Andreas Antononononononopoopopolous

Does anyone else find this guy to be an insufferable know it all faggot? Just started following him on twatter and he’s borderline an SJW.

he is annoying as fuck. all the corecucks love him because he supports the LN so they post his face everywhere talking abut how smart he is, i bet they hardly understand a word he's saying

his argument for decentralization was literally "le drumpfhlet tyranny!!!!!11!"

I watched one or two of his clips
>And THAT is what the government and banks DO NOT want. Bitcoin is for the PEOPLE, and this is why I never bought any.
t. andreas never bought bitcoin but sold bitcoin books

I like him but please dont tell me he is SJW. :(


Currently reading his book "Mastering Bitcoin".
It's pretty okay.


>and this is why I never bought any
Wait what?

I mean I have literally heard him say multiple times that "he keeps his private keys in banks and on paper", etc, heavily implying that he owns at least some. Maybe he hasn't bought any but he sure as hell owns some.

Wasn't he gifted almost 100BTC when it was near the ath?

Yep. He never bought any from before. Roger Ver was making fun of him for it.

What if Andreas is just a more nuanced version of Carlos Matos from New York City?

Not a big fan of him personally but I respect him for not holding BTC all these years. Same as Charlie Lee, it makes them much more credible and shows they are not just in for the money and leave the project to rot once they finished with their PnD

Charlie literally dumped at the ATH

I mean, it makes no sense he wouldn’t have gotten some in the early days if he really believed in it. Charlie did, he only recently sold because he knows some massive partnerships are coming and he already made a fuck ton off BTC and ltc.

He was gifted a lot of btc at the ATH when he came forward and said he doesnt really have a lot and isnt a millionaire even though hes been selling bitcoin books for years and getting paid to speak.

Youd just think someone who has been hawking bitcoin for so long would have had more of a stake in it.

>be Charlie Lee
>decide to get rid of LTC you own
>play dirty hypemachine behind the counter
>make coinbase add LTC
>LTC rises to ATH
>dump your bags

Tbh it makes him more believable. His not shilling himself. Makes it look less like a scam. It's a smart move.

I'm unsure why people are disliking him so much. I find him very informative and accurate with his knowledge . He isn't shilling for anybody... He is an educator which I normally hate, but his word spreading to people will massively benefit crypto as a whole.

They are all borderline autism mental patients lmao.
Tone vays peter toddd anton all faggots.
A group of false prophets with autistic issues

Before Roger Ver's tweet, Antonopoulos held zero. He had wallets for donations (hence the private keys), but he always sold them.

Same rule as for /biz
Always do the opposite what the fucking retarded are telling you

Helmet brainlet always destroys my sides

>t. reddit
Gotta hand it to the kikes, they managed to reverse nature so thoroughly you fucks have it ingrained into your internal logic.
No single man has enough clout to influence the price of bitcoin in the long run. Not having any while making fiat money claiming it's a revolution is the typical "nothing at stake" scenario you'd expect from a scam artist. But if you are to believe the man, it's actually worse than that: he's a complete retard financially who sold all his btc to attend bitcoin conventions and shit.
So best scenario, conman, worst case scenario, lunatic. Great figurehead.

Good points fellow bizbro. Sort of what I was thinking.

No. He taught me everything I know about bitcoin. When ver tired to stunt on him he was given donations and was made a millionaire overnight. Do you think anyone would ever do anything like that for you?

I’m not into charity faggot. I like making my own money.

he is. he's also a degenerate who gambled and whored away all his bitcoins years ago, now he sucks blockstream cock for donations

He's a scammer, he lied about not having bought BTC at the early days and the BTC cult showered him donations.

My point is people respect him and the bitcoin community looks after their own. The bcash community is comprised of psychopathic anti-social outcast who would never come to the aid of jihan or ver.

He's great user and way smarter than you. Who cares if he's an SJW his videos are excellent for the real issues that matter to crypto not lambo moon missions

Yes, and 1 year from now everyone will call him stupid for doing that as LTC will continue to soar.

Why hate this guy? He's doing far more for the world than any of us

The way you see people and the world is a reflection of yourself

Seriously. He is /ourguy/.

> Why hate this guy? He's doing far more for the world than any of us
He's one clever chap, he knows how to walk on the thin line between working for the common good and siding with (((them))). It just doesn't lend him credibility once you understand that.