>tfw you realize that Trevon James HATES white people
He wanted to hurt as many whites as possible through bitconnect. Looks like he succeeded folks
Proof below
>tfw you realize that Trevon James HATES white people
He wanted to hurt as many whites as possible through bitconnect. Looks like he succeeded folks
Proof below
this is the level of JUST and psychosis which will get him killed
highly doubt any whites invested, if you check the comments and tweets, it's brothers, chicos, and eastern europeans
he ended up getting mostly niggers scammed.
Plenty of white people got conned. I've been watching this faggot operate for over a year
burn the coal, pay the toll.
eastern europeans = whites dumb fuck
"For some reason, white people love creating-- building new technology-- blah blah"
He's using this as an argument against white people. If this isn't irony, I don't know what is.
I mean, kinda
Wh*toids btfo
Retards got scammed, who cares if the retards were white or black? It's natural selection.
you have to go back.
This is what you get for following a negro :D
Is he joking or is he really one of the most dumb niggas on the planet?
>White people are all about advancing civilization and creating new technologies so thats why they want to kill them
So glad this guy lost 95% of his money today
too bad hes a dead man now
doesent matter how rich you are 1 bullet kills you
never forget this
do you really think theres some guy that kills himself first before he goes on revenge on that guy?
lmao never
Lol wow. This native american dude (as he claims he is) sure is a hell of a racist.
Islam: The Galactic Religion
And at the end of the video he talks about how white people are obsessed with progression and technological innovation and Islam just "aint about dat"
40 IQ nigger
>go back.
the galactic religion of peace you mean.
what a dumb nigger
>most of the bcc investors are kids or first timers
Well he's not wrong
Lol if you think this
>Ever trusting a nigger.
You guys are retards.
>taking financial advice from nogs
They deserve it desu
I like how the rest of the world is so buttblasted they have to make a collage of themselves and plaster our flag on it
Well he lost a fuckload of it atleast
No way this nigger took it all out before today
>listening to a nigger talk about finances
This is why you're poor.
I wish /pol/ left
No there slavs
Cumskins on suicide watch
>telling him to buy a literally dead coin
he's wrong
I only trust Teeka.
The funny thing is that it was probably the non racist whites who were following him and trusting his advice.
The racists just said "lol im not taking financial advice from an N-word"
Ey yo this Trevon James stop talk bullshit yall!
My baby moma she Polish blond white.
Yall choose buy Bitconnect I aint force yo ass.
Sell with nu is sell with loss yo I iz buying it.
why don't you guys comment on his twitter?
>there are Americans who are actually offended by the 56% meme
found the mutt
Light skinned niggers either hate white people or hate black people cause they hate that half of themselves. Mixed race people are mentally unstable.
/pol/ was right again, when will the faggots learn?
If it deals with Blacks never relax
Let's be honest here, OP. The only reason that bitconnect died was because a black man, Trevon, was making money off of it. We all know deep down that the white man hated watching a black man get rich through crypto so they killed bitconnect. We all know that if he was a white man this never would've happened.
Thats a fake twitter.
I still don't understand why no professional criminal put a gun to his head and said transfer all your bitcoins to me. It's the easiest high score armed robbery in the world. I mean people rob banks which is 100x more risky for less of a payout.
>Amerimutts actually believe this
taking advice from a nigger - one might as well die to keep the white gene pool clean
It's real.
Was only by accident that I stumbled upon his other youtube channel and it's full of hate and resentment against whites.
Lol that nigger basically said that non-whites are animals who just want to eat&fuck&sleep and that's what makes whites evil.
nigger what.
Eastern Europeans are Whiter than Amerimutts will ever be
Whoever listens to a Dindu for financial advice deserves to lose everything.
This lel.
They also have racist tier IQ so they see through the ponzi any way
I don't even know who that guy is but if you trust a nigger with your money or with anything you deserve what you've got coming to you.
Typical racists crackers. One black guy makes a mistake so you peg us all the same.
One black guy turns 5k into 5 mil (3mil now lol) and his race is irrelevant.
you can say nigger here, reddit faggot
Promoters have pimped this shit to lot of "shady" melanin-enriched people that were looking to put their "cash assets" into something. I wonder how many promoters are going to get kneecapped or murdered by said individuals.
Trevon was seen in the International Terminal at Hartsfield Airport ATL THIS morning. Nigger is going on VACATION!
That's because there's no middle ground. You're either extremely smart or extremely dumb.
I can say the same thing to you but the reverse...dumbass
That's a fallacy. Average people aren't memorable.
>I can say the same thing to you but the reverse
>i don't understand 6th grade statistics
oh sweetie...
Classic nigger ... doesn't know people won't see/address you as a nigger if you're not a nigger.
Being this thick just means you're a dumb black and definitely a nigger.
According to every god damn statistic there is, your kind is the worst there is ... Mericuns would be way better without you ALLTOGETHER.
how is what you're saying even relevant? I didn't say anything about IQ
>t. american intellectual
And you know 100% that everyone is this thread believes in "black person or nigger"?
Have you ever been on /pol/? lmao
>i am an illiterate nigger who is incapable of making connections between related concepts
top wew
I'm not even American tho
You know that America isn't the only country in the world, right?
How is the song about how he hates white people? It's about how he has many things in common with white people and loves many of the things white people love such as starbucks and pickup trucks despite not himself being white.
>muh statistics
>muh pictures instead of substantiating your argument
I never even disagreed with your images lol.
What are you trying to prove?
i'm constantly on pol ... and if you were to meet pol people they surely would be cautious ... but why wouldn't they - have you seen the latest FBI crime statistics?
meanwhile the intellectual thugs are lefty lunatics, indoctrinating in schools - and the most invested idiots ANTIFA and the lot ...
while all the same the whites left are getting roasted in South America
>i am unable to draw conclusions from presented data
That on average blacks have lower iq? What else do you think? Wow, way to prove his point.
* and the lot are the active thugs as seen many times ...
* South Africa
The dumb ones always have a massive chip on their shoulder.
>normal distribution is a fallacy
no white can be that stupid, so its safe to say they weren't white
Fuck white people and fuck frog posters
>t. studied quantum physics at TU
I don't see leftists or blacks run the military industrial complex or trying to cut you off education at all.
You deserve everything that's coming to you mongrellus.
his latest tweet Trevon James
This. I know both white Americans and Eastern Europeans, the Eastern Europeans are far smarter. They don't have those arrogant loudmouth personalities, either
LOL literally
Tfw when u realize Trevon is married to a white girl.
>One black guy makes a mistake so you peg us all the same.
But it's not just one black guy. Majority of niggers are absolute trash.
lol, good for you ... how would dumb fucks (most niggers included) even study quantum physics at TU ... or for that matter just about anything at a TU
> I don't see leftists or blacks run the military industrial complex or trying to cut you off education at all.
You don't see? Oh boy ... i think you should know better how "checking up on things" works.
>supports a ponzi
>blames government intervention for losses
He knows that he's fucked. The FBI has every right to seize all his assets for being so heavily associated with bitconnect. He made like 2 million from referrals alone
Do a study controlled for IQ: Realize that the vast differences between races are actual caused by socio economics and not by lower IQ.
>people desperately trying to buy their personal information online
>Change is never good.
Also let me just shill another Ponzi to yah senpai
quit with your worship of tolerance, even blacks think your pathetic NIGGER.
There's no fucking way differences between races are caused by abstract concepts. We are material beings, we are not all born a blank slate, there are innate genetic differences on the most fundamental level, from metabolic processes to the way synapses work.
Yup, those white devils be spookin' us an sheeeit!
>The FBI has every right to seize all his assets for being so heavily associated with bitconnect
good luck seizing monero government niggers
>Realize that the vast differences between races are actual caused by socio economics and not by lower IQ
see here: . see pic related
except the "socio economics" issue has been btfo'd many times over ...