

>tfw bought in a bull trap

Capitulation will be 7k

this picture is posted here everday and it looks exactly like the bitcoin value and yet people were still denying a crash was underway as late as yesterday
how delusional can you get

People were saying it was the bear trap lmfao.

the cycle might repeat again

question is what is the bottom?

I wish it'd tank as low as that meme chart.
Not going to happen.


The bear market is just beginning guys. It's not over until ETH@5 BTC@900, NEO@1 and so on. We're going back to 2016. Great opportuniies ahead for new investors.

If it tanked that low there would be serious worries of the chain dying. There are people holding hundreds of thousands of BTC who have barely anything to show for the potential wealth they hold. All this money will be encouraged to get out.

presumably 3300$ ... BUT NOT IF

SOUTH ZERGS ban shitcoin

only mericunts and japs left then

needless to say banks are at it to develop their own shitcoin/chain and won't need the current crypto filth > slowkill (regulations) and fastkill (bans) inbound

The public are involved though, you've seen the amount of normies around these days. I think we're long past that stage

My dad asked me about cryptocurrency... a guy who's only notion of the internet is he can watch Netflix from something not on his TV channels

This thing is long past the smart money stage

There will be a counter reaction.
This disaster has turned more eyes on crypto than any gains ever did.

The chain would suffer from serious stress if the price dipped under 1k. Fees would go sky high.

Yeah meanwhile it needs to go that low.

return to the mean means back to 20k$

a shorters dream.


>under $10,000 and falling
it's about time, let it burn

Agree. This shit is going to die soon, but i still did not made it, i'm going rich or down with the ship.

who could have seen this coming?

what about stock market?
it all time high
