Huobi competition ended

>huobi competition ended
>bear successfully shoo'd
>still touring with NEO in europe
>binance listing imminent according to dev in telegram
>building AI and blockchain laboratories in silicon valley
>logo is literally a fucking brain
Why are you not all in? This is the most obvious moon I've ever seen. $1 EOTM easy

Cmon baby, you think I'm not all in? You think my iron grip hasn't been fucking tested? You think... I... We might not ever reach $1...

>we only need a 5x to $1

Please buy DBC guys, PLEASE

Here is when the real moon mission starts boys, i thank the dip for letting me buy low again.

I am only ~88% in, I was to lazy to send rest of ETH from cryptopia.

I saw the dip happen and gathered all my will power. Bought the fucking dip and am now finally comfy

>binance listing imminent according to dev in telegram

show proof

>binance listing imminent according to dev in telegram

Proof? I didn't think Binance accepted NEO tokens.

You did good, son.


how is this proof?

Fuck huobi
can we get that shit taken down
any hackers here that can mtgox that shit

>I didn't think Binance accepted NEO tokens

>>binance listing imminent according to dev in telegram

Im not in the tg group, I only answered your question on Binance and nep5-tokens. If op's statement is true, it will probably be on leddit

DBC is my ticket to lambo land.

Sitting on 22k down from 102k.. gonna an hero of it ever goes to 10

It's the long march up, Brain Gang! Who has been in this since day one before it even got on CoinMarketCap?


Exactly. Using processing power to train AIs (that's how they learn) is brilliant.
Love this project.

hahahaha these threads are pretty pathetic, it's like bagholders anonymous

the best part is that pure reddit faggot who spouts nothing but forced positivity and "brain gang xddd" over and over again and people actually encourage him

bought at 12, sold my bags at 52 cents, see ya suckers

I'v been in since it was mistakenly ranked number 1018 on CMC.

>see ya suckers
Except you'll be in the next thread and every dbc thread after that because you are a fucking retard who is literally incapable of selling and leaving a coin behind you and forgetting about it. You must suffer from some kind of brain injury because you have this bizarre compulsion of giving gay attention seeking lectures in every thread about how everyone should respect you because of how much of a weak handed little poof you are. You should honestly walk into traffic because no one fucking gives a shit about any of your opinions. See you at $1 faggot.

You don't have to like me, but you should respect me for me dropping my bags on you

>I dropped my ETH bags at $7. Lol bagholders.

Girl on the right looks so much like my GF, it's fucking scaring me thinking how the fuck you got her picture.

hahahahahahahahaha you probably don't know anything about actual ML that's why you think this coin is legit

Fuck off street shitter

Fuck this shitcoin its going to hell

Last warning before Discord dump.

Comp Sci grad who actually knows and does research on ML here. I hold this coin because I know ML is a very effective buzzword and will bring up the price of the coin

Post your portfolio faggot!
This retards whines every thread lol, fuckin crybaby piece of shit. Probably bought in ATH and spaghettified the dip.
I get warm fuzzy feeling every time I see him posting because I know he lost his hard earned $500. Poor will stay poor, faggot.

I've literally only posted in these threads once before.

Thanks for the easy 4x off you retarded faggots

4 x $15 = $60

Try not to respond to him or the other 3 that do this. They are a waste of time and are bitter and angry.

Just stay HYPE for the BRAIN GANG and DBC my friends.

Good for you friend! Drop the knowledge on him!

Wow congrats my friends! I got in at .14 have 3400 and been HYPING and working ever since to help us all make it!

I even save memories from threads, favorite is the A.I. dbc theory they did as a funny in one late thread. BRAIN GANG brings the fun!

I'm getting sick of this coin. The only people buying and selling now are whales. Nothing has changed from before the dip just constant walls.

I steal that copy paste.

dbc is a literal shitcoin

Korea, China and US can't participate in ICOs. Pajeets did a great job spotting this coin.


To be desu, the community is atrocious. That tripfag in particular. Horrible, horrible.

I'm all loaded up, let's go boys
