Well it's been good. I'm heading back to /pol/

Well it's been good. I'm heading back to /pol/.


Heil Hitler and good luck to you.

Stay there and never infect another board again

>not browsing the holy trifecta of self improvement/fit/ Veeky Forums /pol/

Hopefully you go back to /r/thedonald while you're at it

Me too. Down 220k and counting.

>self improvement


Veeky Forums Veeky Forums Veeky Forums Veeky Forums
If only you knew the true power of alpha

Good. Stay there. Less cancer to deal with.

get a white wife and save the white race.

>not staying for the race to BTC @ 3k

newfag detected

>self improvement
Surely delusional fantasies of racial destiny are healthy

Veeky Forums was never part of the holy trifecta, newfag scum
It's a normie containment board.

down 100k
that´s like going back to nov 2017 for me
everythings okay i will be fine

you leave crypto and you let the jews win. dont disasspoint hitler.

Witness how the redditor feels the need to assure everyone else that /pol/ behavior is par for the course here
I mean, posts saying "da joos and dindus r ruining muh ethno-state" are all that gets upvoted on r/Veeky Forums so how would he know any different

Fuck off and never come back.

/pol/ keeps the normies out desu

What? It's been inviting normalscum from Reddit for over a year now.



it is, but you wouldn't know that because you're new.

I'd agree with you if /pol/ went back to pre election content.

>this nigga doesn't know about /fitlit/


Good. Stay there.