Keep on trading meme coins instead of going to the gym and getting women like this to fall in love with you

Keep on trading meme coins instead of going to the gym and getting women like this to fall in love with you.

Lmao I’m 5’8” a woman like that will never fall in love with me.

Cant lift your face, kid.

>he doesnt realize there are 24 hours in a day to do multiple activities

Are there days where you have to choose between drinking water and eating food?

Why not both

>he doesn't trade shitcoins, go to the gym, work a part time job for investment cash and get 3.8+ gpas to attend a top 5 law school.

It's like you don't want to be a well balanced man.

im a 6'3 chad pajeet whos fucked at least 80 different american women, mostly white (1 black girl 2 asians 1 pajeeta)

>he doesn't realize the most important thing is escaping wageslaving

Women and gym can wait.

>Acting like these 2 things are mutually exclusive

coins and 2d women are where its at. Get out Veeky Forumsfag

its a normal girl with medium sized boobs pulling her shoulders back. stop putting her up and yourself down.

>chad pajeet
>thinking pajeets can be chad


> tfw banklet

>implying I don't do both on a daily basis

Fuck off I already have a waifu.

I prefer girls that have heads.

>chad pajeet
>fucked at least 80 different american women
>keeps daydreaming at callcenter job

Only a virgin would post shit like this.

If you live in the Netherlands, you know this body is worth 50EU for half an hour tops.

Why fuck hookers?

My interest in women has gone down with the years and with the advent of sexbots that trend won't reverse.

Nice try, tho.

> He fell for the height meme

If you can't get women It's not because of your height, it's because you have an average or below average face.

>being this autistic

>tfw used to sex and would rather just masturbate to my degenerate fetishes anyways
Fuck women desu

What's the point in chasing whore that fucked 20 or more guys before you?

>posts shirtless men
>hey guys im Chad and Pijit



Get cosmetic surgery, you fuck. I cashed some of my crypto last year and got laser resurfacing from one of the best dermatologists in the world. No more pitted face.

nah dude. height ruins a man. if ur under 6'1 ur invisible to like 90% of women

>Zipper abs
>Smells like curry
>Greasy hair
>Nigger lips

stinky chinky detected

Ok so I’m short with an average face and have ass burgers
I’m also a wageslave and have no friends
Do I need to keep going?


Problem with me is I have no self worth unless I have money. Why would a hot broad like pic related want to be with someone who isn’t financially independent. Soon as I accomplish that goal I can start to worry about roasties and bulking up

Make a male model profile on tinder, put 5'8 in the description and see how much height matters.

Literally described my life.

Litigation is gay but pays incredibly well.

Youd be surprised

source on bic?

is law truly any good these days? srs

lol dude ur living in a fantasy world. Accept things for the way they are dude. Women will laugh behind the back of a 5'8 man no matter his looks or wealth. U know nothing about how women work

Stop it you fucking dickhead
Why do you need to kick me while I’m already down

I don't think you understand women yet. You see, once you get a bit older son, you know women only see you as a walking technician / piggy bank. You see, since they don't have a lot of testosterone, they don't care about sex as much as you do. I know this might be hard to believe since you're equality-brainwashed, but it's true. Estrogen causes them to think mostly about their social status and male servants. Just treat them like you would treat a dog or a child. Off you go lad.

NL here, can confirm

Women like that don't fall in love, they ride 20+ cocks and get divorced within 10 years of getting married so they can ride another 20+ cocks while raising fatherless children. Begone, thot.


The autistic faggots at have done hundreds of experiments.

Male model profiles telling girls they 5ft5, they even had a profile saying the guy was a child molester and the girls didn't care.

Face > Everything.

>always had girls one even was around 1.85

are you just ugly and coping?

ou're fucked in law unless top 5 school.


Literally only manlets think this. Kek.

I've tried this before, it didn't work desu. I asked a few of my friends to try it too. Didn't work either. After that I dismissed it as a meme. Although, if I were a girl, I'd suck that guys nutsack dry.

Can confirm.

>t. look like young johnny depp

OP must be young. being ripped only gets women until about 25 then it's all about $$$. doesn't matter how jacked you are at 30 if you don't have money you are a loser

>tfw women like that pay me to talk dirty to them

But user, after you get the money, why don't you care about women anymore?

What is this devilish trickery.