Alright guys, let's hear it. What do you all think the new floor for BTC will be after the correction's over?
Strawpoll: New floor for BTC?
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bump for the votes and interest
absolutely pathetic
3k if we're lucky, 1k if we're unlucky.
One thing is for sure, it won't ever go to 1k because it will be in the reach of the average people to be able to buy one whole btc.
people are making profit swing trading but with every dip there are less people buying in
this is not how markets work op
what do you mean?
Post bobs please ma'am
How shocking it represents the distribution of orders in the order books
Literally is how these markets work. There are no fundamentals to reference, price is determined only by trading behavior
The last time we made this poll during the last deep we were way off. People said 5-7k
Yea but that's interesting to see too. The variance between Veeky Forums and the actual market. Once the results stabilize, I'll cap and then post when the correction's done.
Why isn’t 0 an option?
>All these people voting 8k-10k
How delusional are you?
It’s going to go to 5k. Screen cap this.
what'd you predict user and why?
I def think it can briefly flash to $5k but it'd come up pretty fast after that.
6k based on previous BTC bubbles
It can't go to 6k, that's too far, get real
lol ok
There's nothing real about a web address posing as money
there's nothing real about the fiat US dollar posing as "real money"
Sure there is, a central bank and a whole physical country
Backed by the same thing bitcoin is backed by, nothing
Backed by a country that produces goods and services my underage newfriend
>Backed by a country that produces goods and services my underage newfriend
It's backed by nothing, how is it "backed by a country"?
what is backing it up? gold? oil? or nothing?
This. I could see 6k but am hoping around 8k.
Full faith and credit clause in the constitution? Flat earthers are more likely to be proven right then the usd to crash in the next 30 years.
faith and credit? what does that even mean?
how much faith and credit does it take to fill up a 5 gallon bucket?
or are is "faith" just a synonym for "nothing"?
Wow you really are an idiot. Retards like you are the reason the real institutional investors distrust crypto.
Please read an economics textbook then come back. There is nothing wrong with fiat provided the Central Bank is independent and money supply growth keeps pace with actual production of goods and services.
I would agree all fiat is backed up by faith and it could lose all value in an instant if we collectively decided so... But saying it's backed by absolutely nothing at all is rather silly. Faith is a powerful motivator and people resist change.
OK i read a book
It said in the book that US currency is fiat and backed up by nothing
please cite a book claiming something else
>I would agree all fiat is backed up by faith and it could lose all value in an instant if we collectively decided so... But saying it's backed by absolutely nothing at all is rather silly. Faith is a powerful motivator and people resist change.
If I print a dollar and back it by "faith" what would that mean to you?
so it's "backed up" by "faith" and could lose all its value in an instant?
i don't think you know what "backed up" means
>comparing this little bump to Mt.Gox
I want newfags to leave.
Have faith in human greed, the only true thing in the world. People will never give up faith in the dollar as long as it provides them with goods and services.
Floor? I think the resistance is going to be 5k. Support probably $69 or whatever, doesn't matter.
When the Tether scam pops it will go... lower than you can ever imagine.
>Have faith in human greed, the only true thing in the world. People will never give up faith in the dollar as long as it provides them with goods and services.
so you admit it's backed up by absolutely nothing?
>i read book
This will be my last reply to you, it's not worth debating someone so stupid.
Bitconnect losses amount to one billion USD, this is much more than Mt.Gox
>If I print a dollar
No one wants your dollar because you aren't a massive, stable nation with 330 million+ inhabitants and a vibrant, diversified economy and a professional military to defend it's interests. See the difference there, idiot?
You are a troll or a retard or both.
100% nothing is real. Unless you think we should go back to the days of the Gold Standard and undue all wealth and prosperity in the last 70 years
tether is worse than mt gox
>This will be my last reply to you, it's not worth debating someone so stupid.
I would think you could offer more of a rebuttal than "read a book" and another rebuttal to facts of nothing but "that is stupid but i have nothing to say" lol
>No one wants your dollar because you aren't a massive, stable nation with 330 million+ inhabitants and a vibrant, diversified economy and a professional military to defend it's interests. See the difference there, idiot?
they want my bitcoin
same thing
both are backed by nothing like the US dollar
It's faith that people can take a dollar and spend it elsewhere.
The chance that I can spend your "dollar" at any establishment in the US is near zero, consequently, your money is worthless. USD has worth because people can expect to get xyz goods and services by using w amount of USD
Yikes. You are profoundly dense. We are all stupider for having been exposed to you
There is a major difference between all of the previous crashes. This time BTC has no real reason to recover.
>Yikes. You are profoundly dense. We are all stupider for having been exposed to you
good reply
I am sure it was backed by faith
it can't go to 4000
it is backed by faith and credit at $6000
>implying debt backed currencies don't always eventually collapse anyway
>Implying you meed to be worrying about your bank account balance if it does crash
I already regret not buying at 9K. Going to 11K now.
Negative $15.
I think it will settle around the level before the growth got noticeably exponential. Like no higher than August '17 levels.
Im hoping the same wont be true for Ltc, but most likely it will drop to below $100. I am way down in fiat terms, but I cannot bring myself to sell. If we go down to above mentioned levels i will have to make 23 x 5% gain trades to bring my portfolio back to where it was a week ago. It is doable. Also, I can very much imagine how much real crypto the banks scooped up via Ripple and I just know they are standing below us grinning while filling up. We cannot help them into this precious stash. Own your money. Don't sell.