should we stick Suicide Prevention Lifeline on top too?
Should we stick Suicide Prevention Lifeline on top too?
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We are not plebbit faggot. Only iron hands on biz and NEETS who don't give a fuck about money they never had
>Leddit normies just started investing in cryptocurrency
>get spooked about a slight downturn
No, mods should sticky how to suicide.
You werent going to cash out today whats there to be suicial about. Stop being fags and wait a week.
>NEETS who don't give a fuck about money they never had
Too close to home.
>all normalfags are panicselling because muh wife/kids/house whatever
>ironchands and neets who don't give a fuck still holding
It's poetry
No but we should develop a Suicide shitcoin.
naah we need more suicides so that there are less retards in the world
>Develop a suicide shitcoin
Don’t you mean Bitconnect?
We aren't fucking Reddit you mong
It would be the only coin in the green during times like these.
The more people that commit suicide before clearing their wallets the more money we stand to make in the future
Is it possible to develop a coin that pays out reward tokens to all holders every time someone with weak hands sells BTC at a loss during the dip?
But suicides increase the prices of they didn't sell their coins
reminder guys, hold until you have $0
Anyone else enjoy getting justed by btc right now?, alts are different story but btc shitting the bed always brings a smile to my face, mostly because i know it will bounce back.
no OP, just kys.
It all returns to nothing...
I don't think you understand that so many people in crypto are literally WE MAKE IT OR WE DIE. I'm one of them. I give no fucks about life. I found crypto like 8 months ago, a month or two before I planned to off myself.
Trying to tell people to look for help with their issues is going to help no one. The only way people truly change is when they, themselves, find a reason to. In my case I haven't changed, I'm just making money without wagecucking, so I figured I might as well see how long this shit will go for.
Why brand ourselves as being weak? I love that reddit is full of that shit and here it’s just people making fun of them
a fine addition to my collection
we should have suicide instructions
Sticky this.