*silently moons*

aka rises 10%

Other urls found in this thread:


strong coin with a strong future. it won't moon in a day like those other PnD shitcoins. slow and steady gains with this one. Come back in a year and tell me how you like that 5000%

Easily top 3 coin by potential

But it's VEN so it's up 5% while Ripple and Tron are up 50%. Fucking chinks.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the sell wall has arrived again.

good, I'm not done accumulating

DNV GL talks about Vechain partnership on their own twitter. Needless to say, VEN price holds absolutely steady with BTC, and will soon drop to -10% vs BTC.

Profits are for chink whales and bankers, not for retarded gweilo small time investors. You will never see Ven moon. You will never see it gain. This is where it stops. Right here. It will match BTC only, forever.

>implying it matters

Right on schedule, there are the chink whale bots to throw up 100's of btc worth of sell walls.

Here is your reminder that if you stay in VEN waiting for it to moon, you will miss every opportunity to make that money actually work for you with coins that are not 100% controlled by whales.

>>>>>>>>implying whales arent suppressing the price to allow big money to buy in cheap before the inevitable oort cloud mission

Same here. I sold mine earlier today and couldnt buy back in, in time.

Why do you think it won't moon? What is the incentive for that?

VEN is a coin to buy and forget about untill EOY, sorry to say that guys, but the market is way too controlled for it to moon

at least you'll see growth over time, sell and get into other coins if you must, but I'd recommend putting in new cash if you'd like to invest in something else

Feels good being all in, just be patient.
Just like icx, we have to wait, but it will explode.

By the way, does anyone know when the palm beach recommendation comes out today?

Yeah I feel that. DESU I suspect the whales have a specific moment at which they will release the walls - namely, a partnership with Chinese Govt. and implementation of VEN blockchain essentially replacing the RMB

Holding VEN worked out well for me during this dip. We'll see what happens towards the end of the month, I'm not ready to give up.

Many coins were stagnant during times of prosperity and good news. Although I don't like Ripple, they were hovering between 10-20 cents for 6 months when a lot of good news was coming there way. VEN will have it's time, just be patient and don't pay attention to the FUD like this guy.

Buy back when it goes to 4k when btc goes for another dip

Yeah, it's only gone from less than a dollar to an ATH of $7+ in a month. You'll never see coins holding this coin! Remember, if biz talks poorly about VEN, you need to buy as much as possible of it.

I'm holding till at least early march

idk man,They say they have a 40 man team but they don't even have a wallet out? come on man, This shit sounds scammy.
the more research i do on this coin ,the more shady shit i find. seriously the shill campaign two weeks was really strong , a ven thread every hour mindlessly shilling it claiming it's gonna 10x after "news" thats gonna happen also spread bunch of fake news about sunny announcing some life changing event in sillicon valey.

The big walls make me think the ven holders realized this project has no future so they setup their sell orders and big walls and started the shil campaign so we buy their bags

>everything that's not ass kissing is FUD
I own VEN, you brainlet.

Thats what you call healthy growth

>What is the incentive for that?

Propagation of nodes to users who will distribute Thor instead of hold it, is my guess.

>massive buy pressure was 100% suppressed by market manipulating bots during ALL last major news announcements
>partnership with china tobacco, which creates 30% of all tobacco products in the world, resulted in a -2% loss vs BTC over the course of 5 hours


Wall is gone for the moment.

wow great, watch it get slapped back up 30 seconds from now

So what if it does? VEN eats walls for breakfast.

Chink whale will let you have a glimpse of gains, before it reaps its toll. Watch carefully. We will go up about ~15%, and then it will drop back down and begin to match btc again.

Holy shit Vechain is literally gonna go nuclear. Another month of major announcements culminating in a rebranding event. If VEN isn't at least 30% of your portfolio I feel bad for you.

>chink whale eating his own walls to create illusion of movement is totally "walls being eaten, bro!"

Thats right! Buy now, its totally gunna moon! Big gains ahead! dont miss out!!

You say that like it’s bad, I’m waiting for another dip so I can buy another 1000 VEN

I am still tethered - waiting for BTC to double bottom, or at least drop to $850. Sold my VEN position, so am slightly shitting myself right now :/

user be flexing

user be schfitzing


dont worry, chink whale won't let Ven do anything but match buttcoin price

it will be the same in satoshis no matter what the market does

we will be colonizing the galaxy and VET will still be the same in sats

I sold all my vechain here. Going all in on REQ for tomorrows announcement, and then I'm going all in on ICX for their announcement. Then I might go back to VEN

don't worry, ven will be here, doing fucking nothing

it will continue to do fucking nothing until rebrand at the very soonest


on national chink tv, great media coverage

wow nice

lets go down 5%

careful bro those sell offs on announcement might fuck you

5% Every few days will make us stupid rich in a year. Stop whining. Buy some tron if you want a quick moon.

I said down 5% you fucking mongolian

Down 5% every few days will make us rich?

user you aren't shorting are you?

Oh, I just read up because I am watching the chart and we are going up. Btc only at 11k, and we are already at 5.20

I am, shorting ven is the thing to do right now.
and longing bcc

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH there kids..! Hold a second you didn't think you'd get to moon, did you?

Lets put up a few sell walls to settle this thing right down. Tsk tsk tsk.

>Not longing confido

If I just do a few swing trades with 5% I can get the thunder node. But I am too much of a pussy.

thanks faggot, sold 100k and bought back right now

Thanks, just bought 100k

Nice run. Sold right at the top. Will buy again.

Every single swing I've made was in the middle of the fucking night when I should have just gone to sleep. Gains have been abysmal. Sleep schedule is a mess. I'm not trying anything tonight, it's hardly ever worth it.

The sooner VEN gets listed on other exchanges the better