Once the dust settles, who is going to be the real winner?
BTC, ETH, or alts?
Once the dust settles, who is going to be the real winner?
BTC, ETH, or alts?
Other urls found in this thread:
alts, which will hopefully then claim ETH as their leader.
BTC needs to die. alt value != btc value
ripple. house always win. you seriously bet against the jews? HAHHAHAH
The people who sold early are going to be the real winners. All you "iron hand" holders are going to be paying for their early retirement.
BTC, then ETH & NEO, then ALTS
Here is my strat so far
50% eth
10% ltc
15% neo
10% ada
15% whatever.. Could be ripple
Gonna be comfy af
also; I hope you tethered up or this wont matter
BTC climbing again boys! Wall street saves the day!
This. People left holding tulips.
USD, GBP and EUR probably.
Totally BTC
Alis. They have the biggest growth.
You guys really never learn
Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation.
They will make a coin set in Fiat Value soon.
Learn what?
Fiat currency will be the winner
BCH is the real BTC. Why is this never discussed?
BTC always wins.
Great meme guys
In this bear market, the only people making money are the members of this group. Join now..'"
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Mathematically speaking this is improbable
XMR and other Monero architecture coins. Monero is the new gold standard. Follows BTC mission, it's private, and it's fungible.
Get over it idiots and read your whitepapers next time