How come binance is not accurate? Wtf is this shit. How can an exchange not have accurate prices?

How come binance is not accurate? Wtf is this shit. How can an exchange not have accurate prices?


How come none of these websites have the same data?
Even fucking video games like Runescape that has its own exchange system has accurate information.

This is Kucoin. Same thing...
How are you suppose to know what the true selling Nd buying rate is when every site has different numbers?

are you genuinely retarded?

They all have different numbers.
How am I retarded?

LOL gtfo

Please take your money out of cryptocurrency. This will not end well.


You didn't answer the question.
Cryptocurrency is a fucking scam

every exchange is independent from each other, there's no governing body that "sets" the price, that's the whole point of decentralization. price is dictated by the buyers/sellers on each exchange

Yes! It's a scam. Cash out right now, buddy. You're gettin scammed.

Can you point to the official price for a pound of marijuana?

How do you cash out then when every exchange has a different price?

you should seriously leave crypto before you lose all your money

Agree. I thought brainlet was just a meme



What's wrong with asking questions lol.
Were you some expert when you first started trading?

can't tell if retard or troll

2/10 for making me chuckle and reply, anyway

no but the questions you're asking indicate you don't understand how a basic economy works let alone crypto markets


Holy shit, brainlet is real...


if OP stuck around this had the makings of a legendary thread

>mac n cheese inside a pizza

do Americans really do this?

Sadly yes. We also have combination Pizza Hut Taco Bells

you have to log in to the blockchain first

the is a quality larp right?

Love your work OP, keep on buying high and selling low

This may be the stupidest thread I've ever seen on Veeky Forums and that's saying something. Congrats OP.

Please look up how markets work.

Would you get mad because different stores list a same pair of shoes at different prices? Exchanges buy cryptos wholesale and can follow the MSRP or try to sell it a bit cheaper if they want to entice customer, or raise the price a tad if they're greedy. More popular exchanges can usually afford to sell at lower price points than smaller ones due to economies of scale. Learn the basics of sales economics or get out of crypto.

You will be signing up on the next bitconnect in in less then a week.

This thread must be archived for future generations to gawk at.