So do I keep my bags until the update hits that fixes the issues or do I dump them now for VEN
So do I keep my bags until the update hits that fixes the issues or do I dump them now for VEN
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DUmp for ven
dump for VEN
What update lol, when this guys have their update the market is already down again, this coin will never ever explode again developers fucked up bigtime by missing the chance.
Do you really think this coin is gonna be bought?
Everyone who believes has already bought in since
Why would they cash out on binance when they already can RIGHT NOW, on KuCoin?
because the value just went down like a rollercoaster.
why would anyone sell now or should have sold a week before? this coin lost massive value, nobody could cash out because of the massive dips in the last weeks
doesn't that imply the price will go up tho? the real question is whether it will go up faster than VEN
They could have cashed out 2-3 weeks ago already when the price was higher. And that they did, that is why the price has dropped. When Binance hits, there will be no more sellers left.
The issues are inherent with DAG architecture, every single DAG has run into it once the transactions hit a certain volume
There is no patch to fix it.
There is sellers until 4k sats
Ive seen this before with many coins
Xrb has no network, node sync, wtf, thats not a bug thats a fatal flaw.
Imagine if bitcoin nodes "uh hurr durr muh node just fell out of sync with rest of network"
Fucking retards, when people realize gravity of this "bug" and it hasnt been fixed for 1 will be lucky to find a buyer at 4k sats.
Every, except Byteball, the only working DAG.
Not selling till binance. some coins crash some coins moon after being listed. Everybody is buying right now
Name me one more DAG after IOTA that has hit high tx volume. Also, Raiblocks is fundamentally different from a normal DAG structure.
Byteball, it has hit 2000tps, without collapsing.
A stress test will be done in a few days, with 10 000tps.
So what I got from this post is, sell REQ, keep XRB?
>holding req
just keep it
the developers already have everything fixed and theyre waiting for the exchanges to take the next step and open everything up again
The pajeet fud in this place now is unreal, I'll keep holding these bags seeing as I got in lower and I think this shit will get fixed and fucking moon
You don't really understand Raiblocks or DAGs in general to know this FUD here is nonsense.
>The issues are inherent with DAG architecture, every single DAG has run into it once the transactions hit a certain volume
Every single DAG? IOTA, XRB and Byteball are the only big DAGs in the market. With only IOTA hitting high transactions outside of testing settings. The flaw of IOTAs bad architecture does not translate to other DAGs. RaiBlocks is also completely different from IOTA.
>XRB node sync issue...
Has been finally fixed over the last weeks. Do your research. That also means, Binace will start to work on implementing RaiBlocks and we'll see it probably within a week.
I never bought in cause I didn't trust bitgrail. What the fuck kind of a name is that? Just seemed too much like butt rail.
ok ok I'll keep my bags you fudders
Lmfao I said the same thing at $4, then $5, then $6, then I bought in. Still one of my comfiest holds and the exchange isn't terrible, besides taking risks on shit exchanges for coins that have potential can work out in the long run like it did for me
.The issues are inherent with DAG architecture, every single DAG has run into it once the transactions hit a certain volume
There is no patch to fix it.
You are a fucking retard that does not know what you're talking about. GET THE FUCK OUT. don't be salty cuz you didn't buy XRB below $10. quit trying to FUD to make people panic sell, this is the cheapest Xrb will ever be. it hit top 20 in less than a month. it will hit top 10 in 6 months and top 5 in probably a year. now go away and buy your tron faggot
>buy tron
>oh, it's retarded.
Have been really fixed?
Show the fucking github commit or stop repeating this nonsense you deluded raiblocker.
Prove it's an issue.
>being this delusional
the devs aren't hiding anything. withdrawals are ready, now its up to the exchanges to enable them. they already have several solutions but are not committing until they choose the best one. So GTFO it's literally been less than a month. once the commits are published it'll be too late to buy. if you knew how to invest, you would think long term rather than buying your shitty tron that pumped to 30 cents and went back down to 5 in a week.
Most people aren't selling their xrb stacks lmao. This is the real hold
>linking to an image on an imageboard
If you're asking if you should sell something you probably fucked up diversifying.
seriously these faggots keep trying to FUD so they can buy cheaper XRB. I got thousands and I'm not letting any of em go for under $300 minimum. It reached top 20 with 2 shitty exchanges. IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN LISTED ON BINANCE YET, which it won by community vote btw AND ITS TOP 20 already. other coins have to pay fucking 100k to list their coin and XRB paid nothing. Oh and ledger wallet support is being developed for fucking free. Oh and rebranding hasn't even happened yet + OSX and Android mobile wallets. keep buying your shitcoins
I also forgot to mention. THE TOP 20 Coins are all listed on Binance except... you guessed it XRB. you mean to tell me this 'shitcoin' got to top 20 without being listed on binance? that means its gonna crash hard once it lists on binance herpa fucking derp. NO You dumbfucks, it will fly to top 10 where it belongs
Node is only issue with big exchanges where daily volume is bigger then 50m. If you transfer your coins via wallets its an instant.
This is not EC20 coin and its early, optimization is needed and devs already sent solutions to implement to exchanges.
Keep on fudding though...
Unfortunately byteball doesn't have decentralized oracles and therefore has no use cases because centralized oracles are not trustworthy.
II'd also like to add that Byteball stands no match against XRB. And I will give you reasons. besides the decentralized oracles.
Coinspayment actually delisted Byteballs because no one was fucking using it for payments.. lmao, also XRB is the true Veeky Forums and reddit coin. Raiblocks reddit page has 50k subscribers which happened in less than 1 month, while Byteballs has a few hundred people. adoption with XRB is happening way faster with merchants and websites. don't be deluded. execution and marketing is also as important so once XRB rebrands its game over. XRB hasn't even started their marketing campaign btw.
can you tell me more?
I never really understood how this "dag" feeless shit can properly work without being easily attacked.
you seem to know some stuff about XRB?
i need some skeptic points here cause the shills all just scream that it's perfection.
Don't bother asking, he can't tell you because he doens't know shit. Anybody in here acting like they 'know' has no fuckin clue, if they did they wouldn't be in here and they would be developing for one of these companies. Zip it lady boiz
>e more DAG after IOTA that has hit high tx volume. Also, Raiblocks is
you realize volume is not the problem with XRB right? It is simply high TX/sec leaving 1 node because of the POW to prevent spam (byteball fee is small enough it could be DDOSd btw). It has been fixed through parallel nodes for exchanges and they are just finalizing the implementation.
Im selling my xrb when it gets pumped on binance. Surely not dropping it now...
seriously it's just reverse pyschology so noobs will panic sell for cheap, and he will buy them off of you. he's convincing you that he actuallly knows stuff about XRB, when in reality, none of us know shit about it. we are investing in something that will one day be the next Amazon or Ebay. XRB has already made it this far, why would it sell at 4k sats when there are 50,000 other people willing to buy it at 20k sats? think for yourself, read the white paper and you'll sleep at night knowing that you are buying something that is truly revolutionary
Start your own fucking wallet..and wait.
Does it ever sync? No?? How about after a few days? Still no?
Aw, that sucks. Node sync issue persists.
Retarded raiblocker what did I expect.
Fucking retards. Linking to an image on an image board.
>Im selling my xrb when it gets pumped on binance. Surely not dropping it now...
I bought 30 BTC when it was $100 in 2013. I sold them for $400 in 2016. I highly recommend you re-evaluate your decision. not giving financial advise, just my personal opinion
Its shit man, a much better daglike coin will enter any moment now, to BTFO all 3 existing
Fagcoins today are like egold and emoney and other ecurrencied (thats what we called it back then) from 1999 compared to bitcoin. Experiments, useless experiments, which dont even know what problem they actually have to solve.
XRB, even its core devs dont know why nodes get out of sync. Thats why they have many solutions, since they just dont know wtf teyre doib man.
>it's shit man
Literally the only thing you can say about XRB is "it's shit". come back with a better answer please. it works just fine btw, its can already be used with payment processors. it was just an exchange issue being run on ONE FUCKING NODE. so gtfo
I already got VEN node from XRB profits.
But I still have faith in XRB so I kept some.
VEN is probably going to out perform XRB but XRB is going to kill it in the mid-term. i'm 50% into XRB rn. these pajeets FUDsters are fucking autistic lmao. i got int at 6 dollars and im holding this baby all year.
node issues are completely fixed just need to patch and exchanges need to adopt. will happen by tomorrow evening. binance listing will be < 1 week from that point