Fuck gambling

Fuck this shit. Going all in LINK. Never felt more comfy.

Should i buy ether ledger and lock them for 1 year?

Other urls found in this thread:


yeah sure why not op. Sauce me up tho fampai

Gonna need some sauce on that pic first.

>it's a JPG
For this alone, I won't answer your question

>me on the left why bitcoin starts pumping

Sounds like a great way to commit economic suicide. Do it.

gib sauc den i gib yu anwser

Time locked smart contract

Why won’t this play?

OP give sauce

this.. OP ??

here you go



OP give sawce you fucking filthy nigger.

just google image search that shit ffs fellas


i know, right? normie faggots.

Don't, that will lock them into the current price of 78 cents.


500 dollars soon per link

where are the others ?

piss off

patron only

>paying for autism

no thanks

I'll buy some link after the inevitable hard dump once the testnets released and people realize their tokens don't generate value or create demand.

source user-kun

Is this what passes as porn in gookland? Is 10 seconds all it takes for those korean microdicks to ejaculate?

Go back to Twitter, FAGGOT

>implying you would last more than 5 seconds fucking that girl
>implying you would manage to overcome anxiety and get erect
>implying you're not an obese neckbeard kissless virgin


I REALLY need Sauce on that OP

Too bad you'll NEVER have a big white cock like mine, little ricedick

have fun racemixing with her, it's not like your population is 8% and dwindling fast.

best I could do user

When is the testnet and what is this exactly?

kek that chink is like a 3/10... congrats faggot

cats love weed

such a chill animal

Surely Theres a Video of it

>Can go and spread my white seed over China to girls throwing themselves at me
>Can still go back to the west and raise a white family as normal
Such is the reality of being a white God.

>Not being black and getting every type of girl

sold my links for mincoin

Stop posting gooks and porn, faggot. What are you, a kike?

> tfw I'm unironically Black
> can spread my seed and have the government raise my children

Literally cucking Trump

WTF bruh you're sick

(((expose them at any chance)))


Welcome brownbro.

Dominicans in the house??