What if people just didn't sell.
What if people just didn't sell
Do women literally lay in bed thinking about how to show off their tits in new and unique ways?
Then that would defeat the whole point of a cryptoCURRENCY
What if people just were ok with not having any control over their purchases?
thats not how a ponzi works
eventually the whales cash out
What if I told you, they do this every second they are alive after they get them.
The whales will always come back till this is a regulated industry. It's to easy to make money with crypto right now
If you wanna make some profit during the dip join.
Discord >>UXBnfm2
Those digits on webm for a good time?
It's literally not a ponzi. Look up what that word means.
let's dispel this fiction once and for all that they don't know what they are doing. they know exactly what they are doing
This. Also before they get them.
Mother give milk.
Mathematically speaking this is highly unlikely
of course. notice how easily the bar is lifted. there aren't even any weights so she has maximum breast flop control
Her kids look high af
why wouln't you sell something that has no inherit value?
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Why would you buy something with no inherent value?
On the assumption that someone else will pay more for it, of course.
Then why would anyone sell it just because it has no inherent value? It was a rhetorical question because the user I was responding to is a retard.
>Then why would anyone sell it just because it has no inherent value?
>I will sell you 'good vibes' for $10,000
Because it's the perfect deal, like riding a short to zero.
Or you could be patient and sell it for 100k.
i just did to make sure im not tripping. explain to me how its not a ponzi scheme lol
A ponzi is where you invest with one person or group (bernie madoff) who promises you returns. You get returns but the "returns" are just the investments from the other people. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Srsly, are you retarded?
>Or you could be patient
What does that have to do with anything?
The fact that the price I get for 'good vibes' is at $10K means nothing. It could be $100.
The fact that I've sold something with no inherent value means everything.
>What does that have to do with anything?
Because you don't have an infinite amount of crypto. Just selling it at any random time regardless of price because it "has no inherent value" is stupid.
Unironically kill yourself
>What if people just didn't sell.
Imagine what will happen when ETH proof of stake happens. About half of all the ETH gets locked up for four months at a time, and the issuance rate gets cut to pieces. Massive quantities will also get locked up in Maker for the issuance of DAI. The recent ATH will be a fraction of the ETH price then and a long distant memory.
stopped reading at "just"
stop using jewish words...
justice... judicial... justification.. just...
jury, judge. etc..
it's all jewish tricks.
they are literaly the spawn of satan.
it's in the bible.
yeah it just needs new idiots or it collapses
and it collapses when too many people try to cash out
The point is that selling something with no inherent value is a perfect deal, the fact that the price varies at different times notwithstanding.
>new and unique
aint nothing new or unique
>those knock knees
Painful to watch
this but unironically
>Justice is kike stuff
do you think every stock in every market in the world is a ponzi scheme?
remarkable stupidity user.
>>What if people just didn't sell.
then what's the point
the only reason to invest in bitcoin is to fleece bigger morons than yourself by cashing out
Everyone would fucking lose. What good would it be to have profit and never sell retard.
This is chaincoin retard logic.
I like your style.
name ty
Milk must be really good
this kid looks more manly doing the soyboy face than those manchildren e-celebs
The thing is, there are whales who made so much money, they can sell this much bitcoin and it was probably like only 20% of their holdings, they still haven't sold the other 80%.
>Pretending a non government regulated asset that has no physical value is worth something
Nigger you're trading a fake currency and smart people scammed and withdrew money from stupid people. You must have some kind of brain. Or are you one of those cult fucks?
cant lie if I had them id play with them every second.
those are some sad hips OP
she can squat all she wants and never be a wide hip cutie
legit. she's a bona fide coping gymcel
Then aspiring buyers would offer a higher price until people were willing to sell. This always happens and is also currently happening.
Jesus Christ dude. Do you even know what markets are?
You wouldn't have to watch your pokedollars melt away
that body!
You meant to say "pyramid scheme", not all pyramid scheme are Ponzi schemes, but all are scams.