Download BRAVE browser and get 10 free tokens! While supplies last.
Download BRAVE browser and get 10 free tokens! While supplies last
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10? They gave me 17.5.
You can't withdraw them from the Brave wallet they're given to.
? Must be scaling down? Free tokens are free tokens.
Same. It works fine when they give them away. What I don't understand is why they would ever want them to fluctuate like cryptos.
oops meant to post this
Just give them to your favourite content creator ffs. It's good for our cause.
iPad link?
Just search "Brave browser" on Safari
if you can't move the free coins out of BAT, what the fuck am I supposed to do with them? they expire?
Use them for their intended purpose which is supporting people?
Fuck using those coins for youtube faggots
>convince the goyim to make the kikes rich
How does giving someone a worthless shitcoin that can't be traded help them exactly?
Guys, just give them to pewdiepie so it increases his chance to shill
>investing in BAT when superior PRL exists
you use them to bribe youtubers with large followings to shill it so that you can be rich you fucking retarded person...
Can I give them to my own youtube channel?
okay, assuming you actually succeed in pumping, what's your exit strategy? How do you dump?
This is definitely the direction I want to see cypto going. Solid currency with actual usability, opens up the possibility for regular people to take control of the monopoly on THEIR data. Definitely going to support this team by using their browser exclusively. It’s actually pretty decent.
>buy 10k worth of Brave tokens
>give 5k worth of tokens to YouTube content creator who shills it
>Normans rush to buy brave
>brave value skyrockets. My 5k brave tokens are now worth 45k of unwithdrawable brave tokens
Who here /lamboin2years/?
make sure you tweak the brave settings if you want. i disabled tab previews and colors, and i also made the url bar permanent. i think it's a lot better now
that's because you're supposed to spend them on websites you visit dumbass
How do i get the free tokens though? I've got the browser downloaded.
Also, who gives a fuck if you can't take them out, just give them to some normie youtuber in the hopes that they will shill
Serious questions. What are the mechanisms in place to prevent setting up a server farm watching ads to earn BAT and using that to pay your own verified content creator platform
Settings > preferences > payments
I dont think you get how it works.
pretty sure BAT wants to get rid of ads completely and allow you basically fund your preferred content creators.
Why would they create a revolutionary ad-blocking browser that incentivizes watching ads?
that's a big reason why they created the Brave browser, to detect abuse.
they use Brave Attention Metrics to determine if you are a bot or real human traffic. i'd imagine they may end up using some sort of ID verification process or captcha as well at some point. this is a major focus of theirs
no you don't get how it works. research more
Wait, do i have to add some of my BAT to get the free ones?
It's happening boyos!
No there should be a button there that allows you to claim the free tokens
there should be a link to claim free BAT right above the add funds button
no. click claim free tokens dude..
>They will appear shortly. If these tokens are not used within 90 days to support websites or YouTube channels, they will automatically return to Brave's user growth pool.
the fuck is this bullshit
How do I convert the "free tokens" into LINK???
Does this work on mobile?
yea this? how the fuck do you even give them to people on youtube?
lurk moar faggot
(Please note that you cannot transfer BAT out of your Brave wallet. The Brave BAT wallet is unidirectional (as was the Brave Payments Bitcoin proof-of-concept system), and its sole purpose currently is to anonymously and securely contribute to publishers of websites of your choosing.
give them to your favorite gay porn site then.
shut the fuck up nigger. im not new just because i havent been paying attention to your specific shitcoin.
It doesn't work on my phone. Guess it's desktop only
lol i hope that isn't it, but sure seems like it
>"give" me coins i can't redeem or trade
>i have to 'spend' them on Youfag celebrities to convince them these are cool so they'll shill them
>Youfag celebrities can't redeem them either
>someone else other than me somehow profits
yeah i'll be right on that chief
Great, free shitcoins that I can't cash out.
the publishers can convert to fiat but they have to make a minimum amount per month to do so.
Lul @ how many poverty fuks are rustled that they made sure the degenerate peasants can't collect the $5 for themselves to spend on scratch off tickets.
This thing is fucking stupid and busted. You can literally just run VM or make a new account on your OS and download the browser in each one to get free BAT and give them to yourself if you're a youtuber
yeah i just got verified as a publisher and i only got 53 subs, shit is instant
How do I send this BAT to my favorite youtuber?
It will automatically do it. Or you can click settings and go to payments.
Contribute some to me.
But I have over 20k already. Why do I care about such a small ammount? Bwhahaha
So I'm a content creator. What do I gain if people send me BAT? What can I do with it?
Redeem it for cash.
You can cash it out.
Those of us getting free tokens via the browser can only donate them to content creators. As we should. That's the entire point. Get the economy moving and support your favourite creators.
If you want to invest and cash out use an exchange to buy.
Can't believe there are some cheap cunts on here that want to cash out their free $5.
If a few saddies abuse the spirit of the system so be it. How many accounts are you gonna create? 20? So you scammed a measly $100 congrats big boy
Could I send my own BAT to my own youtube account, even if I don't make any videos?
sage pajeet threads
Realistically, how long till they start "suspending "radicals" accounts? Because (((someone))) gonna get involved when dudes like weev gets monetized for "hate speech"
Thanks downloaded 100k Monero miners
Daily reminder that BAT being over 1 dollar defeats it's purpose.
A 16 year old kid in his parents basement posting youtube videos about minecraft and magic internet money from his iphone is not a fucking "creator."
Build something in real life, code a game or paint a picture and then you can be called a creator. Does this type of hyper entitled millennial word play drive anyone else nuts? They're nothing but end users of products other people created.
I just created so much content in this post. I'M A CREATOR
wtf are you on about?
advertisers aren't going to be interested in paying for ad space on the "16 year old kid in his parents basement posting youtube videos about minecraft and magic internet money from his iphone"
do you think that guys channel makes much money now?
its a strawman, what you are saying, and its retarded