>investing in buttcoins
>not investing in reserved list cardboard and seeing steady gains over several years
Oh I'm laffin
>investing in buttcoins
>not investing in reserved list cardboard and seeing steady gains over several years
Oh I'm laffin
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Don't worry buddy my anime figurines are worth millions
Can you make money on collectables? I was thinking of picking up a few mint condition rare-games for n64. Manchildren will pay shitloads for a copy of majora's mask.
Imagine buying 100 of these, making them even rarer and selling them to nostalgia freaks after 20 years.
>being a virgin incel faggot
Nah, i'll pass thanks
Enjoy your pokemon cards bro
>dual shit
Lmao! Dead gaem
yu-gi-oh cards are for autistic HS kids
good job buying that crap
The market for video games has probably peaked last year, I own a bunch of rarer video games myself. If you got in around, say, 2013, then you'd probably see some massive gains.
Duals have appreciated nicely. If you have power at this point you have at least 100x'd since the 90s, 10x minimum since the 2000s. A lot of the other Legacy/Vintage staples have at least 3x'd. I saw a guy with a binder half full of Candelabra at one point, and that was when it was like 200 each.
Card shop will buy it for $2 each
Why not just invest in RarePepe cards? Then you're investing in cards and blockchain tech at the same time.
OP... I just bought shitloads of Chinese replicant MTG cards last week and you can barely tell the difference now.
Sell your fucking cards now mate. The next iteration is going to be completely indistinguishable.
I used to own an Emerald, a Pearl, and a beat Jet as well as an Alpha Tropical Island, but I've since had to dump them to pay for my first car. I'm still holding fast onto all my legacy staples, though.
Shit's said every couple of years, this is a FUD. If they are indistinguishable they would sell full price.
Dude I literally have a Force of Will on my desk that you would NOT be able to tell out of pile of them if they were in sleeves.
Sorry bud, the one thing they have left to improve is taking maybe 5% of the gloss of. You can still tell when you hold it in your hand if you hold another magic card in another hand, barely.
You either sell at the peak or watch the entire market get ripped out under you.
Can you make money by buying yu-gi-oh cards and pulling rares?
Nice, I only have like 2-3k in loose and about 4.5 in Legacy decks. Have definitely been happy with my investment, and I did that back on minimum wage just trading around and buying and selling around deck trends. Most players don't have good financial sense and they just want X standard card and part with it on current monetary value alone. Their loss, my gain. Making more money now and am considering getting back into MtG finance, need to give a look at the last couple of year's sets.
I've played with a deck of fakes, I know they are good. A lot of players are just too afraid to risk DCI ban. You know the first time this shit happens it will be a panic and there will be another price boom.
Sets in recent years have generally been low in power, and WotC has been pretty gungho about printing large quantities of a set, and anything not on the reserved list is subject to reprints now in masters sets. In addition, they've been banning more cards in standards than they have at any previous point(4 cards just got banned on Monday). If you're going to play the standard game, be very careful. In fact, same applies to modern staples now.
>can i make money buying something at retail price that's designed to make me lose money
I only played standard in RtR due to the highest/fastest ROI deck was a Red deck that cost like 30 USD and could win FNMs and place in bigger events. Yeah, it really seems like 2, maybe 3 cards per set have eternal potential. I'm mainly a legacy guy so Treasure Cruise made me play Delver, admittedly. I could never get into Modern that much because Wizards seemed to be directing the meta a bit too much.
I love RDW, it's such a cheap deck to run
I only used it for casual games, though, I found drafting to be much more fun
how are you gonna replicate 30 years of natural wear you stupid fucker
obviously newer cards will be reproduced flawlessly at some point, but good luck convincing anyone with a brain that your shiny new volcanic island is authentic
What's the fastest way to sell my Magic cards? I have some alpha/beta but afraid I will get ripped off via ebay/paypal.
Modern is at a good place right now, meta wise. Good variety of decks, even if they all seem like linear creature decks. Control is on the rebound, though. The main problem is that WotC can reprint modern staples pretty much any time they want and will, I'm thinking of dumping my Chalices of the Void before the next Masters set.
Get in contact with someone like ABU Games, see if they'll take a look at your cards, otherwise eBay is probably your best bet to get the most value.