Last chance for LiteCoiners, Sell and never look back :')
Why Aren't You Selling Yet Veeky Forums?
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The flippening is apon us, dear lads. LTC will lead the way.
>LTC will lead the way
I hope you are not serious user
Bought some yesterday, time to hodl
fuck off jew, You aren't getting my LTC.
I think you should have waited until It is priced at $20. Charlie's Prophecy
Bought 5k. Doing the opposite of Veeky Forums has been a good strategy lately.
This is the dude that meme nocoiners to become baghodlers :'D KEK
LTC is my reserve currency. So yes, I would prefer people held more of it. Why wouldn't you promote an asset you hold a bunch of?
Past tense
>Why wouldn't you promote an asset you hold a bunch of?
I'll do that if I'm a whale, a real whale
Ooooh, i get it now.
Charlie is trying to buy back his LTC so he is fudding biz. Makes sense to me.
Because this guy gets it
Why would I bother selling, you are just trying to get cheaper coins. Maybe other people will sell but I can't be bothered desu
>:'D KEK
Hello, reddit.
dank maymelanes bruh
That chart is shit, user. Learn TA. Don't let some pretty colors fool you. Short-term, yes, we are going lower. I'm waiting to buy.
Thanks for the Trigonometry lesson user
>Lee fudding Veeky Forums
This is retarded, but if it is true, at least he is doing something more useful than tweeting KEK