And yet you manchildren still post like youre on /b/ and still 12 years old
Average age on biz is 25-35
Other urls found in this thread:
salty no coiner
How did you know my age OP?
t. redditor cuck butthurt because of muh razism
Go masquerade as an economic genius on Reddit
How would you know?
This, I am a white guy married to a black woman and the racism doesn't bother me. Grow the fuck up, OP
ok pajeet
1/10 faggot
You've come to the wrong place if you want people to follow your etiquette.
are you a newfag or what? you need to stay a while and soak up the board culture first
Remember that thread a few days ago? Average iq in the 130s lmfao yeah, right. You are all fucking brainlets who can't do your own research on a coin. At the very first sign of a dip, you sell your coins in a disgusting display of groupthink, similar to one startled sheep causing the entire flock to run off a fucking cliff in a stampeed.
The most disgusting part is 90% of you are newfags who have been here less than a few months. Then 5% who somehow managed to stick around for a year and 5% who are oldfags like me and think youre a bunch of fucking disgusting normies
>Average age on biz is 25-35
>And yet you manchildren still post like youre on /b/ and still 12 years old
Bestiality is illegal. Go mess up your wife’s hair right now. I dare you.
Hey look, a nigger!
Are you going to upgrade when you make it to the big leagues?
Just bought 100k
it's mostly /b/ and /pol/ NEET or low IQ wagecucks that frequent this board
jokes on you im 15
My bags sir please buy my bags
we all of autism you insensitive fuck
now bring me tendies you filthy nocoiner
See you next month
Average age might be 25-35 but the median is certainly 16.
37 with a graduate degree.
Boomer nigger detected. Kill yourself now before we have to keep you alive on machines for the next 10 years of your miserable life.
dont let the door hit your ass on the way out
Shut the fuck up you nigger kike faggot
because its the only place you can talk like this in the cucked sjw world. what do you think people come to this shithole you stupid fuck
Not our fault your sense of humor died with your gains.
Fuck off nigger
get outta here
Unfortunately he's not wrong......
and shut up you faggot
>being this dumb
enjoy your ban
lol no u
I'm 38, nigger.
What is this sorcery?
21. Technically you're right i'm half man half child
Yeah I'm 10 years older than you but that's because I've been here since I was 17. I spent years on /b/ you fucking candy-ass
This board needs more jailbait posts
im not actually 15 you fucking retards baka
it makes you mad?
>still shitposting like there's no tomorrow
What are mods even doing anymore
> Believing in mods
You have to go back.
I dont think mods exist considering how long even nsfw OPs stay up
How much for the girl ?
Its Veeky Forums, where people write their stream of thought with no filter. Except for the hivemindspeak.
>all these replies
>not proving OP's point
20 eth
wtf what a roastie
Jokes on you OP
**Im 36**
Now I'm curious. Strawpolling how old everyone here is.
Deal have her washed before you deliver her to me.
I'm 29. Studying my master's degree in CS. Crypto has turned me into a total antisocial neet. I don't know wtf is going on with my life but really, really, immature. Failed two courses last semester because of crypto. But hey, I'm weird, I got weird friends and we do weird drugs... so... you know I've been weird all my life so living this shitty lifestyle shouldn't surprise me
>25-35 year old
>post like youre on /b/ and still 12 years old
yet everyone on biz will drive lambos in 5 years
i play runescape and daytrade crypto. only thing that has chanegs since 12 is the crypto.
>buying gf
What if this guy came here to laugh again but saw the recovery and realized he couldn't?
When will nocoiners learn?
shut up nigger
/r9k/ faggots please leave Veeky Forums is 4chad. Take your normie talk to a your containment board you loser.
Share blue conquer and divide shill, please leave Veeky Forums and stay on r buttcoin
There's a reason they're called crypto kiddies.
Somebody should really explain OP what an average is.
When I first arrived to 4chin I was 20 and posted on /b/ and those were the best times, so fuck you, I'll do what I want.
Living with my mum doesnt make me a manchildren makes me smart
>muh independence
If you think being here for any length of time is something to be proud of then you need to go outside more or hang yourself