The Weakest Hands in the World Are Waking Up

Congrats faggots, you managed to push the market down by 50bn yesterday and today you made BTC break sub-10k. No wonder so many exchanges ban you pussies.

Sell your shitcoins,
Get the fuck out,
And never, ever come back

Just looked at all the 24 hour charts for my positions. It continued to trend down heavily while we slept. Try harder.

>I’m a europoor and I keep getting dumped on by USA wahhhhh how will I feed Vladimir

>Only Americans are sell!
>Completely ignores the 24/7 dip thats been happening

Fuck off Muhammad, dont you have French girls to rape? sage

This obsession can’t be healthy


Shut the fuck up you dumb faggots. We were at 500 before you bitch-asses got up for macdonalds.

Oh boy, incoming butthurt Trigglypuffs

So what you’re saying is you keep putting money in and we keep taking it. Sounds like a “you” problem

I invested the proceeds into an upgraded power mobility scooter. Twice the horsepower, three times the warm burger storage, upgraded 96oz cupholders, satellite radio, and a bigger gun rack all funded by people like you! Feels good man :P




yeah it was us, fuck off


What the fuck are you doing here?

>chinks and gooks threaten to ban crypto multiple times a week
>hur it's the americans fault

Money talks, faggot. They buy shit anyway.

Go deal with your exploding immigrants eurofag

we invented bitcoin. you chose to participate.

europoors are the worst

It does and yurostanis don't have any.

>*gets raped by Muhhamed*
>*gets run over by a truck*

Shut up you stupid fucking niggers. I am Chinese.

American here. I bought as much as I could yesterday. Then the Europeans pushed the prices even lower while I was sleeping.

> Entire country LITERALLY founded by Europeans/immigrants
lol say what, boy

Australian here, amerimutts have weaker hands than amputee victims.

Kindly take a hint and fuck off, golly g gosh I wonder why youre excluded from ICO and exchanges?

Fucking ugly ass mongrels

>golly g gosh
LMAO, stay fucking poor in your dessert island, you fucking kangaroo bumble fucks. Be glad that some of our American wealth gets distributed to your shithole of a country, when your weak hands sell.

Europe sells. They always fucking sell when they wake up. I have buy orders for when you niggers wake up because the market always dips

i'm sorry to hear about that. china video thread?

>American here. I bought as much as I could yesterday. Then the Europeans pushed the prices even lower while I was sleeping.

West or east coast?

East coast faggots wake at 7 and start their dumps like clockwork and the west coast faggots follow suit.

Europeans are pussies, this is well known

Shut up you dumb faggots it's just other amerifats that woke up earlier than you. See

Both you fucking amerifats and chinkfucks are ruining this, fuck you

everyone but me is ruining this shit.

How is it Americans selling when I’m American and have awaken to a new low every morning for the past 7 fucking days? From that low my portfolio will stabilize or even increase during the day, but when I go to sleep and wake up bam new fucking low again. I went from 77k to 21k because of you fucking gooks and cucks who watch their wives fuck unshowered pajeets.

>hu-duh mah guns look how alpha i am.

they just bought the dip

Dear fellow Americans,

I hope North Korea will nuke you obese mix race mongrels soon.

Sincerely soon homeless Europoor

This tbqhfam desu senpai.

Would you expect less from a country that elects a syphilitic Baboon with a dead Peekaniese on his head for it's president.

fucking embarrassed to be am american with all you little faggot whining.

you understand how much fucking dumb money is in this country right?

I'm an American and haven't sole anything. In fact I've bought more. I blame this crash on the chinks and their incredibly weak hands.

just called the white Patriarchy, we will stop pumping now, just for you.

chinks are the one that usually pump the prices up.
and who's shorting btc right now? where's wall street is?

I wagecuck nightshift retard. Been up since 5pm yesterday. Down $2,500 and still holding. If you want to spread your blogpost, exit to Faceberg. Get fucked OP. Lmao

How many days since you've been shot?



Yuropoors will never have this

We're buying the dip right now you weak handed faggots

I wonder what it feels like to leave the house with your edc

That FiveseveN sitting on my armor, and a Taurus Judge loaded with .45LC though I don't carry to work.

If you want to make some profit even during the dip then join.
Discord >>UXBnfm2

I carry to work but if I did some sort of normal job, I would at least carry a pocket 380.

If you want to make some profit even during the dip then join..
Discord >>UXBnfm2

Looking into a smaller frame atm, but haven't decided on one yet. Ruger LCP9 has my interest for the size, but not the round.

>everyone who buys crypto is looking to sell at a higher price
>retards get mad when other people sell

boo hoo you cant force others to hold

>45 long colt

You are, and will always be, my nigga.

45 colt is one of the best anti-personnel rounds you can carry.

My father carries an LCP II 380. Its a great gun for its size and anytime you cant carry a full size.

lol bro Americans live with 60 bucks on their bank account and a constant 5k debt on credit... obviously they will sell like bitches as soon as they can’t afford the rent

>implying all January sellers were people pre-october
>being this retarded

Stay mad nerd.

Americans run the market, fucking deal with it.

Europeans aren't the ones going on jihad suicide missions and forming large rape gangs to take advantage of the entire young female populace. We have our 200 year nigger problem in burgerland but the western Euros are apparently falling over themselves to increase their crime rates and amount of death and violence.

American here, stupid analogy. Saying we have weaker hands than someone without actual hands makes no logical sense. Should have said arthritic geriatric or perhaps michael j fox

It surely is a gracious round.

I'll look into that, thanks for the recommend.

>Cause the crash
>blame american stop-loss orders for making it crash further
chinks should be genocided

Why would you need a scope on a revolver

Hog hunting. .44 Mag does it correctly. Skulls are thick, don't want to be on the wrong side of a charge. Invasive species in FL.

Also it's a quick relief scope. Can have both eyes open while acquiring target easily at long and short range. Trained with the irons first.

Cool thanks, britbong here we are not allowed weapons or butter knifes lol

I know and it saddens me sometimes. You'd be able to fight off the invading hoardes. Look into your regs, I believe there are reasonable exceptions for ownership.