>invest in meme coins get a meme result
>print article calling crypto dangerous
Thanks for keeping the normies out soyboy
>invest in meme coins get a meme result
>print article calling crypto dangerous
Thanks for keeping the normies out soyboy
even shitcoins need strong hands. retard could've made a profit
>I write about video games and technology
If he had only waited fucking soyboy
A dangerous feeling?
He is right to feel like a fucking idiot so he wont do it again.
Oh wait we live in a world where the mistakes you make are always because of somebody else
LMFAO if the faggot would have not ATH and fucking held you would not have lost anything.
I Sold high and bought back around .89, doubled my money.
>soyboy's first foray into crypto
>throws money at shitcoins
>gets BTFO
I know, its like he is taking a risk and mommy won't be there to save him. kek
did he sell? Please told me he sold.
Nah, he still has it I guess. Unless he panic told and killed himself like BCC users last night
>Forbes contributor
>Skilled in the art of buying high and selling low
How am I not surprised?
niggers like him deserve to lose money. Everyone who has been losing money in the past weeks was already late to the party.
he is not wrong tho, investing in cripto is dangerous
thanks for the $3k "videogamer"
Ummm everyone got burned bro
Please kys. Thanks.
>(((David Thier)))
I bet one of his immediate relatives owns a bank.
speak for yourself, i didn't sell at the lowest point like a retard lol.
>I Just ... And Thats ....
the state of modern journalism
read the article. he's holding you fucking idiot. the title is to suck cunts in and it worked. fuck FUD
Hey guys, he has a point here. I know it's been fun but we probably should put our money back in banks and leave this dangerous crypto stuff alone. After all, isn't finance BORING? Wouldn't you rather be playing some fun video games or watching porn? Let's let G-d's chosen people manage our money. Working 9 to 5 is the classic American dream.
how so?
* breathes in *
He writes about video games, and I.T. Loooooser.
Spoken like a true /pol/itican. It's those fucking jews is why I'm poor, fat and lonely
How have normies not figured it out yet?
They buy in cause the media but the media is shit
Why can't they just google something and then come to a conclusion themselves?
>investing is dangerous
big fucking news
>Write for Forbes™
>Still invest in scamcoins
Is this real? What a dumbass. To be fair, 6 idiots in my class have invested in those two normie coins only, and near the all time high. They are circlejerking with twitter posts and retarded TA that thells them both are going to the moon...
define "everyone," nigger
Not individually, but they are unironically responsible for society as a whole becoming poorer, fatter, and lonelier.
Take responsibility for your own problems, nobody controls you unless you allow them
da rich jews put da poor white man down ! fuckl da raciyus system!
These articles, though false and unresearched, are essential for the growth of crypto.
They regulate the flow of normies, so we aren't being clustered by normiefucks with weak hands, that'll eventually crash the whole market.
Thank you Dave Thier, for postponing the bubble. And thanks for your cheap bags!
You live in a society where people dont form their own opinions. They are looking for the opinion of others to adapt as their own.
The Facebook-generation will probably be the most gullible generation of people in all of human history.
I do take responsibility for myself and i agree with you, thats why i said not individually.
Pretending that the fed and banks arent making people poorer (purchasing power of a dollar/fed interest rates), shitty fast food being mass produced to be sold at margins for a profit without regard for health isnt making people fatter, and that jew media and feminism isnt responsible for (or at least playing a role in) people being lonelier, is ignorant in my opinion.
Its like a shitty kid being raised by shitty parents. Yes the kid can make his own decisions and is individually responsible for his own actions, but the parents influence will still play a role in shaping the individual.
I agree bro.! da evil jew control da system das why we poor white. fuck da racyiss system man, one day we gonn beat dose evil jew mothafuckas and take back what belong to us!! peace
t. guy that started trading last week
>t. jew
>I write about video games
first thing i noted myself. Manchild
not an argument
How is he working there?
bro wat u talkin bout? i hate dose evil jew mothafuckas! dey keep us poor whyte ppl down. dose fuckin jews made me fat and poor an den put me in a fuckin trailr park. fuck da shit man, das racyiss.
What a cuckold, he got weak hands and sold his bags. Both literally fuckin MOONIN
tron up 100 percent the day he sells
Reddit please leave
fukk you evil jew ! !! im gonna take back all de money u stole from me kike!!
why are they meme coins again?
fuck off kike
lol you only 'lose' when u sell. Tell the normie idiot not to sell next time
>Write about video games
>Looks to be at least 35 with that Just hairline
I remember playing video games too.....when I was 14.....
How do you have time to play video games when you are older? All that time wasted could be spent learning markets, investing, etc.
You only lose when you sell. I held and will be on board for the ATH in 2 weeks
fuckin kikes control everythin.. if it wasxn't for dem i would be millionaire now, fuck these fyuckin kikes man
>Buy thing
>Thing value goes to 0 and disappears forever
>Never sold so I never lost lol
Absolute cuckold newfag
not an argument
Why is it always the soybos with the weakest hands
bro whatchu talkin bout? I agree wif everyfin u said bro.
fuck da racyiss kikes n all their money and succesful jobs and power.
fukk dem. our day is gnna come whyte friends, we gonna beat al the rich kikes and take back our money!
you're trying too hard
u probably is one dem kikes yourself. fuck u kike boi, you aint gonna steal my money fuck offf!
im strong independet whyte male wit many guns so fukk u kike!!
this is just reddit cringe now
>dangerous feeling
what a faggot
fuck off newfag i bought at the absolute bottom
shoulda just held on to some UFR gatch the moon trip
> invests in literally the worst coins
"wow crypto is a scam lol xd"
Normies have weak hands and can't hold.
>I lost $3000 in Tron and ripple
Picking those shitcoins it's a shame he didn't lose more
literally not this. those shitcoins will nevet hit ath again
I was responding to the "everyone" part. I'm obviously not in TRX.
Fuck off back to plebbit, faggot
I Just Lost 200 Dollars Investing In BitConnect (And PonziCoin), And It's A Dangerous Feeling
Congratulations, you just spend your hard earned money on some memes
>video games """""""""journalist"""""""""
>hard-earned money
That guy sucks at grammar (and crypto).
Ahh yes, the normie holy trinity of anti-gains
>Lost $3,000
So he sold at a loss lol?
>sorry about all your shekels, you stupid goyim