its a fucking twitter in spanish there is probably nothing to do with it
pic related, i don't even care lol
give me a good idea and if I get profit I'll share it
page is @sport
its a fucking twitter in spanish there is probably nothing to do with it
pic related, i don't even care lol
give me a good idea and if I get profit I'll share it
page is @sport
Shill BCC. Pump that shit to the moon
Post about BCC and pump it more
Post ripple FUD
this is the time to buy bitconnect! they up 100% again buy today. sell in 3 days. thank me later
Rajoy meme
Sharpie in the pooper.
Report a collaberation between FC Barcelona, Madrid and ICX please lmao
if you wanna get real fucked up, say some sport stars' kid is ill and they're trying to raise money for some kids hospital through BTC donations and post your address
unsure if that's illegal tho kek
you morons think these sport lovers actually have crypto? god damn you're stupid
Ask them why they aren't playing Paragon yet.
>implying my main board isn't spee
hahaha, holy fuck
Spam your binance referal
Post about Barca buying into crypto
Yea it’s illegal retard
ETH faggot
BTC needs to be dethroned
who cares.. I'm using TOR
I'm just not an asshole and I want to help out Veeky Forums too
Please write messi is a dirty tax evader and needs to be put in prison.
Also to buy ETH
yeah, thought it would be
disregard advice lel
Absolute madman
Just post insults to Puigdemont, FCB and Catalonia.
i would like to buy it user
Say Messi just bought XMR to evade more taxes.
Shill INT
lel leave your email or xmpp i'll contact you if you're serious
you think that the NSA will take me down for this shit and reveal they have access to all TOR nodes? you're one hell of a retard
even if I got 5000 people to commit suicide or bomb the USA through tor they wouldn't
actually fuck that, make a fake announcement that Barcelona has a new sponsor and take their jersey and photoshop whatever shitcoin you're trying to pump. Just let us know which one it is first.
the NSA doesn't get involved in shit like this but OP shouldn't be selfish
please pump a low market ad coin like adst, say something like their news network is going to do all their advertising through adshares or some shit
if someone here wants to photoshop this shit for me I'll post it no problem
i'm serious give me 2 minutes
in what range of eth do you think we can find a deal
what would be believable
Here's an idea. Shill FUN, it makes sense. Tell them it partnered up with the biggest spanish online casino (where you can be on sport) or something like that.
make it a low cap don't do Ethereum it won't move shit
like seriously lowcap shit
do VEN
literally nothing can make that coin moon
Pump XRP, then post another tweet saying that XRP is a scam 10 min later and say that someone hack the twitter. Why? To cause madness
just tweet "VISIT Veeky FOR SXE LADY!"
That's very noble of you user.. but I suggest you do something similar and dole out the wealth to Veeky Forums
Either way, you have a potential for a huge payout here
Im ready to kek, deliver OP
shill that Messi is leaving Barcelona. Like a breaking news ! please
if you are just going to sell it why post here and get biz's hopes up? pump a coin and give us notice ya dog
This but make sure to tag it as breaking news and use a top 200 coin because no one is going to believe a coin nobody knows.
nah I won't sell, relax
I'm here for Veeky Forums and lulz idgaf about the money right now desu
President of Spain
That's not OP that wants to "make a deal", but another faggot trying to go inhouse.
If you are really evil, you should write that Barcelona will be sponsored by chain link.
If link has any partnership with banks or swift, they will be renounced as no one will want to be associated with hacking retards
And pin it. So it would crash with no survivors
ok thanks OP you're a good guy, make it low marketcap so theres an actual moon. Do you think I should sell half my ADST for this?
This or tron
jesus these suggestions are fucking lame..
too many normies nowadays...
come up with something to make some $ for you guys
Making a fake website with a XMR javascript miner comes to mind, then posting the URL as an article comes to mind.
Step 1) FUD Ripple
Step 2) Tweet that the Account was hacked and everything is now under control
Step 3) Shill FUN
Step 4) Tweet that the account has been re-hacked but is now under-control and appologies
Step 5) Announce Tron as new FC Barcelona Sponsor
Step 6) Tweet that the hacker has been caught and the issue resolved
Step 7) Post Porn
People will be so fucking confused as to what is going on lel
Shill icx
please say that something is now accepting payment in raiblocks going live next week
Actually pls don't my link bags will not survive. FUN legitimately makes sense desu
theres actually good potential here, is there a sports gambling coin?
no no lol I doubt any of these retards will even understand this shit..
I don't recommend anyone to sell a coin for this, I'm not going to.. just doing it for fun
pump a shitcoin you fucking dumb idiot
I'm spanish and I know this newspaper, it's a catalan sports newspaper.
Why did you choose to hack this particularly? Not that I even care, just curious.
You can throw shit about anything, this newspaper is well known and credible.
Guys just imagine how mad will Sergey will be if journalists start asking why smart contracts. Com sponsored hacker attack
Shill VEN. It's not like anything would happen.
It was a bruteforce attack and they had a shitty password
Can any design fags model chain link cube on Barcelona player shirts?
Post the password lmao
Just sent an email with this thread link and to check their security :^)
Say something about considering the use of edgeless or funfair for sports betting
op is a liar, post a picture of messi vs ronaldo and ask whos their favorite to prove ur actually in control
dumbest posts of the day
Shill TRX, please!
ok say theres a chance to win tickets to FIFA or whatever the soccer shit is and that they partnered with xrb, and to enter to win you have to buy xrb and send it to your address, every ripple they send you counts as an entry in the drawing.
Haha well, not so surprised about the password thing.
As says, photoshopping any crypto logo on a shirt would be great lol
Enable 2FA on the account to make sure they can't get back in easily.
use archive to see their twitter from like 1 hour ago I added the bitcoin address to the bio, you think they would do it? moron
cool mate, ruin it for the rest of Veeky Forums like the loner virgin you are
Barcelona announces partnership with gambling cryptocurrency "Funfair", which aims to decentralize online gaming
Barcelona anuncia su asociación con la criptomoneda de juego "Funfair", que tiene como objetivo descentralizar los juegos en línea
How does one hack a random page on twitter? Can't wrap my mind around
Le hacking face
Stay mad twelve year olds
Confederate Revanchism posts
also post a funfair logo
then post good ideas I'm only getting dumb shit so far
I can probably do something related to "send x coin to this address to get a chance of winning y, each $1 = 1 entry"
but what is the point..
max I'll earn is like $200 before they see it if even at all and it is not funny
Bog post
change the sport logo to a FUN token :D
way to ruin the fun
What a fucking nigger you are. Why deny us our lulz and possibly money?!
why do you have to be so gay tho