
I coded one. Fuck off pajeetnigger.

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Show me, upload it for all to see. Me needs Binance.

how profitable is it?

I coded one that can make use of different APIs. It's still rough though but makes for more reliable trades.

its more of a convenience thing

What I want to do is be able to put in a sell order at said price and then a buy order at said price. Or even shit; but a percentage in to where the bot will sell on the high point and buy the dip.

It'd be perfect for whats going on right now.

You don’t buy one, they fuck up all the time, you make one so you can fix it and know what’s going on. It’s pretty lucrative if you have a good strategy, I normally make about $500-2k a day. No I won’t say what my strategy is, but I may answer other questions.

Jesus I need to get into programming then!

What language do i need to learn and how do I go about all that?

whats your sstrategy

EtherDelta botbro?

lol, cya in 15 years

help us out man give us a hint of your strategy....

Three way trading within some site with coin x which you can buy with y and sell to z so you can buy with x... for a marginal increase, thinking of making this bot

What programming language, bro? Bonus points for libraries.

Same site trading should yield less sats, but it should be safer, at least that’s what my research shows. (Not putting research, do your own cunt)

The easiest language to learn is python. Normally there's free libraries people have made for the APIs where you only have to put in your API key and secret, then you just call the functions they've made for buying, selling, getting orderbooks, etc. For binance take a look at this one:

It's just a run of the mill standard one. It doesn't deal with any errors, that's up to you to deal with. If you're looking for other API clients literally search for " python api", I have found a premade one for every exchange I've wanted to use.

i coded one myself.

How long would it talk someone new to coding to make one?

I looked into this but it's pretty safe to assume that the spread + fees are normally too large to make any real money from it. I may be wrong for some sites, if it looks like it will work for you go for it.

For everyone else you don't want my strategy. You would need to have capital there to drive the market one way or another. Making 500-2k a day is less than 0.1% of my total crypto stack. It gets much easier to make money when you have money.

i started programming 15 years ago. took me 3 months (code around 8-12 hours a day but weekends) to have a good setup up and running. my bot uses binance, bitfinex and bittrex.

im using python. the bot is running on a server 24/7 and publishes all its data to my websocket client.

so i would say i did a lot of gimmiky stuff, though i was quite fast.

if you have no experience. duno. maybe you should start with how to hello world in python ;-P

Depends on your skillset. I have no idea how long it would take if you've never done any coding before. I had done a moderate amount before starting out (a few uni courses and a few small projects) and it has taken me about 6 months of part time work to make it pretty functional most of the time. Different strategies may be harder/easier to code for. A lot of the problems I had early on weren't with code but actually in the logic of my strategy. There's so many edge cases that come together to fuck up your strategy that you just don't think about the first few times you try and code it. But you get better every iteration.

If you were starting out I would strongly suggest to make everything very modular. And log FUCKING EVERYTHING. I had so many errors at the start because I had no idea about proper logging techniques, and how to find out what actually went wrong in my program.

So your bot moves small markets?
I don’t really got capital for this, your right. Also yes only on specific sites will my bot work and gain(when it’s operational), which is why I didn’t show research.
Only got around 20k in liq.

I have basic knowledge of if than statements. Took a basic compsci class. Still nowhere near 15 years experience.

Fuck yeah server bros, still haven't gotten into websockets but that's my next learning curve. Currently got everything running on a server I can ssh into on my phone to fix if it fucks up and all buys/sells/errors sent as emails to my phone. Feels so nice.

You could bot a lot of stuff with 20k capital and make good gains. But it's riskier. And relies more on TA than doing the easy stuff.

Could you list which topics are the most important/advanced for programming these bots?

I have no clue how to code

But I am an Financial Advisor and been reading and investing for big entities since i graduated 5 years ago.
I trade crypto more often since the past 6 months, but it takes time to keep a daily update on all the charts.

I can easily see the buys and the sells on a flowing market, my dream is to program a Bot with my knowledge and let it run all the time.

duno what language you are using but if you would like to use websockets try "autobahn" it do really like it.

ye always nice to have something to work on :-) i never was the "trading" guy and just hodled. thing is im also not that guy who does nothing so i started to work on my bot.

currently working on a REST API for my bot. finished implementing push notifications and will have an android app up soon so i can manage this shit also from my phone kek

Do you think bots give an unfair advantage over regular joes who buy/sell manually in the market or do you think bots are needed to maintain market stability?

Learn about data structures and how to edit them, specifically: dictionaries and lists. Learn how to write functions, and logic stuff: if statements and loops. That's all you really need to get started. I learnt everything else by being persistent and breaking everything down into really small steps. First I coded to send myself an email at a buy/sell signal, then I implemented a very basic version that bought and sold when signals were very clear, then I started upping the risk and made it buy/sell at riskier times, but made it faster so it was still profitable. If you write good code it's easy to add features. That's what you need.

buying a trading bot with a predefined strategy is just dumb, that shit will be arbitraged away in no time. also, programming here is really not that important unless you wanna do hft. its more about math with a little bit of programming sprinkled in

Waiting for the Polonibot shill to show up

Super fancy, that sounds awesome. I'm using python 2.7, looks like there's a library for Autobahn on github. Cheers for the recommendation, I'll have a look into it.

Hmmm, maybe we can work together? I am currently working as a full time developer, but I can write the bot on the weekends.

Join to make some profit during the dip..
Discord>> UXBnfm2

What are good TA indicators to use for a bot?

are you doing pure alpha trading with your bot, statarb, portfolio optimization or something completely different? Just interested what everybody is focus on here

I refactored a lot of stuff in this repo to trade on whales tweets with sentiment analysis. No you can't have it and I won't tell you my GitHub you dirty pajeets.



For example when Vitalik tweeted positively about Enigma I had bought 10k in seconds.

Buy when price is low and sell when price is high ;)

I don't know to be honest. But if you can code it, you can do it.

Takes literally 5 min to code in Bash. 1 min if you already know the API

I"m making my own.

Now it only gathers data with CoinMarketCap and Bittrex APIs. I intend to integrate a TA library with it and then start working on bot functionality.

lol you're fucked user.

I know, I have everything coded but just working on a reliable strategy right now and experimenting with various analysis. And I'm thinking about implementing machine learning, but I have zero experience with that.

What's a reliable strategy to use if you have low capital say about 1000 bucks? Of course, buy low and sell high but how much percentage should I usually go for?

>trade on whales tweets with sentiment analysis
I've wanted to do that for ages. Jealous.



You could look into modern portfolio theory and start with markowitz's efficient frontier and then go from there.

>using python 2.7
Literally kys

Best thread, thanks user

Where do you host the server?

I'm doing one with Node.js for back-end and vue.js for the front-end. I'm also using the project to learn this new technologies, since I'm used to do enterprise stuff with Java+Spring and just jQuery for front-end. It took me two weeks to learn and make the basic stuff see . I'm very excited. I plan to have most things functional in 2 or 3 months.

How often is that profitable?

It was very profitable when macafee was posting coins of the day.

Now I guess do the reverse. Sell when McAfee posts lol