Which Exchange do you use?

It seems to be a good time to invest into crypto right now. What exchange is Veeky Forums approved?

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If you sign with my link you'll be part of my 15 person pool

Coinbase, if you're a North American.

Don't buy now, it's only going lower in the short-term. If BTC goes much under 10k, which it probably will, buy it at 6k.

Once this bump is over the coins on kucoin go up exponentially because they are never listed anywhere else.

This is a binance code, which I'm pretty sure we're all on binance. 12721630

Europoor here, what would you recommend for us?

Not kucoin any more from now on

I'm from Germany though

was meant for

What makes you think it will hit 6k?

Crypto noob here, what about kraken?

also from germany here. used coinbase to cash in my fiat to buying eth. moved it to kucoin and binance then. here are my refs if you want.

kucoin: 1rKx3
binance: 13697972

buyin on anycoindirect and pumping to kucoin

Kraken I think is best, sorry.

Technical Analysis. Cryptos don't act much different than speculative stocks, looking at it's history. Not just that meme poster, it's not very accurate, historically. Look at price AMZN from back in the 90's.

Of course if you are playing the very long game, it doesn't matter what the price of your crypto is worth now against a fiat currency, since fiat currency is worthless and will eventually be recognized as such in the future.


They have their own coin for transactions so it cuts down on fees

"We do not recommend to trade on Kraken anymore"


You have to consider a few things. Which coins are you looking to buy? Any Altcoins? Are you looking to buy with FIAT (government paper currency)?

There are very few exchanges that let you buy with FIAT. So, you may need to start there, and then use the coins you buy there to buy altcoins on another exchange


I am a 100% nocoiner, so yes i would buy with EUR.

Btw. whats the point of being registered an multiple sites?

Also, what coins would you recomend? I was thinking of ETH or LTC and (obviously) BTC just because they seem mainsteam enough to not fuck me over until I improve my knowlede of the market.


Do this. Stop after you make a coinbase

Don't invest in altcoins until you know what the fuck you're doing

dont use exchanges. keeping your coins in exchange wallets is suicide in this environment. only use atm-like single transfer sites that buy directly from your bankaccount and deliver coins directly to your hardware wallet and vice-versa
the service costs are high, but its better than getting exit-scammed

Smaller alternative coins may only be sold on one exchange, so you have to sign-up on that exchange if you want to buy it.

Aside from those smaller coins, you could stick with a main one like Coinbase that excepts FIAT and sells the top 4 coins. Or, a larger alternative exchange like Binance that handles a lot of the altcoins.

Look at reviews for the exchanges

Gdax, binance, coss

are you implying that binance or coinbase is going to shutdown and run with our money?

What would be their motivation? Coinbase is making a killing on fees and binacne has their own coin based around the website

>only use atm-like single transfer sites that buy directly from your bankaccount and deliver coins directly to your hardware wallet

for example?

is this really necessary? If i just want to make some profit and get the fuck out again with some easy cash, will I get scammed?

For being a business board you guys sure love falling in pyramid schemes

referral links aren't pyramid schemes

It's only a pyramid scheme if they got a percentage of your total buys/sells

there is only one approved exchange

OK I remebered I was still registered at CEX.IO; guess i can start there. I'm ready to buy some BTC.

Now, how low will it drop?

Can someone who uses Bittrex tell me how the FUCK to deposit ETH? My fucking hex address won't load.

Id use Binance or Bitfinex but neither are taking new customers atm so I have to use either Bittrex or Poloniex.

You want to be more specific on technical analysis, what brought you to 6k? Because everyone and their mother on tradingview has a different price target based on a number of different factors.

all of them. Stop being a fucking pleb.

>easy cash, will I get scammed?
absolutely, especially with that mentality

I'm really not a fan of exchange wallets because you dont own the private key to those. You won't get coins from forks and if you can't login, you lose everything

best thing you can do is to google "bitcoin atm" and just go there in person if you find one. avoid exchanges. bonus points; you don't have to give out your personal information for the taxman when using an atm

alternatively, use localbitcoins and meet people to make trades

I was trying to post this in my last response, but it thought I was a scam lol.

Here is what I noted for myself on the exchanges:

shapeshift not exchange, you trade coins

bitfinex: nobody knows who owns it, likely fraud
kraken: We do not recommend to trade on Kraken anymore.
bittrex: scam
poloniex: very bad reviews
bitconnect: closed 1/16/2018, took everyone's money

You can use my ref for Binance if you want. 20097572

I agree with the other poster, that you should stay away from altcoins until you understand what you are investing in. When depositing FIAT with a bank account on CoinBase mine took 10 days to show up. A lot of people recommend doing the Wire Transfer, even though it will cost you about $40, the amount usually shows up in about a day.
You can also buy with Credit Cards, but that's a higher fee, and they restrict the amount you can deposit.

is bitstamp legit? its one of the few from eu

Almost no BItcoin ATMs in Germany - I blame the Jews.

This seems a bit paranoid to me though. Is cashing out really a risk? I mean, it's not like BTC is actually usefull as a currency in everday life. Admittedly, I have no idea and I,m typing my thoughts into the anonymous void.

BitShares is best, it's decentralized :) fuck you faggots using cuckbase and GDAX

its legit but verification will take a while

What's the benefit to joining such a pool?

I signed up from Binance today

I'm pretty sure that one was legit, but it was focused on EU, or only worked with EU FIAT, and I'm US so I didn't use it.

What stopped Mt. Gox from doing it? They were the biggest exchange back in 2013 or so.
Coinbase yielded to the IRS so I don't know if consumers get some sort of protection if they bailed.

Use poloniex if you're starting out. There are no shitcoins there so you cannot in any possible way hold never ending bags

I first bought LTC, and then ETH because when you want to transfer these to other exchanges to buy alts they have lower fees and transfer times than BitCoin.

Personal opinion is that ETH is a better coin for long term. Though with everything dropping, buying into BTC may be a good idea too. But, again, DYOR! Nobody knows anything.