>Americans begin waking up
>The pumps start back up
Why do Yuros have such weak hands?
>Americans begin waking up
>The pumps start back up
Why do Yuros have such weak hands?
Other urls found in this thread:
when you lose so many wars, you become a woman
yuropoor here. yeah, it sucks, if you're not tethered up in the morning.
but being tethered up and waking up to a sea of red is pretty nice. pre-noon profits and then enjoying the rest of the day.
Hows that relevant to your panic selling habit?
thanks merica
thanks merica
w-why a-aren't you insulting me?
Why would Americans be walking up at 4:30 ET? More likely to be eurofags since it's like 8:30 there.
weak hands bitch.
please kys.
This is just the first round of wageslaves waking up for their day at the office. I got work at 6 AM my guy. Wait until we hit 9 AM ET. This is just the pregame.
It's 4 AM at the east coast.
Europe is saving the day, dumbfucks
yuropoor here
what the fuck are you on about, the pump started the moment we woke up (an hour ago) you fag
you woke up an hour ago and can't even pump shit.
fucking pathetic
I hope you are right because I'm shorting ETH right now
I suspect the (((Americans))) are using their futures SHORT selling in the asian and euro markets, because less volume is easier to manipulate
this is london time. way too late/early for normal americans to be up
It isn't even 5am on the East coast yet tho.
and which wars did the USA win exactly?
>normal Americans on biz
Vietnam and the war on drugs
All of them
War against being healthy and not sharting in wallmart
spotted the newfag
In 4 hours, when Americucks waking up and China goes to sleep BTC will crash again.
>join the side that fights for your own genocide
>thinking you won anything there
this board is so fucking shit, why are you still calling P&D'ers pajeets when its the only ones here making money right now.
Litterally sitting comfier than ever knowing ill 130% my profits every 3 days
It's Europe waking up you retard, Americans really don't help themselves with the stereotype
literally the opposite of that will happen
Scammer fuck
Everyone knows now that P&D groups are scams. A whole entire P&D discord will literally be one of many ring discords that all get a late signal from a central discord. And in that central discord 99% of the people get the signal late as well besides the founders and some people who paid 15BTC to get on the inside who fill their bags before dumping on everyone. It is a full blown surefire way to waste your time and money. I'm sure you will still find some brainlets on here to join.
But honestly kill youself.
If someone Doxxed you and the people running these things i would drop 50 XMR for a darknet hitman to kill you/them
world war jew. both of them.
Its funny how americans always blame the world for their own problems
If anyone saves the day its usually the asians
The whole chinamen waking up meme is a meme because this is a predominantly american board
also, how did "Europe" which is not a country (yet) lose a war, exactly?
europoors don't have enough money to pump anything.
its 12.18 here, what the fuck are all of you talkin about.
Also the Earth is Flat
the war to make niggers free and having to pay them welfare forever
Always funny seeing faggot Americans shittalk us at this hout even though its 6 am over there now and you just know they are sad pathetic NEET fat fucks that have no life outside of their basement
ayyye GMT+1 famalams unite
Amerimutt thread?
Amerimutt thread.
>can buy the dib and profit
I suppose you can't exactly call it 'losing' if they just roll over and die for their (((masters))). Good riddance, I say. The (((Germans))), who run the EU, aren't anything other than Russian rape babies (therefor lacking the will of a ture warrior) and brainwashed commies since the wall fell and their influence spread unchallenged. Europe has lost this war, but fortunately enough the real blood of the former Reich resides in the Midwest, so as an American, I'm safe. Sorry Sven, Hans, Pepe, Nigel, Jean - you did this to yourself.
Tha fuck are you talking about d'un fuck. This pump is BECAUSE of Europe. Burgers and Ask will follow. You're fucking welcome.
> late morning in EU, middle of night in US
> Pump begins
"Yuropoor why dump?"
Fucking burger bias
Stupid phone is too damn polite
heh, you're funny