You waiting "that" coin to drop low, so you can buy cheap
tell me her name Veeky Forums
You waiting "that" coin to drop low, so you can buy cheap
tell me her name Veeky Forums
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>sold at the absolute bottom yesterday, only to see it grow 50% INSTANTLY
i just want to buy back and get gains again for the first time in 1 month
some day...
You don't deserve gains
Buy high and sell low, that’s the biz way
>tfw been watching ETH for months now but no opportunity to buy in because poorfag barely able to save $300 USD per month
Watching others exploit and capitalize on trends I'm aware of but can't act on is true suffering anons.
you should take out a loan, i hear they're easy to pay off and look good on your overall credit.
I said poor not retarded user.
>inb4 what's the difference
I'm working towards not being poor but I'm not certain what route to take yet. Feels like I missed the crypto train though.
Still hoping COSS stays around $1 for about 24 more hours when my wagecuck paycheck hits my account so I can buy more
Take out a loan with 0 apr for x months then just pay it back in full before your special financing period ends. Alternatively open a new credit card and with 0 apr and do the same
Srsly do this. Market will be up atleast 100% by summer.
coss... they even refunded people out of their money for a bug, they will introduce fiat and the site works perfect from PC and mobile
Oh are you guys serious? I figured you were memeing me with the loan shit. I've known too many people who spent beyond their means and ruined themselves. I'll look into it though.
Coss. Now or never