.
I was all in bitconnect and now I need to prostitute my left nut just to get some money.
it's not "trolling"
this is a board of traders. people want to increase their net-worth in crypto, so sometimes they will dump the market.
the ones that start the dump first take out USD, and start spreading the FUD and try others to start selling too. As more and more traders catch on, the FUD grows exponentially.
then some start to think this is the end of the dump and buy back in (getting a lot more coins than they left with), and start to fight the FUDders
this is actually really calm compared to the dumps of 2017 btw, like people are a lot less gullible now and it's a lot harder to convince the average person that 'crypto is over for good' and they must sell or lose everything
It's too late for you now faggot,
The hacker Veeky Forums now has your IP.
Your toast kiddo.
Heil Trump!
ok nvm, that IS trolling lel
That’s intricate. I just thought most anons were hodlers and pink wojak larping
I may be losing money, but god the memes are worth it.
Lol this (((crash))) is only good for breaking out the wojack folder. Not selling and not even slightly worried.
Ask yourself this before you do anything stupid user. Is your wife’s son going to be ok when he discovers your body?
To all the people selling right now, buy some KYScoin.
I said it yesterday dunno if any of you autists paid any attention. I liquidated my VEN icx omg and neo put it all on trx at. .04 it will hit 3x before tomorrow and I'm on easy Street. I suggest you do the same or use your tears as lube