Terminally cryptocucked. F
Terminally cryptocucked. F
Other urls found in this thread:
>lover of life
>kills self
what did he mean by this?
I fucking hope that person was trolling.
It's not fun by any stretch of the imagination, but homelessness happens and is survivable.
He was such a kind soul. Poor guy.
*lover of money
His "life" meaning his BitConn3ct account
Aw reading from old tweets to new is sad, but did noone tell him to take his money out of this scam earlier?
New theme song for this crash:
This. If you are mentally healthy you can easily survive being homeless if you try to apply for jobs and look for a new place to rent within the next 2 weeks. Then when you have a shitty place and a shitty job you can slowly try to climb up again properly.
bullshit, he was in on the scam and using "muh suicide" to close his twitter handle.
Haha what a soft cock. Should be ball less sack. I think he is larping and driving the fuck to mexico
The strong weed out the weak.
In this bear market, the only people making money are the members of this group. Join now,..,
discord dot gg/6ddqFHd
check out his liked tweets
Wassup wassup wassup
my fucking sides
lol'd at this too this twitter is fucking comedy gold
>work for your money and invest them right
>and if you fuck up, take your own life!
Time to get rid of some genetic FILTH today it seems. Tomorrow will be a cleaner, whiter world.
Except once you become actually homeless your mental health will begin deteriorating and no one will hire a stinky crazy hobo
>I help and support. Lover of life.
What's with normies and their cult like behaviour?
The Fire Rises
fucking normies are bleeding
It's just an exit strategy together with moving to barbuda or some shit like that.
so I never invested in this scam, but what happened? whats the reason for the drop
No one wants to believe they were dumb enough to get fleeced. Especially not people that are legitimately dumb, they will never take responsibility and it's ALWAYS someone else's fault they couldn't make it. Compound that with the cult of personality of social media They all see themselves as the next DJ Khaled.
They want fame, constant praise, and fortune because it's the lifestyle they're trying to emulate, stolen from the magazines and shows their lives revolve around (e.g. Kardashian syndrome). It's quite interesting to observe the levels of narcissism that can be attained from simply gaining 1000 followers on a social media account.
The people running BCC made off with everyone's BTC and gave them back the equivalent in worthless BCC coins. They were MtGox'd.
Anyone got the video Treyvon took down?
Utterly unsustainable interest rates accelerated by massive influx of new "investors" needing to be paid. Crash was actually expected around those dates since months according to anyone knowing their way around numbers.
In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein people of low ability suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority derives from the metacognitive inability of low-ability persons to recognize their own ineptitude; without the self-awareness of metacognition, low-ability people cannot objectively evaluate their actual competence or incompetence.
I thought it was more of a classic ponzi scheme.
why do I get the feeling that this is a LARP?
KEK he fucked up his own suicide
Didn't realize so much dumb money entered crypto. Glad they're getting washed out.
The level of delusion is incredible.
ok this is fake as fuck
>helium can
fucking idiot
lol guaratee this faggots larping hoping someone will donate him money. What a bitch
faggot could not even do it right
Bullshit, how the fuck do you go from failed attempted suicide and land in the hospital in 2 hours. Does twitter have some kind of timed tweets feature?
This is ridiculous
>helium tank
top fucking kek
guys a psycho, everything is completely made up
Trump supporters in a nutshell
I don't have enough balls to do this, I have too much normie followers, please someone do this
Lol holy shit people are gullible
Holy shit, that is the funniest "borrowed money to buy at ATH" story I've heard in ages. I mean, it's obviously fake, but still.
Eternal anglo
Probably from /britfeel/
If you haven't worked it out, he's a fuckin con artist that's in on the scam...
underrated LOL
>nice just bought 100k
God damnit Veeky Forums lmao
Everyone loves life when they get millions by doing nothing
>the cult of personality of social media
This going to cause a major metal health crisis with normies
okay, sec
Go back
no liberals on biz, please. you guys are destined to slave for your progressive megacorps like facebook while they put out Beyonce memes for you to say YAAAS to. you dont deserve to be rich
>being this mad
People who always talk about “haters” and say “peace” are the fakest assholes around. Scum of the earth
Go join him on reddit
who is she
hes just trying to save face. 100% he pocketed everyones money
Guys. Bitcoin is crashing but it is NOT over.
We in this group have analysed the cryptos that will bring you the most. One of them is CAPP and PIX.
In case you wanna know why, join:
discord gg/XsdQcUw
Jesus christ fuck off you god damn street shitter.
Do a flip faggot
but they analysed the cryptos
Shut the fuck up
>vapid tattooed single moms and know-nothing niggers are "crypto investors" now
lol if you didn't sell long ago then man idk man idk
God that fucking nigger sucks
There's just no fucking way that everything he describes happened in under three hours. He wouldn't even have access to his smartphone right now--he would have woken up in a gown, in a room guarded by security until staff could assess whether or not he was an immediate threat to himself or others. That's the way it works pretty much everywhere. You don't just wake up from an attempted suicide and get right back on Twitter to post a novel.
FACT - Trevon just seen at Hartsfield Int. Airport in ATL in the international terminal.
Is it physically possible for niggers to not play the victim? I don't believe so.
Fucking kek it's at -95% right now.
soon -100%
>post your face when BCC goes up to $300 again from a whale troll pump and this guy could have gotten his money back
Ugh, everything is gonna be ok guys. Just spread the love.
>lol if you didn't sell long ago then man idk man idk
Yeah and how do you time the exit? Even with this carnage I'm still +60% in a month
-40% in a week though lol
Didnt he gave almost a million dollars? How-is he broke? He couldnt have that all in bcc?
god damn do I love these normies