I doubled my money shorting shitcoins. since yesterday.
I really thought I could make it by sitting in my room trading internet coins
i daytrade frequently
how much did you lose?
I bought FUN on the dip
I still haven't sold, am I lost?
i daytrade naked
Make what
My gf broke up with me yesterday and I'm down 70%. Still at a profit, but it hurts, almost as much as the break up.
Sorry user
how small does my dick have to be in order for you to suck it?
i am fully convinced that the crash is not even close to being done but i am still too much of a pussy to sell
literally me, wanna fuck?
Just imagine how many girls youll attract on your next gainz
I bought TRX at $0.1
My every trade turns out to become the dippest and shittiest sell, so I just sit and look at the charts going down while everybody is panicking.
I like to put things in my ass. Shorting oil right now.
I bought 38 NEO during the first great dips and I tried to swing trade it but failed and lost 4 NEO (am poorfag)
Why did I try to do that during a recovery? Thought it was a dead cat bounce and retardedness.
I jerked off to a pic. of myself jerking off.
I have a giant diaper fetish and I can't get off without diapers.
Please god forgive me but i can't hold my self from laughing at the agony of the normies blinded by greed.
I am a DigiMarine, i held through the biggest falls and highest of ATHs, i'm a veteran in the crypto world.
Seeing the normies cry and even suicide from losing chump change just makes me laugh endlessly.
Bought 1M tron coins at 250 and didn't sell them yet. I believed my own shills. It was life changing money
I bought 40 district0x, what do I do?
Mobius Jerk
i bought ETH last night at 1070 now its 880
I sold APPC for a 20% loss and bought VEN at 6.80 when the tobacco partnership got announced.
I did the same thing, I know that feel bud
I I fell for the HODL meme not because I think it works, but I'm too stupid to swing trade
I hate cryptocoins and haven't held a single one in my life but I've been pink wojak posting all day.
I strongly believe that btc will be worth 1 million in a few years when the crypto market is mature enough
were still ok right lad???
I just went all in with my savings just now. The gamble is the BTC futures being settled and the market going back to normal
Its do or die now
I've never bought cryptocurrency in my life